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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    S K U N K SPELL - 1 SPOIL - 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL - 1 SPIEL - 1 SORRY - 1 START - 1 SLUMP - 2 [/code] +30 maurice +8 plainglazed Glycereine - 674 plainglazed - 580 Cherry Lane - 532 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 maurice - 302 Unreality - 284 dawh - 194 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 106 araver - 98 JarZe - 96 Maquis - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 man, of all the five letter words that start with S... well done. you're up, maurice
  2. plainglazed


    S _ _ _ _ SPELL - 1 SPOIL - 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL - 1 SPIEL - 1 SORRY - 1 START - 1 SLUMP - 2 [/code] +5 maurice
  3. plainglazed


    S _ _ _ _ SPELL - 1 SPOIL - 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL - 1 SPIEL - 1 SORRY - 1[/code] +5 maurice
  4. plainglazed


    S _ _ _ _ SPELL - 1 SPOIL - 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL - 1 SPIEL - 1[/code] +5 maurice
  5. plainglazed


    Should probably give it to you since you've done all the leg work but am not familiar with that word. If you can give some spiel to the contrary, will count it.
  6. plainglazed


    SPELL - 1 SPOIL - 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL - 1 SMELT - 1[/code]
  7. plainglazed


    SPELL - 1 SPOIL _ 1 SPILL - 1 SMELL _ 1[/code]
  8. plainglazed


    SPELL - 1 SPOIL _ 1 SPILL - 1[/code]
  9. plainglazed


    woot, woot, have no idea what inspired those last two guesses... _ _ _ _ _
  10. Knew it was a little too convoluted. Would have thought it much easier to find several cases that satisfied the operation given only two data points. And tried many many different approaches. A tribute to a well thought out challenge. Will be looking for another tablet as well as continuing analyzing what we've found thus far.
  11. plainglazed


    D O U B T DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 BONUS - 1 BINGE - 0 TONUS - 1 TONER - 1 BRIES - 0 DONUT - 3 [/code] araver +5 maurice +25 plainglazed +9 Glycereine - 669 plainglazed - 557 Cherry Lane - 532 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Unreality - 284 maurice - 253 t8t8t8 - 190 dawh - 189 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 106 JarZe - 96 Maquis - 91 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 araver - 64 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5
  12. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 BONUS - 1 BINGE - 0 TONUS - 1 TONER - 1 BRIES - 0 DONUT - 3 [/code] araver +5
  13. plainglazed


    DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 BONUS - 1 BINGE - 0 TONUS - 1 [/code] hey araver - masochistically enjoying your Mystery Operation. will be in and out online today but will continue to dwell offline when not here.
  14. plainglazed


    DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 BONUS - 1 BINGE - 0 [/code]
  15. plainglazed


    DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 BONUS - 1 [/code]
  16. hey peace - two longshots but shots nonetheless
  17. Right on. That is the intended answer. Well done Joaquin and welcome to the den. EDIT: @EDM - thanks, much better this time, huh?
  18. plainglazed


    DRIVE - 0 RIVER - 0 HINGE - 0 [/code]
  19. plainglazed


    Yep, also been searching.
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