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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ????? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 BEWARE - 0 BUTTER - 1 Score Change: none I'm on a roll.
  2. Sorry, Cat, not what I'm looking for. =P
  3. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ????? CHEERY - 0 WORKED - 0 Score Change: none
  4. coal, wind, sun - types of energy hydro, cerebrum, dex - ?
  5. Biggest discussion points are in green--they involve Winnter's ability and the rules for Movement. I'd really like opinions on this. The two go hand-in-hand, so resolution on one will also resolve the other (mostly). EDIT: Added a "not".
  6. I'm changing some rules on Wizardy/Wessol "Mafia" from MM. It's going to be more of a strategy board game for 12 players. Once I work out the kinks, I'll put it in the queue.
  7. Molly Mae

    Sixy Rollo

    ????? CHEERY - 0 Score Change: none
  8. I'm not sure. But I should probably go check the wiki...it's been a bit.
  9. Ah! I know what that is now! But that's not the answer. =/
  10. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    A trap typically acts as a block + save + "Dentist" role. It stops the target's night action (block), keeps them from dying (save), and doesn't allow them to post for the following day (Dentist/Silencer). Some hosts, however, eliminate the Dentist/Silencer aspect and just call it a "Night Trap".
  11. Molly Mae

    Only if you put me in (in case I have a meeting today...which I might).
  12. No. But I'm glad to see that he's your boy. =P
  13. @Smoth: If I were you, I would have claimed the day spy. You could even say that you spied A on day 1 and know that he is A's role, B on day 2 and he is B's role. Nobody would have doubted it. =P
  14. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    I-41, like many other sentient androids, loves a hot oil bath.
  15. Born at night to helpless mum A child soon known to all Growing larger day by day With purpose doomed to fall. Deep in slumber unobserved Defended day by day Breaking nine all life long "He's real!" is what she'll say.
  16. You shouldn't trust me. =/
  17. twilight, dawn, dusk - Names of strippers that Molly has...er...patronised. Ruby, Sugar, Sand - ?
  18. Molly Mae

    Hartford hit twice.
  19. Molly Mae

    In that case, you can only have 1. If you use any two like colours on two cubes, you could set each cube facing directly toward an observer. Regardless of all other sides, they look the same. I assume the OP means that painting two cubes the same and then rotating one of them any direction still counts as the same cube colour scheme.
  20. I like that. I was looking for some Bill Nye demos that could help explain it (he's got a strange way of explaining things to children that usually seems to work). I found this, but it's not really a reasoning as much as a demonstration of observing the reflection.
  21. Molly Mae

    I made a similar mistake. While your assumption [[3 4 5 6 & 3 4 6 5, will not be distinguishable when you look at the two cubes from the corner corresponding to the faces 2 3 4 or even 3 4 1. hence the double counting]] is correct, that doesn't mean that the two cubes are indistinguishable in whole. They are very different if you look at the whole cube, not just half of it from a corner.
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