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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. Sorry for being gone for so very long guys! I had a 2 year old that needed my attention..... as for the riddle, Warhead 100 Get's it!!!!! It was a pretty simple riddle, but I had fun with it. Hope you did too!
  2. deannaart

    hehe. You crack me up!
  3. Nope, sorry. Good guess, but way off.
  4. The candle sputters into life As finally it ignites The flame burns strongly now The whole room it lights The flame burns ever brighter As the wax bleeds away The candle gets ever smaller Day by day by day Finally with darkness closing in The flame sputters and sparks The candle, at it's very end Dies, and the room goes dark
  5. deannaart

    Dang it! I ad that answer since the beginning, but the passed from hand to hand didn't fit, and I thought there was a more specific name than that. GGrrrooowwwlll...
  6. deannaart

    [spoiler='Man I've got nothing. Is it just']Light? Like Torch, candle, flashlight
  7. deannaart

    Sorry, sorry. When you said sorta, maybe, I thought that it could fit. I told you I'm stuck in that way of thinking. Let me reset my brain here.....
  8. deannaart

    Oh, yeah, Sorry. I can't go back to sleep. Ashe is awake!
  9. deannaart

    [spoiler='first, stupid, sleepy guess ']The Statue of Liberty torch?
  10. deannaart

    Great riddle Pal! I could not figure out the connection for the life of me! What an obscure piece of knowledge.
  11. Right off the bat. Good Job Pal! I was wondering if I had made it a little too obvious, but I never can tell with these. I'll think they are, then no one will get them, and vise-versa.
  12. A doe and her faun Curl up to go to sleep The doe motions to the faun Not to make a peep While the deer were asleep Across the wood came a noise Traipsing heavily through the brush Came a group of rowdy boys Not any boys were these, indeed But poachers, one and all They came upon the doe and faun Their footsteps stopped mid-fall They made sure the doe was asleep Then bagged the doe up tight They stole away as fast as they could Covered by the darkness of night
  13. deannaart

    Fantastic riddle Vixen!!
  14. Not schizophrenia, exactly, but your train of thoughts is on the right track.
  15. Oooohhhh! Very cool answer PG! Not the one I was looking for, but a good idea, still. The answer is above if you're curious...
  16. Horray!!!!!! Lotus, you were finally zoning in with the sterile environment too. Great job Chicory!
  17. No, that's not what I was thinking. I may have led you a bit astray. I was just thinking of my first impression of the character's behavior. It may not have made the same impression on you.
  18. A very interesting way to look at this. Not, however, the answer I was looking for.
  19. Your son is a smart one. Remember, though...
  20. No. Everything he sees is a delusion.
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