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BrainDen.com - Brain Teasers

Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. ???? WORD - 1 BIRD - 2 Score Change: none Aw, man.
  2. ???? WORD - 1 Score Change: none
  3. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Dreams are like eggs poached from our subconscious.
  4. Molly Mae

    Hey, Mags. Welcome to BD. Hope to see you around. =P
  5. If signups don't fill by about the 12th, this one's gonna be delayed until after the new year. =/
  6. *Molly leaps toward a spidery crawly guy thing, trying to attach to some solid part of its body.*
  7. I'm guessing 3A based on the slight offset of the beam entrance (it's not exactly at the northwest corner).
  8. Omg, I broke it. Don't mind my paint skills.
  9. Blunt is best, Ride the breeze, I hope you never lose My friend, tee ell I hope you win And take the victor cruise.
  10. Oh, were we sticking to birds? DODO - ?
  11. =P Pg nailed it, too, but in a more subtle way. Or maybe I was just secretly polling to see who plays... <3 you guys, as always.
  12. Well, the clues shouldn't be so obvious at first glance, but with a little research or understanding there should be some serious warning flags--mostly facts that aren't precisely truthful or are misleading. Those are the items that make you wonder "Why did the author include it in the puzzle?" And those are the things upon which you should focus. Of course, a doubly clever author could do the very same knowing that the reader would focus on those misleading tidbits (pun intended). Another clue might be in the double meaning. A puzzle can have a complex structure, as you mentioned, and some words can have many meanings. This is something that I'll have to ponder.
  13. Shhh. =P I figured it would be one that's obvious for some, but a total 'wtf?' for others.
  14. OOC: I'm going back through to catch up. Sry. (To the Library posthaste! We have a war to stop!)
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