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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Nope, Dummy rummy. You got it!!! That is Exactly the word I was looking for! Great job!!! And bye the way, did you get your project finished in time?
  2. You must now leave From this place Never to come back So go, make haste We do not believe in malicious intent So be gone with you Away you've been sent Don't come back Or you'll be tried And hung from the gallows Until You've died
  3. Good morning to you as well. Missing you has been such sweet sorrow, But I rest assured, knowing I shall see you on the morrow.
  4. Too funny! I'm like this Till I've had my morning "Pick me up"
  5. A little Too obvious I suppose... I was just drinking my morning coffee and the riddle just kind of popped into my head. Can't ignore a riddle. Purge it or it's stuck there all day So anyways, Good job for slaying this dragon!!! (though I'm not really much of one)
  6. Well hey there Fileobrother! Long time, no see! Good morning to you! Nice riddle! Give me a minute to think on it...
  7. In the morning I need you there To perk me up Make me more aware The other substitutes Just won't do I pass them all up And head straight for you You beautiful black angel Which always starts my day A little of this, some of that Then I'm on my way!
  8. deannaart

    OKAY! thanks for playing Wow, Nettiger. That was tough! Well played, sir, well played.
  9. deannaart

    Hi Dummyrummy! So, what's the hint?
  10. deannaart

    I'll ALWAYS enjoy a dance... And hey, No harm, no foul, right? Good to see you back on. Hope you brought thosr dancing shoes! (though they should be a staple in your wardrobe now )
  11. deannaart

    don't really know my games that well, but it might be That's so funny! Those were all my guesses too, but in reverse order! That's about all I know about video games and that's only from exposure to others.
  12. Actually, I thought that's what I typed. Missed that somehow... Oh well. Mistakes are made. Thanx for pointing that out.
  13. I didn't think anyone was going to get that reference!! Great job!!!! Perfect Hair Forever!!
  14. Told you it was easy! Just a fun little tid bit to wet your whistle.
  15. I swish and sway I scorch and fray I curl up and lie I color and dry
  16. deannaart

    Hope you liked it! I did like it. but I'm not a big dummy. It made sense once I saw it. I knew it was a band, just not which one. Give me SOME credit.
  17. deannaart

    Hope you liked it! I did like it. but I'm not a big dummy. It made sense once I saw it. I knew it was a band, just not which one. Give me SOME credit.
  18. deannaart

    K. Gotta go for a while. See you in a bit.
  19. deannaart

    Yup. Never would've gotten that. Good riddle.
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