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let me start if off with the Beggar I just came up with: (it's an expansion of the 5-day winner idea)

* Beggar - gets 1 gold Phoenix Crown every day. When the Beggar has 5 Phoenix Crowns, he has enough money to pack up and move to the tropics (ie, he wins). However, the Beggar can exchange a Phoenix Crown for 5 role identities, which he can use to his advantage in lynchings and stuff to try to prolong the game. The Beggar can also exchange a Phoenix Crown to kill that night

Edited by bonanova
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see the post above yours lol

edit: the pattern would either be this:


* target dies: Hermit gets new target


* target dies: Hermit dies


* Mafia kills target: Hermit joins Mafia

* Townsfolk role (Vigilante or Slayer) kills target: Hermit joins Townsfolk

* Cypher kills target: Hermit has free choice of which faction to join


* Mafia kills target: Hermit joins Townsfolk

* Townsfolk role (Vigilante or Slayer) kills target: Hermit joins Mafia

* Cypher kills target: Hermit has free choice of which faction to join

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about the Hermit, I realized that the Mountaineer would know very quickly who the Hermit was, probably. Maybe. I'm thinking the target should be a random person chosen by me, and the role name doesn't have to be 'Hermit'... hmm. And if the target person dies some other method, the Hermit/whatever joins the faction that killed the target. Ie, if the Mafia kill the target, the Hermit joins the Mafia, or if the Vigilante/Slayer kills the target, the Hermit becomes an Innocent. Something like that. If the Cypher kills the target... then the Hermit would join a faction of his/her choice. Or something.

Possible names for this role:

* Hermit (doesn't seem to fit the idea of a Hermit)

* Renegade (not sure it fits)

* Executioner (I don't like this one, though it kinda fits)

* Assassin (implies night kill tho...)

* Agent (agent of what? lol)

* Monk (similar to Hermit)

* hmmm... still thinking...

What about...The Punisher? Hmmm...trying to think of more. Or maybe the Sniper?

Edited by Frost
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about the Hermit, I realized that the Mountaineer would know very quickly who the Hermit was, probably. Maybe. I'm thinking the target should be a random person chosen by me, and the role name doesn't have to be 'Hermit'... hmm. And if the target person dies some other method, the Hermit/whatever joins the faction that killed the target. Ie, if the Mafia kill the target, the Hermit joins the Mafia, or if the Vigilante/Slayer kills the target, the Hermit becomes an Innocent. Something like that. If the Cypher kills the target... then the Hermit would join a faction of his/her choice. Or something.

Possible names for this role:

* Hermit (doesn't seem to fit the idea of a Hermit)

* Renegade (not sure it fits)

* Executioner (I don't like this one, though it kinda fits)

* Assassin (implies night kill tho...)

* Agent (agent of what? lol)

* Monk (similar to Hermit)

* hmmm... still thinking...

Mercenary/Bounty Hunter could work. He's been paid to get rid of a certain target and make it look like a lynching, and wouldn't mind changing allegiances for the right price after that.

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see the post above yours lol

edit: the pattern would either be this:


* target dies: Hermit gets new target


* target dies: Hermit dies


* Mafia kills target: Hermit joins Mafia

* Townsfolk role (Vigilante or Slayer) kills target: Hermit joins Townsfolk

* Cypher kills target: Hermit has free choice of which faction to join


* Mafia kills target: Hermit joins Townsfolk

* Townsfolk role (Vigilante or Slayer) kills target: Hermit joins Mafia

* Cypher kills target: Hermit has free choice of which faction to join

I think I like Possibility #1 the most. His only time limit is the length of the game.

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no, Sniper implies like sniping someone lol

I like 'the Punisher'... hmmm. Maybe Executioner.

or... 'the Justicator'- lol they bring justice down on a lawbreaker. Maybe like 'the Judge of Life' lol.

I know:

the AoJ, or Agent of Justice

lol I dunno

EDIT: Sinistral I love 'the Mercenary'! Perfect... I've always wanted to use that name for a role!

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Frost: so they get a new target? No, it'd be weird to just switch anyways, and it doesn't fit with the Mercenary part, or the spirit of the role.

I'm leaning towards Possibility Four. That way, the Mafia may shy from killing the Mountaineer, and if a Townsfolk killing role kills the Mountaineer, it's sort of punishment for the Mercenary to join the Mafia, unless the Mountaineer became the Kidnapper

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Yeah your Cypher and Alpha Werewolf make the graverobbing a little complicated since you'd want to restrict it from working on those roles but you wouldn't want to give away the identity either.

I'd say if they picked a townie turned werewolf he'd just get the original role, since if he became a werewolf then it'd be possible to add two wolves in the same night which would be too unfair.

It might work better in the pirate mafia since there's no werewolf to complicate things. You'd probably have to change it around a bit to work in yours.

