Hey morph! I am MiKi and I give nicknames to all noobs. I don't quite feel like typing a lot right now, so I'll just say a few quick things. First of all, welcome to the Den! We're all a little crazy here, so if you'd like to keep your sanity, I'd suggest you leave. But I'd you decide to stay, we're all more than happy to help you find a niche in our family.
I'd like to point you towards a little game we call mafia, in the games forum. I can't explain it now, I'm on an iPad and typing is hard, but someone (probably Thalia) will be here soon to explain for me.
Also, I have a little speech I usually give to noobs. I think the full version is in Davideez's intro, and the abridged version is in rickleeds's intro. But it's really really important, so go check it out!
Once again, MiKi wishes you a warm welcome and hopes you'll be very happy here.