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Everything posted by Pickett

  1. Pickett

    That is correct...hence my icon being the mascot of Java programming language :c). Well done!
  2. Pickett

    WINNER! and welcome to the Den...Well done all...I figured this one wouldn't be too difficult!
  3. Pickett

    Nope, Nope, Nope...good guesses though...
  4. Pickett

    Doesn't quite fit everything in the riddle...however that was the guess that I figured most people would make...I'll make one adjustment to the riddle: I used to be unknown and a source of great fear Now there is plenty of warning for when I draw near. Calipso and Europa and Ganymede are three And Galileo is the fourth Specific name for me I am noticable, though silent, and I keep to the shadows. My beauty and my splendor Two of Eight never knows. I wear my mask always, both by day and by night. I cause many to stare Whether in awe or in fright I'm part of the occult but don't believe in ghosts I've been around forever that's something I can boast.
  5. Pickett

    Nope, good guess though!
  6. Pickett

    Alright, so I've read many other people's riddles/WAIs...so, I figured I'd write one...this one may be very easy to some, so...we'll see how quickly it gets solved. I used to be unknown and a source of great fear Now there is plenty of warning for when I draw near. Calipso and Europa and Ganymede are three And Galileo is another Specific name for me I am noticable, though silent, and I keep to the shadows. My beauty and my splendor Two of Eight never knows. I wear my mask always, both by day and by night. I cause many to stare Whether in awe or in fright I'm part of the occult but don't believe in ghosts I've been around forever that's something I can boast. What am I?
  7. Pickett

    GOOD WORK PICKETT!!! and i have another riddle up, if you want to see it Hex colors are simply colors represented in hexadecimal format...For example...if you look at your posts, anywhere you have different color text it is has something like: color="#FF0000" the hex color is #ff0000...basically it is comprised of the RGB components. the first two hexadecimal numbers (in this case "FF") are the RED, then the next two ("00") are the green...and the last two ("00") are the Blue... And in case you didn't know, hexadecimal is just base-16 number system...so 0f = 15, 10 = 16, 99=159, ff = 256...Some basic colors in hex code: white: #ffffff black: #000000 gray(s): #666666 (or anything where all three are the same number) blue: #0000ff red: #ff0000 green: #00ff00 etc..etc..etc... You know you've been making webpages for a living too long when you associate all colors with their hex codes...for example, i was painting my house, and I sat there and thought...hmm...I wonder how #69ae99 would look on this wall???
  8. Pickett

    Analog (as opposed to digital)
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