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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    It appears to pulsate/ripple outward to me. Maybe changing spin direction as my eye moves from the center out. Hard to tell which way it spins. Cool image minus, thanks.
  2. will hopefully come up with a better answer before the hints start interesting but anxiously await the more poetic answer 'know i really shouldn't tell you this T but. dont want to anyway. well. not it. not it my friend, am sure you can rise above this one.
  3. mind, wit, tongue - sharp f, non, full - _____ quite glad this thread has been resurrected. must get some sleep Nana7. hope to match with you here again sometime.
  4. pie, shake, smoothie - strawberry blond, martini, laundry - _____
  5. well hello JenJen - welcome to the Den and thanks for replying to my riddle. your answer is not the same as mine but hope you'll come back and give it another shot. hey jpar - ha ha, am afraid this one has no sense of humor. seems maybe you're a little whipped with your last couple? sorry, not it and hello mohitj - a hearty BrainDen welcome to you as well. see where you're coming from but alas, this riddle lives on. Am really (always) tempted to give a hint. Ughh, almost just did. Will try to think of one that's fair.
  6. and a public thank you to all. have great appreciation and respect for this site and all the good people here that make it so great. will do my best to carry on in the BrainDen tradition. thanks again.
  7. well that would be a first from what I can witness from here. always so sharp witted am not totally sure I get your full meaning. at face value will have to say not it. am afraid it's nothing blush provoking. still think i might be missing something tho. going for coffee, that always helps.
  8. wow, that's a really good fit t_l. almost wish I could just say yes and move on. but no. hello Unicorn - another excellent fit in many ways. falls off a little towards the end. and was thinking this one could be a dud with few good guesses without finding the intended answer. but sorry, still not it. hey MiKi - ah peace at last. not crazy or violent am afraid. hope you give it another go. there's no diversion on this one T, not an intentional one anyway. see where you;re coming from but not it.
  9. In conflict they come together If only to lash out So time will surely tell that The secret's left unlocked But then you must, look to see What the heck is lost And keep it under wraps Since it isn't ever over Yet hold your middle ground Do not enter in To that which is most pure As waste becomes of haste Now as simple as, that may seem You just can't give an inch For the true skill of the flatterer Is to never see the harm Cause when he gives a damn That's when all are dead and gone
  10. plainglazed

    hello Faelyn and welcome to BrainDen. This riddle is a classic and already included in this site. Do not be dismayed, it was not easily found in the new search function for some reason. Am locking this thread but more discussion can be found and continued in the original thread here.
  11. sorry Tralala! and plasmid, fabpig is correct, princecharmthings nails it on his first attempt. nicely deduced!
  12. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    I have a personal stalker who stold the stale.
  13. well hello BenMc, dont think I've had the pleasure. welcome to the Den. clever on many fronts but not the answer am looking for. hey rt - can see where you are coming from with the above. clever but not it. hey t_l - that answer sucks phew, that's a relief. sorry, not it. ello sir - a twisted and tattered piece of string
  14. hey Framm - not what I have in mind for this one. thanks for the encouragement. still seems all so new to me. and Molly Mae - must be a little spaced out. cant quite interpret the data. over
  15. hey Thalia - yeah, meant to sound like that but am looking for something else. thanks for kicking this one off.
  16. No wonder after all that abuse You've had a falling out But know with me I understand It's not that easy to talk about That awful sinking feeling Leaves you constantly in doubt So partial though I just may be I suggest you learn to smile not pout And never ever again to shout
  17. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    A funny thing happened on the way to the forum, all the doors were locked; et tu Kobé
  18. plainglazed

    Been enjoying this discussion and links. thanks guys. wanted to comment on the pending US debt downgrade. am not convinced it's a certainty though maybe likely. I think the more telling metric is deficit/GDP (9% in 2010 and about 11% est for 2011) than the debt to GDP number. I know I owe more on my house than my annual income and my monthly note is more than 9-11% of my adjusted net income and yet have what would be comparable to a AAA credit rating. Also, with the economic conditions throughout the world at present (due in no small part to US investment banking practices in particular) there is still no better place to park long term cash as in US gov. bonds. This was evident after the continued strength in the measly yield of the 10 year treasury note in the last several weeks despite the debt ceiling issue. thirdly, those credit agencies are private US companies who spend a great deal of resources lobbying Washington. Dont think they will bite the hand of those that feed them.
  19. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    but I've been one upped by t_l. can we give it to her? will come up with something before the nights out if she does't step in. for the sake of the game t_l, come back.
  20. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    It's not that I'm crazy, I just happen to be one of the few who can pull off wearing aluminum foil after labor day.
  21. plainglazed

    One Up Me

    I am not saying maurice is full of crap but his eyes are brown as $#@&.
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