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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. hello Shakee - so good to see you. some good responses already but have to take a shot -
  2. HA! HO works perfectly. hush-hush, so-so, chichi - HO HO think you should be up mo (and so sorry Nana7)
  3. Thanks for the compliment bushindo. Nice solve. And phillip 1882, as well. My approach was really quite simple. Not requiring any derivatives and pretty neat I think. Wondering some on how bushindo went about it. As for DeeGee's extension, have one idea as to where he may be going but not sure how specific of an implementation strategy he may have in mind. Will ponder further on that.
  4. puppy, up, money - hush hush, so, chi - ______
  5. plainglazed

    kinda falls off a little in the end from what I can interpret but worth a guess. I would encourage you to give this one some time before you hint or give the answer. intriguing. good one.
  6. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    oh my golly Molly Mae go next - to hell with punctuation and punctuality (sorry 'bout that part)
  7. At this weeks friendly game I thought I'd try to get back a little of my money that was still in Coop's chip stack. Here was my proposed set-up: "I'll give you one red and one black ace and I'll take the other two aces. We'll both simultaneously show one ace of our chosing. If both shown aces are black, I'll give you $10; if the two shown aces are different, you pay me $5; and if both shown aces are red, I'll give you $1. Rob, our most philosophical member (read that least mathematical) asked simply, Why?" Coop now had to chime in, "You see there are four possible combinations, black-black, black-red, red-black, and red-red. So 25% of the time I should win $10, 50% of the time I lose $5, and 25% of the time I should win $1. Out of four games then, I should win $1 on average." I liked the way Coop was already speaking in the first person; it was time to reel him in. "Okay Coop, I'll make that $2 I'll pay out for every red-red combination." Coop couldn't resist at this point, "You're on but I get to decide when we quit. Huck can keep the tally." Vern just chuckled in amusement. I gave Coop the two pointed aces and the game was on. At least three times I asked Coop in a worried tone if he had had enough but not until we must have played 300 hands or more did he ask Huck what the tally was. When Huck told him he was down $72 Coop exclaimed, "You're drunk!" Though that very usually is the case, the results were accurate. "Damn, stop me at $100." Shortly thereafter, Coop handed me what I hoped was the same $100 bill he flashed last week as enticement into Was I just lucky? If not, what was my strategy? EDIT: added link/shameless plug
  8. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    cool, but now the hard part. let's try - it was so hot in...
  9. plainglazed

    nevermind, something strikes me differently about this one. Very nice riddle Faelyn.
  10. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    The thieves were rounded up to the nearest tent.
  11. plainglazed

    nice solve fabpig and another great riddle Shadlyn!
  12. plainglazed

    like kenv's response above but just in case...
  13. stone, white, down - wash board, poured, chord - _____
  14. is soaking it all up - sun, surf, suds

    1. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      I'm reporting this abuse to a mod. =P

    2. tiger_lily111


      Well color me jealous. Enjoy!

  15. plainglazed

    as promised, had to take a shot. you're quite good at these . and just now notice a new one. gonna need another cup of coffee.
  16. Yes indeed, CaptainEd, the actual algebraic equation - nicely done. to me this was the last method I got but maybe the most elegant.
  17. still two more independant methods (that i can think of anyway)
  18. Can you find other methods of solving? Oh, and happy Friday k-man.
  19. Now what is the probability of Coop winning any given game?
  20. Coop is our weekly friendly poker games resident card counter and odds calculator. Fortunately, his poker face reads like a book and he can't keep an ash on his stogie when bluffing. As of late prop bets have been in favor at our game and last week Coop offered this one: "For five bucks I'll cut the deck, if it's a club I win, if not it's your turn and if you cut a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace the fiver's yours. We'll continue mano a mano until there's a winner shuffling after each cut if you want. I'll even agree to go around the table five times, twenty games in all. Everyone in?" Coop then pulled a c-note from his wallet and Huck, after a long pull on his bourbon and oblivious to the workout the ashtray was now getting, piped up first. "So thirteen clubs vs sixteen honors, I'm in." Rob, Vern and I reluctantly agreed even though we suspected Coop had an edge. Where we right?
  21. hello - good to see you again - and so soon! do see where both fit in many ways but as I mentioned, this one takes a different approach. plasmid, mon ami - is it the name which begs pronounciation with a long e or the poetry that always makes me think of french with you. lovely in both insight and verse, mais pas correcte. inspired and correct indeed. have to run but will add excuses later. nice job fabpig!
  22. hey Shadlyn - welcome to BrainDen! have really enjoyed your contributions already. am working up a guess you can be sure. as for the topic at hand, your guess is not what I have in mind for this one. the way you are thinking, esp the flatterer bit is definitely my kind of style. for better or worse though, this riddle is not of my more typical style.
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