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Mythological Mafia


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  TwoaDay said:
o wow, sorry ive been out all day so much has happened,

i am the bomb and im voting for Bb because of the trick he pulled on me and because of all the reasons others have posted

I totally understand your reason's for wanting to vote for Brandonb, but I really think he's innocent (see his defenses) and don't find a lot of info supporting that he is a baddie. These first votes do tend to be kinda random, but I would hate for Brandonb to die if he ends up being the Investigator or Defender as Unreality reasoned (alarm system in house). My thought also was that he could be a healer (possibly not home when the QAs came to attack because he was going to defend the Doctor). Using that same logic, you could say he was Mafia and out killing GC at the time the QA attacked, however knowing his past ways are working against him it would further hinder his defense in future games if he didn't change things up once in a while. So, I kinda really believe he's telling the truth. Although, if he is lying, well "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me", and since this is my first game, I will trust him.

Yeah, my logic makes sense to me in my world, unfortunately not everyone lives in my world, or visits it often.

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Alright, I have decided that the day will end at 9:30 here, in exactly 3 hours and 50 minutes. Even if I'm not on or can't post, the day ends then, so whoever has the most votes at that time dies, and I'll make the day post as soon as possible.

Also, as for taliesin, since I don't think he's getting back for a couple days, if he hasn't posted whatsoever during the day, he will be killed in the night post(unless I can find a replacement).

Edited by Frost
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  Frost said:
Alright, I have decided that the day will end at 9:30 here, in exactly 3 hours and 50 minutes. Even if I'm not on or can't post, the day ends then, so whoever has the most votes at that time dies, and I'll make the day post as soon as possible.

Also, as for taliesin, since I don't think he's getting back for a couple days, if he hasn't posted whatsoever during the day, he will be killed in the night post(unless I can find a replacement).

Is it a rule for everyone that if they don't post at all during the day, and don't vote, then they will die?

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  Frost said:
Alright, I have decided that the day will end at 9:30 here, in exactly 3 hours and 50 minutes. Even if I'm not on or can't post, the day ends then, so whoever has the most votes at that time dies, and I'll make the day post as soon as possible.

Also, as for taliesin, since I don't think he's getting back for a couple days, if he hasn't posted whatsoever during the day, he will be killed in the night post(unless I can find a replacement).

would that make the rest of us safe? like on american idol? one person off rest safe? jk lol

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  dusty_b109 said:
Is it a rule for everyone that if they don't post at all during the day, and don't vote, then they will die?

In reply to my own thought, I originally thought the game would start on the 10th, so maybe he was in that mindset as well. And then it wouldn't be fair to kill him off. I'm glad the decision isn't mine!

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Brandonb

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 - not voting

20) Sinistral

rene: it is allowed to not vote for someone, as you wanted. Since that's what you wanted, I'm changing yours, though feel free to change it back :P

  itachi-san said:
there is absolutely no logical reason for you to be so certain Brandonb is an innocent. i'm having trouble placing your extreme defense of him actually.

you're right, but I'm not "extremely defending" him at all, I'm just saying I'm unsure and that I think I trust him, so I'll spy on him tomorrow to find out for sure. What's hard to place with that?

my reponses in bold:

I'll list my clues against Brandonb because he conveniently keeps forgetting them:

1) the whole twoaday incident I forgot about this, but looking back, Bb has defended himself well

2) the alarm system made me think Bankroller instantly Hmmm, to me, it reminds me of Defender or Inspector. My own Defender clues are usually alarm systems and tight security

3) the Bankroller saying that the footsteps would get covered by snow leads me to think the Bankroller is a wise veteran (a compliment for Brandon since he fits that description) Good point... I'll think on this. Still not proof. It could refer to another experienced veteran, or it might not be a clue at all. We have to be sure- that's why I'll spy tomorrow

4) he never said anything worthwhile in his defense after getting accused I thought he did, Dusty too

5) there is no reason not to vote for him and I have no idea why unreality is so sure about him. i believe unreality is the Spy, but he spied on twoaday, so him saying Brandonb is innocent is no proof at all

-of course there is no way to make a perfect lynch right now, but Bb is #1 on my suspicions list

edit: typo

Edited by unreality
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Thank you Unreality. BTW, why should anyone trust you Itachi? You haven't done anything all game but point the finger at me! I mean, the whole "3) the Bankroller saying that the footsteps would get covered by snow leads me to think the Bankroller is a wise veteran (a compliment for Brandon since he fits that description)" would probably only be picked up by the bankroller themselves as a compliment (I say "probably" b/c I did actually pick up on that one too :P ). Though I didn't bring it up b/c it is nothing to go on, other than cutting it down to about 10 suspects. So what r u playing at Itachi? What's your plan?

