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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MiKi trembles a little, but is otherwise alright. "I'll be fine, I think," she tells Flame.
  2. GAH! I don't have the stinking tazer!!! No matter how much I want it.... I DON'T HAVE IT!!!! Now that that's out of the way.... I'm really not that great a mafiosa. I'm still somewhat noobish. There are many people out there better than me. @Aar And I'll be the beautiful lover.
  3. PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Aaryan 11. 12. 13. MiKi Backups: 1. 2. Hell yeah, I'm signing up for this. XD Mafia has been pretty slow for me lately, cuz there aren't any small or simple games on MM atm, and I need a game that won't take up too much time.
  4. MiKi is everywhere..... Kidding. Okay, okay, I'll stop terrorizing the noob now. It was fun while it lasted. *sighs wistfully*
  5. MissKitten


    Damn. I was gonna use MAGIC. But, as that doesn't work.... RAMPS
  6. Psst.... You do realize I'm in the smiley kingdom too, right?
  7. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

  8. "Swim higher!" MiKi says, and begins to swim as high as she can.
  9. MiKi screams. "Help! Someone get this creepy thing away from me!" OOC: Um.... please don't tell me I'm alone here....
  10. @Brainiac :lol: I'm not quite sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment. So thanks....? Maybe? I think?
  11. MiKi looks confused. "Who'll hear us? What do you mean?" She turns to the others, trying to see if they know what the manta rays are talking about.
  12. If Y-san hosts one of her mafias, I can try to get mine ready to play after hers.
  13. MissKitten


    Updated scores:
  14. MissKitten


    LOGIC @Thal Yeah, flame had an incorrect logic. And thanks, I totally forgot!
  15. MiKi slowly swims forward. "We come in peace," she calls, trying to placate the manta rays.
  16. MiKi's actually supervising, so she can't drive you up the wall. And because supervising and mentoring at the same time will take some time, I won't be able to properly plan out how to shank my mentee to the best of my ability. Darn.
  17. *squee* I really really like you, brainiac.
  18. @Thal *points to Brainiac* I like him. @Brainiac Then you'll fit right in. It's awesome to see you already getting into the Bden spirit. And re: shanking, lol, as long as you're a fast learner, you won't be shanked too bad. I promise. Or do I?
  19. MissKitten


    QUOTE START-0 STUMP-0 PAPER-0 PLUMP-0 SOUND-0 STARK-0 SORRY-0 ANION-0 ANIME-1 ABIDE-1 AVOID-1 STORK-1 OVOID-1 WHOLE-2 WROTE-3 MiKi +20, Thalia +25, Panther +5 Nice, Thal. I think that's the right points? If someone wants to check, go right ahead.
  20. "Should we shout again?" MiKi asks. "Maybe they're hiding?"
  21. MissKitten


    ??O?E START-0 STUMP-0 PAPER-0 PLUMP-0 SOUND-0 STARK-0 SORRY-0 ANION-0 ANIME-1 ABIDE-1 AVOID-1 STORK-1 OVOID-1 MiKi +18, Thalia +5, Panther +5
  22. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Awesome. In my spare time, I...
  23. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    @li You'd do fine as a mentor. After all, you've HOSTED mafias. You should be able to mentor a noob.
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