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rookie1ja last won the day on November 16 2020

rookie1ja had the most liked content!

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  1. Hi there, well spotted. Ranks have been added recently and I have recalculated them for all the past posts (it took a few days). You have been awarded the highest rank - Grand Master. Here are the points needed for ranks. Points are received mainly for each new created topic (10 points) and for each reply to existing topic (5 points). There are also a few other badges, eg. for 500 posts or for 1 year since joining.
  2. HEY ROOK,

    help me with any viable answers for the similarity between the numbers 85, 17, 19, 4 and 2?

  3. I agree. Every forum member, guest or simply a fan of this website can help by linking to BrainDen.com (or any specific page within these forums - eg. Mafia games) and by that recommending this website to others. Of course, the best place for such link/recommendation is a website visited by people who like brain teasers and games. Are you a webmaster? Do you have a blog? Are you a regular contributor to other forums? Do you have an account on myspace, facebook, twitter or any other social/community site? Do you link your favorite sites on stumbleupon, digg, reddit, delicious or any other online bookmarking service? Are you a teacher who gives his/her students brain teasers on your school's web site? Are you a student who likes to discuss topics on school's web site or just chatting/talking to other students? Do you have friends who like brain teasers and games? If you answered "YES" at least once, then you can help by linking BrainDen pages that you like on other sites where you participate. There is also another simple way to recommend good content to your friends - click Google "+1" or Facebook "Like" buttons at the top of the page that you find interesting. For instance, do you like our Optical Illusions? Thanks.
  4. Enter the spoiler code manually - copy or write this [spoiler='visible title']hidden text[/spoiler]
  5. That's a great optical illusion which got viral 2 days ago and it divided internet population to 2 groups - those who saw "white and gold" and those who saw "blue and black" (who were in minority). Even many celebrities got involved. Of course, what might see as white is actually blue. It was quite well explained on many sites already. Since I have here a nice collection of color illusions as well, BrainDen was quoted in several articles about that dress (Washington Post, Guardian etc.). Thanks for sharing the illusion. Keep them coming. Enjoy the Den
  6. Site Admin is happy to help and unleash epic BrainDen Mafia battles of wits again. I have invited 17 old Mafia players via mail.
  7. Thanks for reporting the issue. Sorry it took so long but it should be corrected now. Let me know if there is anything else that could be improved.
  8. With great sadness in my heart I have learnt that SuperPrismatic, our well-respected forum moderator, has died suddenly on March 25th 2014 at the age of 69. It was a heart attack without any previous medical problems. Michael (whom we knew as SuperPrismatic) left a wife and 5 children. He joined BrainDen Brain Teaser Forums 6 years ago and his genius was apparent from the very beginning. However, he was not only brilliant but also very respectful which is also why I offered him to be The Moderator here. It was an honor for me that he accepted my offer and that he contributed to this website so much. SP's daughter wrote us that SP enjoyed this BrainDen website and SP wouldn't want to abandon this place without saying Farewell. And that's why let me use this thread to: 1. thank SP for all the great discussions, all the posts where he helped others and all the time he spent here with us 2. share my sincere condolences with SP's family Please join me in this Last Farewell to SP. Thanks.
  9. That's great news. I wish you all the best
  10. Hi Wing, thanks a lot for pointing that out. I have corrected the wording as per your suggestion and you can check it here (you might need to refresh the page in your browser to see the change) - http://brainden.com/logic-puzzles.htm If you notice anything else that could be improved, don't hesitate to let me know and I will do my best to improve it. Thanks.
  11. Not sure if I understand. Keywords should already be included in the original puzzle threads and adding keywords which are not already part of the original thread would still leave some synonyms out. Any example where you searched for some old thread and could not find it by using some specific keyword?
  12. Yes, BrainDen website (both forum and non-forum part) should be optimized for mobile as well. What is your experience? Do you like it?
  13. That's correct Let me know if you want to know further details or if you have any suggestions to improve anything.
  14. test 17:03 CET - time corrected (10 minute delta) If you see 1 hour difference then you may change your daylight saving settings. Let me know how it goes.
  15. test at 13:02 CET - to be investigated
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