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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. Ahh, yes indeed. And you know you are correct. Had written that last night as a hint for Lost in Translation and now we know that's no longer needed. Shucks. Well done DD.
  2. Hey badudi and Jkb, good thoughts, but not it.
  3. Ahh, very clever guess (especially with the title in mind) but not it.
  4. But of course, well played, etc. The first one is correct, not the second. close but no cigar. Bingo! right as rain. and we're off.
  5. You recognize me for sure Well maybe not if you're not from these parts. There's the rub, if used too much Then becoming old hat and such cliché, no longer me at heart. But speaking of which parts I am Now translate that, if you can hints of my type as a start. EDIT: Think this one is no longer moot, oops...
  6. okkie...... nope, the other one. And.. sorry Jkb, none of those. gonna say this but dont give it much mind until later or the end - half of the interpretation is half right for the heavenward interpretation(s). not that Wilson. there is a theme for this list but it is very general.
  7. plainglazed

    Well done ljb. Much better than mine. I suspect DeeGee may have had this solution all along judging by his first post and the fact that I got the idea for this puzzle from his truly inciteful solution to Jerbil's last very cleverly conceived geometric construction.
  8. Of course you can ask the question or any other. None of the clues start with the word "the".
  9. plainglazed

    right so far, at least by my method. This I am excited to see. Now you've got me trying to solve my own puzzle. I have gotten it down to ten lines.
  10. Good Morning, just keeping this one alive NEIN! (nothing to do with the crazy shape ) And good morning MrsP, thanks for the promotion!
  11. plainglazed

    You have at your "disposal" four of those fancy new-fangled compasses and an ultra-modern straight edge and a piece of ordinary bright white twenty gr/m2 bonded letter-size paper. The compasses, being the latest and greatest, draw perfect arcs with both point and pen remaining perpendicular to the drafting surface and the pen drawing with the finest imaginable line weight. They are also infinitely adjustable to the nth degree. Of course the one downside to being so new is that once an arc is struck, the adjustment mechanism is permanently frozen. Now the straight edge is also of the most modern material and is straight on an atomic level; that is until you attempt to draw a twelfth line, at which point some bizarre reaction with the compass' ink or the space age alloy of the metal point irreparabably warps the patented polymer used, rendering it useless (research is now fully funded and ongoing to determine if it's the ink or the metal). The objective of this challenge is to draw a perfectly regular five pointed star using only what's contained in your body and in the above discription.
  12. Hey Jkb and Wilson, sorry I've neglected this one. Yesterday being a "holiday" here, am expected to squeeze two days of work into one. Had intended to much earlier give some direction. This is more of a puzzle than a riddle. One where there will be a list of answers. The "endless chain" of words just obfuscates where each "clue" starts. May give some more ideas about the structure but am thinking it will become evident after two are solved next to each other.
  13. tors as well in the barricade several underwater projectile researcher is not neces c_________________________________________________________________________________s e_________________________________________________________________________________a l_________olf a ot ralimis noitnevni ralullec eht pirg latrop a ekil tupa_________r f_________o_____________________________________________________________k_________y e_________r________________________________________________________________________ r__________covering the railings I perch kinda dehyrated per ca_________s_________a ______________________________________________________________l_________u__________ e_____________________________________________________________c_________h_________b lahni ylpeed ot drawnevaeh ssehc tuoba dael eht ni niamer deifi_________t_________i __________________________________________________________________________________t ________________________________________________________________________t__________ is particular instance gale after the still owning the poke with a triden_________o h_________________________________________________________________________________f t__________________________________________________________________________________ _derutpac er'yeht hcihw ni spmal suoirolg eht slevart lrig eht niaga dna bro desolc
  14. Edit: inches squared/inches cubed, what really is the difference?
  15. Hey hm, I hadn't honestly figured out the theme until now.
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