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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. a most enjoyable puzzle! might not be able to stop working at it. thanks superprismatic
  2. hey Wilson - have something more palatable in mind for this one . sorry for the delay in responding. will be checking in more often now.
  3. hey MM - quiting is easy, I've done it thousands of times. (-Mark Twain, proportedly but havnt verified) stay strong.

  4. until the stream runs dry or some pesky invention like electricity comes along. sorry to throw a wrench in your gears, but not it. well there's more than a grain of truth to that statement. nicely figured, Wilson (my good man)
  5. well, am not familair with that one. if you can further substantiate, will accept it. At the risk of appearing a bit dim - I don't follow this connection at all. Help a bear of little brain please
  6. hey hey Wilson - that works better than mine. wish I'd kept quite about this one all along so I could pretend to be so clever. nice one.
  7. in the immortal words of Bill Preston - nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin' oow - good answer - works with most all of the double entendre; even the dont be shaken, you have to maintain bit. still think there's one better *fingers crossed*
  8. I get the connections you've made between the words of your answers but think the intended are more directly synonomous. will say what you have parenthetically in the first one spoiler above could be similar in a very general sense? and do like how maybe you interpretted the second word of the second spoiler above as a verb (small hint)
  9. I've BEEN LATE for the pub for some time now. ciao EDIT: see what I mean. so distracted forgot to turn the page. gonna OPEN this jar and spread out with no further DELAY.
  10. hey Thalia - sorry I missed you. been staring at t_l's puzzle. can see how your answer fits in a lot of ways with the riddle but am hoping there are some clues in there that will ultimately define the intended answer.
  11. really like the timliness as well as the cleverness of this answer. still got something else in mind.
  12. hey t_l - to let you know am still on the case and for a deserv-ed bump even though i know things are terribly slow here as of late. will keep at it.
  13. plainglazed

    am not quite sure I understand how the boxes are randomized. would you please elaborate on how?
  14. plainglazed


    CLOUT - if 1 then U is fourth; not C from MOVER = COVER = 1, not LO from FLOWN - 0, not T from WHEAT - 0
  15. plainglazed


    FORTS - if 1 then O is the second letter - not F from FLOWN - 0; not RT from PARTY - 0; not S from HEARS - 0
  16. hah, never seen one of those but wouldn't mind one on the old mantelpiece. sounds like it could make quite the design statement. maybe with a little reprogramming it could predict trouble. anyway, no. hello WB - welcome to this side of the forums. definitely see where you're coming from but that's not my intended answer. please come back and take another swing...
  17. plainglazed

    fun puzzles, omnihistor. thanks
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