Ok, g2g make dinner. :) be back later

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  unreality said:
Frost: we knew he would be gone. Take Bb's suggestion and just have him replaced until he gets back. Edit: nvm you edited :P

Ok, I PMed Mekal and LIS for a replacement of taliesin, I won't kill him off today, hopefully they will respond soon. Whichever one of them responds first will replace taliesin(not sure if it will be temporary, probably permanent). However, if neither responds, taliesin is dead tomorrow(in the game), during the day post. It's not his fault about not being on, he thought it would start later, you guys were just so impatient(*cough* Brandonb). That ok with you guys?

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  unreality said:
so yeah, I'm back from dinner. I'll compile some quotes that make me think Rene is guilty

Guilty of what? seriously. and NO I AM NOT CHANGING MY VOTE

i am still going for brandonb

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  Frost said:
Ok, I PMed Mekal and LIS for a replacement of taliesin, I won't kill him off today, hopefully they will respond soon. Whichever one of them responds first will replace taliesin(not sure if it will be temporary, probably permanent). However, if neither responds, taliesin is dead tomorrow(in the game), during the day post. It's not his fault about not being on, he thought it would start later, you guys were just so impatient(*cough* Brandonb). That ok with you guys?

cool with me, def not his fault for not knowing it would start earlier. In the future though, if a player doesn't post or vote, are they killed or replaced?

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Brandonb

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 -voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

Dusty: Yes, but that's if they do NOTHING.

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Brandonb

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 -voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

Okay, since 2aDay cleared Unreality, I am chosing not to vote because honestly, I just have no stinkin' clue about Brandon or Rene.

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here she jumps on Bb's lynch-twoaday bandwagon:

  rene83 said:
Host: Frost

1) Unreality

2) Brandonb - voting for TwoaDay

3) Frozen

4) Slick

5) TwoaDay - voting for cherry lane

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi

9) CrazyPainter

10) Cherry Lane - voting for TwoaDay

11) Dnae

12) Nayana

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty

17) Puzzlegirl

18) Tolecnal

19) Rene83-voting for TwoaDay

20) Sinistral

her defense of doing that consisted of this:

  rene83 said:
one word dear.. paranoia!!! B))

and then this:

  rene83 said:
you know TwoaDay...your avatar screams that you are a baddie.... :P

Then she played the newbie card a bunch of times over 10ish pages: (too many quotes for one post, so I separated the quotes with triple asterisks)

oooh i did not think of it like that.... unfortunately due to my neophyte nature here ont he den I do not know who is a good player or what...


yeah I thought the same thing as you. I didnt realize we needed to say names and say why we were accusing them... :blush:


i think we all are... :)

my excuse/d4efense is I'm new and stupid and blonde... lol no offense to blondes out there


youre just saying that because I voted for you... I keep in mind that you are an experienced player tand that you can manipulate a "newbie A**" like me

into thinking anything you would want me to, but unfortunately I have to stick to my guns and hope my vote will not result in the killing of an innocent. :mellow:

and then this post:

  rene83 said:
I am increasingly suspicious of unreality as he is stuck on defending TwoaDay... makes me wonder if they are mafia counter parts and he is just defending him... purely because both of them have been voted for... but the 3rd mafioso/mafiosa has not been voted in and needs no defending.... wow I am getting seriously paranoid lol

after this she votes for me. A Mafia bandwagon? Possibly. This is when she really jumped high in my suspicions. She's basically accusing me and Twoaday of being conspiring Mafiosos trying to trick everybody. However this has fallen apart with nobody else claiming the roles, and then Twoaday confirming his Bomb status. I think Rene is forgetting that the Mafia already know who the Bomb is, they wouldn't try to impersonate him

Twoaday is not a Mafioso- he is the Bomb. And I am the Spy.

okay, I don't have quotes next but basically Rene scrambles for reasons to implicate me:

1) she tried to say that the Mafia were defending each other

** this was shot down by multiple people, including me, all of who said that the Mafia do not openly defend each other

2) she then dropped that line of accusation, but replaced it with another. She claimed that me and Twoaday and Dusty were a ring of Mafiosos working together to lynch her

** just cuz 3 ppl vote for you does not make us baddies, Rene. This was shot down because the Mafia does not vote in a block- that would be the dumbest thing possible for a Mafia to do. If we vote in a block and Rene turns out to be a goodie (which is possible, mind you- I spied on Twoaday only, I only have first-day suspicions of Rene), and one of us shown to be a baddie, the entire Mafia would fall apart. They never vote as a block, too suspicious

