BALMS - if 1 then A is the second; not B MS from BRIMS - 0 and not the L from COLON - 0.
if BALMS - 0 then Y is the last; from DAISY - 1; not the D or S from DOEST - 0, not the A from BALMS - 0, not the I from BRIMS - 0
glad to see unreality has chimed in as it's his thread afterall. maybe a new topic for the MasterRollo variable letter length is in order. or not. also really like Maquis idea of dropping the scoring and WbB's point that it might possibly be intimidating/impeding new participants.
hey EDM - still not my original but like your second one above even better than your previous alternative answer. keep that hint on this one in mind with your half of my solution and you got it I think.
BULLY - if 2 then L is the third. Not the B from BLOWS - 0 and not the U or the second L from QUALM - 0 and the Y is already established.
if BULLY - 1 then O is the fourth. From ALLOY - 2, the Y and one other but not the A from ARGLE - 0 and not the first L from BLOWS - 0 so one of the second L or the O. cant be the second L from BULLY - 1 which is the established Y.
hey benjer3 - thanks for coming back to this one. yeah, those two as synonyms is a bit of a stretch. imo anyway. these are admittedly tough and on the verge of unfair considering all the possibilities to pull from and what you have to go on. still doable though. hope you give it another go. cheers.
ok, so i have no scruples. especially when it comes to words. didnt really think that would make it past the robo censor tho.
oh, and maurice - you really shouldn't say darn