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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Hey, thanx for the compliment DR! I had a lot of fun with this one. Glad you liked it. Hope everyone else did too!
  2. Thanx for the compliment on my riddles. I'm still trying to find my groove... And thanx for being the first to officially welcome me to the den! See you around some more, I hope!

  3. Who what? Why I gotta be all that now?
  4. Horray! I love to make people's days! I thought this one would be good for a smile or two... Great Quote! I love it! Now I feel like sitting down and popping all the movies in...
  5. Yup, it sure is!! Heyupal beat you to the punch, but a right answer always deserves praise!! Great Job!!
  6. I was actually going to put that line in the riddle, but thought that would make it wAAAAyyyyy too easy
  7. And the crowd goes wild!!!!!!!! Bonus points to you!!
  8. Nope, sorry. Keep guessing!
  9. Nope, sorry. Look Above for Answer. Thanx for playing!!
  10. Bonus Points: Name the main character (real name) And Movie title...
  11. My daughter is named After a tree But mostly after A campy horror movie The movie's not the kind That will make you sick But the Awesome lead character Carries around his "Boom Stick" The lead is a man To my daughter it doesn't matter Throw an E on the end and the former becomes the latter Can You Correctly guess my name (with correct spelling) And the movie/s I was named after?
  12. I'm glad it turned out well. If it's for school, I hope you get good marks on it! Thanx for saying I was sweet... I do try...
  13. deannaart

    Horray for Riddlemyname!!! If only I had been a couple seconds earlier..... Good job buddy !!!
  14. Way to go, Dummyrummy! This has to be the answer!!! You're on fire today! Your turn to spit out a riddle...
  15. deannaart

    Urrggh... I type too slow! That was going to be my next guess. I'm sure that's right. Fits perfectly with the title... Way to Go!!!!! Great Riddling!!
  16. Great thinking! You were sooo close! If it was a snake it would've bit you Dummyrummy just beat you for the answer, but excellent try!
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