3) after this was pointed out to her, Rene stopped accusing me and and moved her vote to Bb. Why? She never gave a good reason. This is another reason I think Brandonb is not Mafia, though I think Rene might be a QA so it could have no effect for Bb's innocence

anyway, what do you guys think? Not too much to go on, but enough for me on the first day

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Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Rene83

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 -voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

well since i trust unreality now, im going with him

Edited by TwoaDay
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  unreality said:

Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Brandonb

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 - not voting

20) Sinistral

rene: it is allowed to not vote for someone, as you wanted. Since that's what you wanted, I'm changing yours, though feel free to change it back :P

you're right, but I'm not "extremely defending" him at all, I'm just saying I'm unsure and that I think I trust him, so I'll spy on him tomorrow to find out for sure. What's hard to place with that?

my reponses in bold:

ok, so now unreality is removing votes for Brandonb without the consent of people? rene clearly never said she wanted to remove her vote from Brandonb, you just assumed that because you want him safe for some unknown reason...

as for Brandon, I've already said I'm innocent. You're just gasping your last breaths it sounds. and unreality is definitely going to have to prove his Spy-ness now. You two are going off the charts in-cahoots suspicious on my list. There is no reason for you two to be so defensive of each other.

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twoaday: yeah, sorry about being suspicious about you in the beginning :P But that's what caused me to spy on you and see that you were innocent, so it was a good thing ;D

current roster:

Host: Frost

1) Unreality - voting for Rene83

2) Brandonb - voting for Rene83

3) Frozen

4) Slick - voting for Taliesin

5) TwoaDay- voting for Rene83

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi - voting for Brandonb

9) CrazyPainter- voting for Brandonb

10) Cherry Lane -voting for Brandonb

11) Dnae - voting for Brandonb

12) Nayana - voting for Taliesin

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd - voting for TwoaDay

15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

16) Dusty - voting for Rene83

17) Puzzlegirl - not voting

18) Tolecnal - not voting

19) Rene83 - voting for Brandonb

20) Sinistral

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  unreality said:
here she jumps on Bb's lynch-twoaday bandwagon:

her defense of doing that consisted of this:

and then this:

Then she played the newbie card a bunch of times over 10ish pages: (too many quotes for one post, so I separated the quotes with triple asterisks)

and then this post:

after this she votes for me. A Mafia bandwagon? Possibly. This is when she really jumped high in my suspicions. She's basically accusing me and Twoaday of being conspiring Mafiosos trying to trick everybody. However this has fallen apart with nobody else claiming the roles, and then Twoaday confirming his Bomb status. I think Rene is forgetting that the Mafia already know who the Bomb is, they wouldn't try to impersonate him

Twoaday is not a Mafioso- he is the Bomb. And I am the Spy.

okay, I don't have quotes next but basically Rene scrambles for reasons to implicate me:

1) she tried to say that the Mafia were defending each other

** this was shot down by multiple people, including me, all of who said that the Mafia do not openly defend each other

2) she then dropped that line of accusation, but replaced it with another. She claimed that me and Twoaday and Dusty were a ring of Mafiosos working together to lynch her

** just cuz 3 ppl vote for you does not make us baddies, Rene. This was shot down because the Mafia does not vote in a block- that would be the dumbest thing possible for a Mafia to do. If we vote in a block and Rene turns out to be a goodie (which is possible, mind you- I spied on Twoaday only, I only have first-day suspicions of Rene), and one of us shown to be a baddie, the entire Mafia would fall apart. They never vote as a block, too suspicious

3) after this was pointed out to her, Rene stopped accusing me and and moved her vote to Bb. Why? She never gave a good reason. This is another reason I think Brandonb is not Mafia, though I think Rene might be a QA so it could have no effect for Bb's innocence

anyway, what do you guys think? Not too much to go on, but enough for me on the first day

ok unreality wft ever... i have tried to genuinely explain myself and you KNOW this is my first time playing this. It is really aggravating that you are turning everything i say around on me

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  itachi-san said:
ok, so now unreality is removing votes for Brandonb without the consent of people? rene clearly never said she wanted to remove her vote from Brandonb, you just assumed that because you want him safe for some unknown reason...

as for Brandon, I've already said I'm innocent. You're just gasping your last breaths it sounds. and unreality is definitely going to have to prove his Spy-ness now. You two are going off the charts in-cahoots suspicious on my list. There is no reason for you two to be so defensive of each other.

*whispery voice* Why So Serious? lol :P

no really... we're not being uber-defensive of each other. I just have a few gut feelings that he's an important Innocent and that he's telling the truth for once, and combined with Dusty's support of Bb, I think he has me convinced. but not quite. Which is why I want to wait for the 2nd day to spy on him instead of blindly lynching him, as you want to do, Itachi. I'm just being safe :D

Edited by unreality
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