Okay, it's been almost four months since I've done one of these and have been out of WAI inspiration for over a week now so am reverting back to my old ways. Have to spend a fair amount of the day away from my machine so can check in only on occasion. Part of the beauty of these is there hopefully is only one real single answer per line so y'all play amongst yourselves. Feel free to share your work while I'm out of the Den.
1) Your mother and Mr Shaw lodge between onlookers. (7)
2) Lost and confused but half fare well with me. (3,3)
3) Small business; small, small circle. (5)
4) Is naught that is having a wing, and is Mom and the hospital depot hosting alright? (11)
5) In the mirror regarding six short ways you and I exist to look doubly brief. (11)
6) A side split over reversed options. (3,3)
7) B. (7)
8) A pair play host to returning "All of Me" in a late night broadcast, see? (3,7)
9) Certain Auntie before someones having half a laugh kid. (9)
10) A written exam reflects, simply speaking, the dorms leader on average. (7)
For those new to these Play on Word "Quickies" - Each word or two (generally speaking) of the puzzle corresponds to a letter or two (generally speaking) "spelling" out the answer. Other descriptors can be thrown in refering to the relation of individual letters. The letters will "read" left to right as presented unless there is a descriptor that directs otherwise. For the most part, punctuation is not part of the answer but rather to make the clue read better. Other than that, the clues are hopefully very precise. There should be no unnecessary words in the clues or extra letters in the answers. It's best to read these very literally and/or phonetically. The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of letters in the answer. All answers share a common theme which, when apparant, is the best singular clue, often enabling a guess at an answer and working backwards to "prove" the guess correct.