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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. aside. Hey, Hey Dude. Good to see you.
  2. Afraid I'm not doing you justice here my friend.
  3. fp. There are too many fences in the world already ;-)
  4. Probably something to do with the settings on my tablet. On the forum main page is a section for "recent facebook activity"; when I reduced this all worked right away.Wtf;-)
  5. aside. thanks for the code. still unable to open spoilers directly.
  6. Another guess for 3 is inside plasmid;-) I hope
  7. And some folks say he can't sit still
  8. thanks for the pig back fab ;-)
  9. Thanks pg. Logged in on a pc and all ok. Still funked on my tablet though. Anyone else use a samsung galaxy?just noticed that your iconic picture doen't show on this either. Others do though.
  10. I am unable to open spoilers. Can anyone help? thanks in advance jw
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