and i have another riddle up, if you want to see it
Hex colors are simply colors represented in hexadecimal format...For example...if you look at your posts, anywhere you have different color text it is has something like:
the hex color is #ff0000...basically it is comprised of the RGB components. the first two hexadecimal numbers (in this case "FF") are the RED, then the next two ("00") are the green...and the last two ("00") are the Blue...
And in case you didn't know, hexadecimal is just base-16 number 0f = 15, 10 = 16, 99=159, ff = 256...Some basic colors in hex code:
white: #ffffff
black: #000000
gray(s): #666666 (or anything where all three are the same number)
blue: #0000ff
red: #ff0000
green: #00ff00
You know you've been making webpages for a living too long when you associate all colors with their hex codes...for example, i was painting my house, and I sat there and thought...hmm...I wonder how #69ae99 would look on this wall???