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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    ahh - our posts crossed in the ether. do you want me to score ANIME? Help - am in a quandary. Dont think I can give this one to you as STAGS wasnt guessed/scored??? (EDIT) scrolling error on my part, jeesh ca c'est bon, mon ami EDIT: please excuse my southern French/Arcadian (y'all) A _ _ I _ STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0 WHOSE - 0 ANVIL - 2 AROSE - 1 AGAIN - 2 TRAIT - 1 TROIS - 1[/code] +5 Glycereine +5 Maurice
  2. plainglazed


    A _ _ _ _ STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0 WHOSE - 0 ANVIL - 2 AROSE - 1 AGAIN - 2[/code] +5 Glycereine
  3. plainglazed


    A _ _ _ _ STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0 WHOSE - 0 ANVIL - 2 AROSE - 1[/code] +5 Glycereine
  4. plainglazed


    STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0 WHOSE - 0 ANVIL - 2[/code]
  5. hey fabpig - neither of those - dont get to say that often
  6. plainglazed


    STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0 WHOSE - 0[/code] brb - gotta go daddy taxi
  7. plainglazed


    STAGS - 0 TREAT - 0[/code]
  8. plainglazed


    ahh, shucks. no that's six letters. okay... _ _ _ _ _
  9. Another excellent riddle, PG!!! hey EDM - both answers make a lot of sense but am afraid, not what I'm after. As for the riddle, would think the verdict's still out but thanks so much . hey LJ - get where you're coming from but not it and not my answer for this one either. good thought for sure. am curious how this one goes. will see... hey hey t_l - yes, especially to the first one. hey DD - right on, well done. egad, correct again! should have realized t_l's alternative answer. gonna share the credit.
  10. well that was quick and that's definitely a perfect fit but not what you'll need in the end, sorry - rats!
  11. hey t_l - still thinking about this one but
  12. A one word solution for each following rhyme Then another as usual, found differently this time That lunatic is a hard case to crack Once that's overcome you needn't turn back Even when mild there's no need to exclaim Just seriously promise that you'll do the same After combing the scene such sweet surrender For sensitive reactions a local defender So it takes the cake, you cover the spread As a result, a cold streak, could end you up dead If at first it seems quite the exception The more you read into it betters perception Losing its cool when springs into action Tensions are eased, could increase the traction Delivered the pitch with utter success Striking a chord, you had to confess At first you might think you've found what to use But contrary to that, more puzzling ensues FWIW - links to similar ones from before:
  13. thanks for the well wishes, old chap!

  14. hey EDM - was indeed a wonderful day. thanks so much for the birthday wishes.

  15. fun filled indeed, maybe a little too much so - thanks for the well wishes t_l

  16. hey man - thanks for the greetings - was indeed a great day

  17. plainglazed


    LOOKS - if 2 then O is the third letter and S is the last letter. Not LO from LOGIC - 0 and since SMOKE - 1, at most only one of O and K can be it so S is last. From SIOUX - 1 and not the SI from SIGHT - 0 nor the X if S is now established there then must be one of O or U for the third and fourth. In order for only one of O and K, and one of O and U to both be correct for the third and fourth letter, the third letter has to be O.
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