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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. hey plasmid, 'fraid not those. it's not like they don't fit (esp. your previous guess at 4.) but hoping when all the word play is parsed there is another.
  2. DOH! caught me sp - nice one. and thanks for calling me out Mukul Verma. should have known better (not to get the answer but to have doubted bushindo).
  3. plainglazed


    BEATS - if 1 then S is the last letter. not B from BLEED - 0 and not EAT from DEATH - 0.
  4. is west of Irene so back to the grind

  5. hey MK - good answers both, but not the same as mine. and there's no such thing as failing until you give up trying.
  6. plainglazed

    have yet to do the mafia thing and finally one I thought I might be able to sink my teeth into. but alas, no doughnuts .
  7. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    If only you were a drumstick, I'd be pulling your leg.
  8. Great responses t_l and plasmid. t_l nails two more. think each of you is closer to my answer on the last two than the other. would like to say more but... Grant it just might sound like a really great deal Yet this given designation leaves no room for appeal I tend to bring up, and educate in kind All of that which follows, and what is left behind Before each peek preview, and up on attack A little soft-shoe, to steal away from the fact Given their perfomance could be grounds for war Where several such acts possibly settle the score When you're in a jam, I'm the one way out So make your escape, thereby leaving do doubt
  9. EDIT: see spoiler . almost put a pot of coffee on before posting this.
  10. hey Thalia - not it for #1 but right on for #3 (your first word). nicely done! @ M M - a little slow (happy hour on the brain) but now better realize what you did with "jam" - nice. but still not it .
  11. plainglazed

    A most impressive first (hopefully of many) offering AllMyFaith. And nice solve smoth333, sheesh.
  12. right logic but looking for a different word, rats and not that close again but not what you'll need for the finale. think a couple of keywords (played upon of course) make for slightly better fits on these last two guesses.
  13. Two line riddles, are these this time just five Then as every other before, a final answer to derive Grant it just might sound like a really great deal Yet this given designation leaves no room for appeal I tend to bring up, and educate in kind All of that which follows, and what is left behind Before each peek preview, and up on attack A little soft-shoe, to steal away from the fact Given their perfomance could be grounds for war Where several such acts possibly settle the score When you're in a jam, I'm the one way out So make your escape, thereby leaving do doubt Links to similar ones from before: http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9745-same-sounding/page__view__findpost__p__190876, http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9526-sword-play/page__view__findpost__p__185662, http://brainden.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10888-same-old-same-old/page__view__findpost__p__214872.
  14. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    Physics fails to interest me; however interestingly, that never fails.
  15. found this one by our illustrious CaptainEd still unsolved. have a good idea re 4. but still need to fully justify...
  16. plainglazed

    very nice riddle princecharmthings. dont know what it was that pointed me to the answer. some times something just clicks. maybe like when you solved mine on your first ever post a couple of weeks ago .
  17. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    there is a thing ray line between all that's black and white.
  18. paint, horse, chest - war civil, social, tea - _____
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