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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. deannaart

    Man this thing is melting my brain. I really think it's on the wrong forum. I'm trying to follow along, but it's feeling a little like the blind leading the blind. Certainly not to say any thing bad about the riddle itself!!!! Fine riddle. My brain is just misplaced in this one I guess. Good luck Lotus and Glycerine.
  2. YES!!!!! This is exactly the word I was looking for. MrsP you came SO close! But Chicory swoops in for the kill! Great job both! Well, since they both technically mean the same thing, I'm going to call it a tie. Yay to MrsP and Chicory!
  3. Oh, you are so close, if it was a snake, it'd bite you!
  4. You're on the right track, but not the right word I'm looking for.
  5. yes, they had that, but what happened at the end of the poem? How do they feel now.
  6. Thanx for the compliment! That actually does fit quite well... Weird I didn't make that connection. Unfortunately, that's not it. actually, to steer you in the right direction, I'm looking for a simple raw emotion.
  7. Well, guys, since it's mad early, and no one has yet shown up, I think I'll go take a cat nap. Please feel free to guess on this and I will reply to your answers soon. Thanx! ~Deanna
  8. deannaart

    Don't lose your confidence. Especially on my account. I am HORRIBLE at POW's. I NEVER do them, and now you know why. I can never figure the darn things out no matter how hard I try. My brain just doesn't function that way, I guess. It was a great first riddle. You did a perfect job on it!I was the defect, not you! Keep your confidence where it belongs - up. Write some more and you'll get better yet! Congrats and good job!
  9. The boy got the puppy When he as just five The pup was his everything A toy come alive They did everything together Playing fetch and playing dead The boy fell so much in love He was in way over his head Then one day, the boy's parents Decided to get a divorce He couldn't keep the dog, they said And he cried til he was hoarse The day came that boy and dog Must say their last goodbyes The boy was so strong til then Now all he does is cries
  10. deannaart

    \ And good morning to you too!
  11. deannaart

    By the way, to use a spoiler, when you go to type in a reply, there will be a box on the left hand side of the screen that says Spoiler. Just click on that. And welcome to the Den, Atticuskid!!!
  12. That's exactly right!!!!! Just the word i was looking for!! Great Job!! (and on a sleepy brain, no less!)
  13. Hey, guys, I'm gonna pop off for a bit for a little nap, since no one is on, but please feel free to post your answers, and I'll get back to them soon! Thanx!
  14. The dog was just a puppy But a puppy he is no more He was sweet and caring enough Til he pinned her to the floor Things were going well, you see They had the dog for ages Then one day he went berserk And went through a series of rages Once the family pet and best friend Played them false and broke their trust So today he is leaving them they don't want to, but they must For now they all have this feeling That just won't go away Feeling of being stabbed in the back Their whole world in disarray Supposed to be faithful, defend, protect But instead, false he proved He was disloyal and broke their faith Their feelings of love, to another, moved
  15. Yes!!!!! Way to go!!!!! This is the answer I was looking for!!!
  16. Sorry, for the wait, I popped off to for a min.. No. my answer is much simpler than that. Not so specific.And remember, this is a metaphor.
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