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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. nope, what I meant by close was his answer came from the same general interpretation of the clues as mine as far as I can tell.
  2. plainglazed


    FLAIR - if 1 then I is the fourth letter - not F from FRUMP - 0, not LA from BLANK - 0, not R from CLEAR - 0
  3. see the connection but not what I have in mind. think by DudleyDude is closest so far.
  4. yeah, need that other third. thanks brrr
  5. plainglazed


    CRANE - if 1 then last letter is E - not C from CLEAR - 0, not R from FRUMP - 0, and not AN from BLANK - blank.
  6. where do you come across one of those? beside the roadway that is. gotta say not it. now that's a relief. not it.
  7. wouldn't say that, Thalia. woulndn't say correct just yet but still works with two out of three. no, sir. true re the fun though you start to worry you're the only one having any. so contrary to what I said- connecting the last clue to the ones "not really it" "but could be kind of close" and include ice and ring maybe in that group and...
  8. nope, man I have to learn to keep it shut. gotta think if I had stayed quiet this whole time this one would be marked solved by now. oops.
  9. EDIT: You know, after looking at the post, I have no idea how I got that. Lol. hey brrr - ughh, can't say yes to that one (but I guess in a sense I did say yes) not it my friend. agree with all you say above. real good thoughts. coincidentally my answer is also edible for that clue.
  10. not it not really it but could be kind of close right genre maybe
  11. I'm almost entirely stumped. Good one! Gah! *headdesk* As for the doggie, I just tend to pick up and retain random bits of trivia.... not it. dont give up yet, please.
  12. plainglazed


    B U R N T IVORY - 0 SPELL - 0 PRINT - 2 SPENT - 2 CHANT - 2 SHUNT _ 2 BURNT - 5 [/code] +30 maurice +6 plainglazed Glycereine - 611 Cherry Lane - 532 plainglazed - 473 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 379 Unreality - 284 t8t8t8 - 190 dawh - 184 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 NickFleming- 136 woon - 136 maurice - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 Fabpig - 52 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 JarZe - 25 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 To answer your question, I'd say no worries. This thread's activity kinda comes and goes in waves it seems. Weekends and weekend days especially are usually slower. To me all action is welcomed. You're up, maurice.
  13. EDIT: no, sorry. that first one is quite good and coming from a toatlly different place than mine. but still going to hold off for my answer.
  14. while that answer is synonomous to glass, and can make a connection to spread, the hard blow to seems quite the stretch. got to shut up now. but one last word. some of my recent responses might... ok, zppp
  15. really like that logic but not right just yet.
  16. the answer could be used in one of those.
  17. not really it. but could be kind of close.
  18. hey there C_V - not the first, already done the second, and how in the did you know the name of that chatty doggie (so no me fears).
  19. plainglazed


    _ _ _ N T IVORY - 0 SPELL - 0 PRINT - 2 SPENT - 2 CHANT - 2 SHUNT _ 2 +10 maurice [/code]
  20. plainglazed


    _ _ _ N T IVORY - 0 SPELL - 0 PRINT - 2 SPENT - 2 CHANT - 2 +10 maurice [/code]
  21. gotta agree. just about that toughie part though. truthfully, I can never tell at first. thought this one might be too easy. get what you mean Thalia, but not my answer. ahhh, a little wake and bake perhaps? perfectly logic and nice explanations but not it.
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