Sinistral - I'm assuming you'd use a different name in your game - I haven't seen a lot of graveyards on ships :P

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* Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person is random from the list of all other roles except Alpha Werewolf, the Don and the Cypher. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante or Slayer, the Mercenary joins the Mafia. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk

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Frost: so they get a new target? No, it'd be weird to just switch anyways, and it doesn't fit with the Mercenary part, or the spirit of the role.

I'm leaning towards Possibility Four. That way, the Mafia may shy from killing the Mountaineer, and if a Townsfolk killing role kills the Mountaineer, it's sort of punishment for the Mercenary to join the Mafia, unless the Mountaineer became the Kidnapper

Wait, I thought you changed it to a random target, not the Mountaineer. You already said how they would discover the Mercenary's role quite quickly that way.

Edit: Oh, and what's their werewolf name?

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possibility three makes more sense with the role actually and I think is more balanced:

* Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person is random from the list of all other roles except Alpha Werewolf, the Don and the Cypher. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Mafia, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante or Slayer, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk

thus you can sort of "buy" the Mercenary by killing the target, almost. And if the target was a Mafioso with possibility four, the Mercenary would never join the Townsfolk. Now if the target is a Mafioso, the Mercenary can never join up with the Mafia... makes more sense

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oh, Frost, I've changed the Alpha Werewolf's rules. He/she can only bite Townsfolk. Ie, Mafia and Cypher was already not allowed, just the other Independent, so anyway Independents can't be bitten either. So here are the AW's new rules:

edit: I need to fix some typos, hang on

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Sinistral - I'm assuming you'd use a different name in your game - I haven't seen a lot of graveyards on ships :P

lol.. yeah in the pirate mafia it'll be a sea creature/parasite sided with the Kraken originally. Then if the Kraken fails it can choose a new body from among the dead ones (which were tossed overboard) and assumes their identity/win condition.

I'm still working on the specifics. :P

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new rules, Alpha Werewolf has been changed and Mercenary has been added (I changed some things with it)

Mafia VII

Takes place in a remote village...


* Independent (3)

* Mafia (5)

* Townsfolk (10)


* Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can almost always still use their Townsfolk role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. The Alpha Werewolf can only bite and infect Townsfolk, so if he/she picks a non-Townsfolk role (Mafia, Cypher, Mercenary), he/she is informed and can attempt to bite someone else (all the AW is told is that the person is not a Townsfolk). If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked randomly to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive, including the Alpha Werewolf

* Cypher - [knows who CA is] the Cypher is a serial killer who leaves a mathematical code to his/her next victim. The Cypher chooses his/her kill each night for the following night, so on the first night there is no kill, but there is still a code for the 2nd night victim. And on the 2nd night, the Cypher picks the victim for the 3rd night, etc. The code is uniform throughout. The Cypher is invincible to werewolf bites as well as normal death, the only way they can die (at first) is being caught by the Cryptanylist. The Cryptanylist, or CA, is a Townsfolk-sided code-breaker who picks one person each night (except the 1st) whom they think is the Cypher's victim for that night. If the CA is correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. If the CA dies, the Cypher becomes vulnerable to normal death, but still cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf. The Cypher wins if he/she is still alive and killing when another faction wins, ie, they win together

* Mercenary - the Mercenary has been hired to take out a specific person with a lynching. The person, or 'target', is random from the list of all other roles except Alpha Werewolf, the Don and the Cypher. The Mercenary knows the role of the target. If the Mercenary's target is killed by the Mafia, the Mercenary joins the Mafia, and if the Mercenary's target is killed by the Vigilante, Slayer, or Firework Maker, the Mercenary joins the Townsfolk. If the Cypher kills the target, the Mercenary can choose to work for the Mafia OR the Townsfolk OR to be assigned a new lynch target


* Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random non-Werewolf Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles

* Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role (including if they are a Werewolf or not). If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability

* Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Alpha Werewolf, Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer, Mountaineer, but NOT CA or Tourist) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante). If Cypher visits the Hitman while the CA is still alive (and the Cypher is thus invincible), the Hitman is killed. However, if the CA is dead and the Cypher goes after the Hitman, the Hitman kills the Cypher

* Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive

* Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed


* Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don), including Werewolf role if they've been bitten

* Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night (from death only, not from werewolf bites), with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic

* Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite

* Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf

* Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night

* Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf or Cypher visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman or Cypher) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker). The Firework Maker can pick the same person two days in a row if he/she wishes

* Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die

* Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. Each day, the Tourist can look someone up on their laptop, and learns their werewolf status (bitten or not bitten), but the data is also sent to the Cypher, who has hacked the Tourist's computer. Also [link to third Independent role]

