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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. enjoyed the back and forth. hope you all did as well. over and out
  2. *sniff sniff* I love the smell of burning brain cell in the morning. jk, more like you saving my bacon. well done
  3. three yeses you two. only a couple of left
  4. plainglazed


    G E C K O HINTS - 0 PRESS - 0 READY - 1 POWER - 0 CLAIM - 0 BEADY - 1 READS - 1 AVERT - 0 RINDS - 0 GECKO - 5[/code] +30 Maquis +9 plainglazed ta da. was debating between two words and coincidentally they had the same second letter. guess I chose poorly. your up Maq Glycereine - 788 plainglazed - 649 maurice - 534 Cherry Lane - 532 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Maquis - 386 araver - 346 Unreality - 284 dawh - 220 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 116 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5
  5. plainglazed


    _ E _ _ _ HINTS - 0 PRESS - 0 READY - 1 POWER - 0 CLAIM - 0 BEADY - 1 READS - 1 AVERT - 0 RINDS - 0[/code] +5 Maquis Sorry for the overlook araver and thanks for the nudge Maq. am I caught up now?
  6. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ HINTS - 0 PRESS - 0 READY - 1 POWER - 0 CLAIM - 0 BEADY - 1 READS - 1[/code]
  7. hey araver - great riddle, most impressive. thanks for the fun. and nice solve DD
  8. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ HINTS - 0 PRESS - 0 READY - 1 POWER - 0 CLAIM - 0[/code]
  9. plainglazed


    _ _ _ _ _ HINTS - 0 PRESS - 0 READY - 1[/code] I think Maq's got it. Comparing CUISH and GUISE to QUICK eliminates the UI and the last letter is already established leaving C or S in CUISH being correct and G or S in GUISE as correct. The only way both can be true is if S is the fourth letter.
  10. plainglazed


    woot woot! gonna go ahead and start while the gang's all here. hail hail! _ _ _ _ _
  11. plainglazed


    now A must be third as GUARD - 1 not U from CUISH - 1 (the S) and not G from GUISE - 2 (the SE)
  12. ha ha, best be careful. I had to give up cryptic clues as they started showing up everywhere. wouldnt have been a bad clue though. ughhh, stop that... hey rlgandy - I have a different one in mind for split bag but would say yours is an acceptable alternative. Of course I assume that all of my answers are correct. assume away, keep a rollin'. good one!
  13. right on DD, thought that one might be one of the tougher ones.
  14. that's not what I have in mind but thanks for the start off DD. hope I didnt put you on the spot. hey hey M M - accepting one of those in the spoiler below with a slight modification that might help with the format going forward.
  15. plainglazed


    okay, less greedy this time GRASS - if 1 then G is the first letter. Not RASS from BRASS - 0. if 0 then E is the last letter. From GLAZE - 1 not the G if GRASS - 0, from BLUSH - 0 not the L, from BRASS - 0 not the A, and from KUDZO not the Z.
  16. know what it's like when you get stuck on an idea. but yeah, no.
  17. plainglazed


    GROSS - if 2 then G _ O _ _ as R and SS are eliminated from BRASS - 0.
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