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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Slowly, creeping down the alley The shadowy figure does sneak Further and further it goes Hoping for his first peek There she stands, Hair like fire Pale ivory complexion It smiles with glee, having the knowledge It gets to ruin this visage of perfection It goes silently to her side And spreads it's shadowy fingers The amount of damage it inflicts Depends on how long it lingers The shadow reaches deep inside Careful not to miss a spot Her fever spikes, and pulse skyrockets Then it leaves her there to rot She's now getting worse instead of better As was the shadow man's design He fed on everything she had to give Until finally she was dying More sleepless nights up ahead Death just around the bend She needs rest and sleep to recouperate And maybe just the help of a dear friend
  2. deannaart

    Haha! My friend and I were just talking about puns! Too funny! Anyhow...
  3. Why, thank you for the kind words. Maybe after some rest, I'll come out with something a little more challenging. Till then, happy riddling!
  4. Exactly right! I had a feeling this one was real obvious. It was stuck in my head for days, though, so I finally had to write it. Great lob MrsP!
  5. The lion spots the gazelle From shortly across the way he silently follows it around Throughout the long hot day Muscles tense and ready to pounce He tails the gazelle turn for turn The lion hides in the deep grass Consumed by lust, his eyes burn His need for the gazelle has grown Into an unhealthy obsession He now must have his prey Lest he fall into depression The gazelle finally catches on And begins to run full speed The lion instantly springs forward Furiously chasing his need The gazelle makes it to safety Much to the lion's dismay But surely, he'll be back For this gazelle is now his prey
  6. deannaart

    Ok, I had to get some help, but this is what I came up with...
  7. deannaart

    Way to hit it out of the park, Heyupal. Can't translate the last word of the second line yet so I'm stuck. I got the other 2 quotes, but can't figure out who said the first one. Grroowlll. Will keep working at it, though. This is very clever. Well done.
  8. deannaart

    Darn Heyupal beat me to it!!! Love that movie!!
  9. Sorry, yeah. My riddles can be a little raw and dark.My inspirations come from life experiences, or things I have strong feelings about. Hope you liked it anyway. I'll try something lighter next.
  10. I knew this one was too easy. It was my first i a while, so I didn't really expect it to last long. Great reasoning skills, though. You nailed it. That is exactly what I had in mind when I wrote this, But was prepared to just accept anger. Well done!!!!
  11. The Dragon stomped around the castle His eyes a molten shade of red Billowing fire from between his lips Till everything around was dead Searching the grounds from corner to corner Looking to pick a fight He'll tear the place down, brick by brick Don't you dare challenge him tonight For he is in a mood, you see Red hot and black inside Tonight, don't come to slay the dragon Tonight you run and hide
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