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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed


    A is the first letter - GATOR - 2 the established R and one other. Not G from GRUNT - 0, not A from HAIRY - 0 so one of the T or O. ACTOR - 3 the established R, one of the T or O so also one of the A or C. ICHOR - 1 the established R so C is not the second letter leaving A as the first. EDIT - man I type slow. Three posts before I could get this one in. nevermind.
  2. get where you're coming from but I've gone in a different direction.
  3. rats, all three are really good but not my answer. my apologies M M.
  4. plainglazed


    C R Y P T WHIRL - 0 TRICK - 1 TREAT - 2 WHELP - 0 WHEAT - 1 GREAT - 2 TREAD - 1 BROAD - 1 GROUT - 2 CRAFT - 3 CRYPT - 5 [/code] araver +25 maurice +5 plainglazed +10 Glycereine - 611 Cherry Lane - 532 plainglazed - 513 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 379 Unreality - 284 t8t8t8 - 190 dawh - 184 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 NickFleming- 136 woon - 136 maurice - 110 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 Fabpig - 52 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 JarZe - 25 araver - 25 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 well done araver - you're up
  5. plainglazed


    _ R _ _ T WHIRL - 0 TRICK - 1 TREAT - 2 WHELP - 0 WHEAT - 1 GREAT - 2 TREAD - 1 BROAD - 1 GROUT - 2 CRAFT - 3 [/code] araver +5 maurice +5 and welcome to the game Maquis.
  6. none of the above. the OP's to blame so - REWRITE When it first dawns on you However taxing it may feel A little shot of encouragement Take it from me will help you deal Where all is safe and sound Comfort I afford, complete Shouldn't have to spill the beans For I know you can take the heat And although it's hard to handle You had better get a grip Or else you might have me to face I've taken 'bout 'nough of your lip
  7. plainglazed


    _ R _ _ T WHIRL - 0 TRICK - 1 TREAT - 2 WHELP - 0 WHEAT - 1 GREAT - 2 TREAD - 1 BROAD - 1 GROUT - 2 [/code] araver +5 maurice +5
  8. plainglazed


    WHIRL - 0 TRICK - 1 TREAT - 2 WHELP - 0 WHEAT - 1[/code]
  9. hey DD - not that for the third three of three and thanks
  10. i cant remember, so you can guess what that means.
  11. plainglazed


    WHIRL - 0 TRICK - 1 TREAT - 2[/code]
  12. yes! that's it! can I ask what gave it to you? am guessing the funny part is the visual of a young child with a hand leaving a jar and headed for the mouth.
  13. no and reread this second line and realize it's potentially worse. part of it is more cryptic than the other clues.
  14. hey Wilson - yours are always clever and fun but mine's just not so much. this line is something of a red herring or only applicable if the rest of the riddle fails to give the answer me, too. wish I'd thought of that.
  15. sorry its so long winded.... Hey C_V - not familiar with one of those so guess not. it does fit quite well, tho. Wow.....how do you come up with this stuff??? not a place, EDM. Thinking this one may need a rewrite/edit/added verse or something.
  16. pretty good answers all. thinking perhaps my definition of glass is not as recognizable as I had thought. Here's another clue for this one - Soundly defeat a strike for control: a small victory
  17. plainglazed


    FERNS - if 1 then E is the second letter; if 0 then E is the first letter. from EERIE - 1, one of the first two Es must be correct because the RIE are excluded from ARRAY - 0, FLAIR - 0, CRANE - 0; respectively. From FERNS, the RNS are eliminated as possible from ARRAY - 0, CRANE - 0, GOALS - 0; respectively. So if FERNS - 1 then both F and E cannot be it so it must be the E and if FERNS - 0 it cannot be the second E so E must be the first from the logic just stated.
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