* Mountaineer - the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again

* Cryptanylist - the Cryptanylist, or CA, is an expert code-breaker whose goal is to crack the Cypher's code and figure out the serial killer's next victim. Each night, except the first, the CA picks someone who they think will be the Cypher's victim. The CA must give me some logical reasoning to prove it's not just a random guess, and if they are correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. The Cryptanylist can choose themselves

There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf:

* the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability]

* the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability]

* the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2]

* the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill]

* the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities]

* the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities]

* the Tourist becomes the Snarler [probably keeps abilities, not sure]

* the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability]

* the Cryptanylist becomes the Bloodhound [keeps ability]

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If the Alpha Werewolf picks the Hitman, is he killed by the Hitman right away, or is he told to choose a new target?

good point. I'm thinking that for all Mafia roles, it gets told to retry. So I'll edit the Hitman to take out the AW part

so does the mercenary get a special power when he becomes a townfolk... or is he just a extra person for the mafia to take out? perhaps you should have it that he is a killing role for the innocents...

the Mercenary just becomes part of that faction for hire (regardless of whether they join the Mafia or the Townsfolk), not a special role.

btw, what do you guys think of the Bankroller as sort of a representative/spokesman of the Mafia? They can still do the Bankroller message from VI even. And it mirrors 'real mafia' sorta too, where for example everyone KNEW that so-and-so was part of the Mafia, but they were untouchable in a way, especially by law. That's why the Bankroller can choose anyone for the Hitman to take out if the Bankroller is lynched (and if the Hitman is alive), otherwise the Bankroller would be gone first day

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good point. I'm thinking that for all Mafia roles, it gets told to retry. So I'll edit the Hitman to take out the AW part

the Mercenary just becomes part of that faction for hire (regardless of whether they join the Mafia or the Townsfolk), not a special role.

btw, what do you guys think of the Bankroller as sort of a representative/spokesman of the Mafia? They can still do the Bankroller message from VI even. And it mirrors 'real mafia' sorta too, where for example everyone KNEW that so-and-so was part of the Mafia, but they were untouchable in a way, especially by law. That's why the Bankroller can choose anyone for the Hitman to take out if the Bankroller is lynched (and if the Hitman is alive), otherwise the Bankroller would be gone first day

Yeah but then Bankroller would die on second night every time. (Killed by Vigilante)

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ohhhhh yeah! OMG I forgot.... lol that's what the Vigilante is in real life sort of. Kills the people that the law can't get to, like The Untouchables lol

but this is a problem for Mafia. I'll have to think about it- maybe something like the Hitman guards the Bankroller and has to die before the Bankroller can be killed at night (the Bankr can be lynched anytime though)

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A themed Mafia game I made up:

Brainden Mafia: The Inv4sion of Teh Hax0rz!!!!!!!!!1111

Hackers (3) - hack one account each night to lock that person out of Brainden. Win when everyone but themselves have been hacked

Braindenizens (8) - vote to ban one person each day. Don't stop until all Hackers (and Leopard) are banned

Wild-but-Spotless Leopard (1) - a free radical who "leopardizes" someone each night. The Leopard then assumes that person's role in case of a L33t or Scav Hunter check. The Leopard wins when he/she leopardizes the Admin, then the Admin dies and Leopard disappears from Brainden. If Leopard picks the Admin while the Firewall is still alive, the Leopard is informed and gets to pick someone else (cannot leopardize Admin til Firewall is dead)


* L33t - the leader hacker. Can break into one person's account each night and discover their role

* Flamer - enjoys starting flame wars [no ability]

* Spammer - enjoys spreading nonsense posts [no ability]


* Admin - can ban one person by himself/herself each night except the 1st. Vulernable to banning, but cannot be hacked at night until Firewall dies

* Moderators (2) - each pick one person at night. That person cannot be hacked during that night only. The Moderators can communicate with one another

* Scav Hunter - can learn one person's identity each night

* VIPs (2) - their votes secretly count as x2. They can communicate with one another

* Firewall - Admin cannot be hacked while the Firewall is alive

* Noob - doesn't know what's going on first, but learns as he/she plays. If a Braindenizen is lynched (voted to be banned by the group), the Noob may choose to take over that person's role ability. If checked by the Scav Hunter or L33t, the Noob will always appear as just "Noob", despite what role they have taken on

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Wild-but-Spotless Leopard (1) - a free radical who "leopardizes" someone each night. The Leopard then assumes that person's role in case of a L33t or Scav Hunter check. The Leopard wins when he/she leopardizes the Admin, then the Admin dies and Leopard disappears from Brainden. If Leopard picks the Admin while the Firewall is still alive, the Leopard is informed and gets to pick someone else (cannot leopardize Admin til Firewall is dead)

If they leopardize L33t do they get BTSC?

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