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The DEITY System


This is an RP, or roleplay- a collective story told by many people (as many that sign up), who each control a single character. They tell the story of their character as the characters interact with each other and the world, moving the story forward- sometimes toward a finish, sometimes not.

Only participate if you like to write ;D


Welcome to Epsilon, a world consisting of a tropical sea scattered with small islands. These islands, also tropical, are known as Epsilon-1, Epsilon-2, etc, all the way up to Epsilon-27, a sandbar off of Epsilon-26.

Nobody living in Epsilon decided on that, or the name of their world. They just know that's what it's called. Some of the islands are close enough together that you can see an island from the beach of another- the people there don't have the curiosity nor innovation to build a boat and explore- not yet, anyways. And nobody living on (for example) Epsilon-21 is curious that there may be 20 other islands, and maybe more... not yet, anyways.

The inhabitants are thus restricted to their own islands, all isolated from each other, where they make their living- a pleasant living. The weather is almost always good, except for the occasional monsoon. There is plenty of fish in the sea, fruit in the trees, and meat running around the jungle. Most of the islands have set up a sort of tribal leadership and community, living peacefully in beach huts or jungle houses, pretty sanitary too, though all the islands vary. Some are worse off than others. The people are usually very pacified.

This proclaimed "unrealism" is denounced by the mysterious DEITY System- the apparent boss of the world. It represents a god to the people of Epsilon- they know it exists, just as they know that they are living a place called Epsilon, just like they know their own island number. They also know that the DEITY System resides on the island Epsilon-0.

I say "apparent boss of the world" because the DEITY System does not interact with its world- not directly, anyway. The people fend for themselves. It does not interfere, for good or bad. It does not see the future. The people don't pray to it. But it is their god, their ruler - they just know that. I said "not directly, anyway"- and by that, I mean the DEITY System's propoganda. Yes, it interacts through propoganda- strange creatures known as Heralds may appear on the horizon, a couple of them in a long boat, using long paddles to bring themselves to shore. The people of whichever island the Heralds are visiting gather around, offering them food, drink, shelter. But Heralds don't eat, nor drink, nor sleep. They have no need. They are just there to give messages of the DEITY System, to spread propoganda. Slogans such as "Adapt. React. Be Independent. Be REALISTIC!"... or pictures of tribesmen gathering together, working in groups, or thinking of new ideas- or discovering new things, creating new inventions. Once the Heralds have given their message successful, whether it be verbal, a sand drawing, or an object they had taken with them, they depart as they had come, disappearing into the horizon.

It seems to you or I that Epsilon is a very strange world- but not so to the people that live there.

Epsilon does not really exist as you or I think of "existing"- it is inside a computer. It is the testing realm for an artificial intelligence computer system that its programmers call the DEITY System. The two programmers/scientists that made the DEITY System are currently in the fifth cycle of testing, terminating the world and starting over each time after a "failure". The cycle is a "failure" if a "success" is not reached within the 99th generation of the Epsilon inhabitants- a time span of a few hours in the real world.

The programmers are hoping that the inhabitants of Epsilon will form communities, they want leaders to emerge, they want diversity to spread, they want Epsilon-ians to develope the curiosity and skill to travel their world, they want them to adapt, to become more and more "realistic", as the DEITY System urges. And, of course, they want a "success"- not another "failure". If this fifth cycle is a "failure", their project will lose its financial support, and be over. So they want a "success" very much- it would also be a huge breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is the main goal.

So what is a "success"?

A success is when a member of the world of Epsilon develops the desire to seek out the DEITY System- tp find the island of Epsilon-0, where the Heralds come from, where the DEITY System abides. When that happens (when an Epsilon inhabitant reaches Epsilon-0) it is declared a "success", a major breakthrough in AI, and the cycle will be terminated- and the DEITY System will continue to be worked with by the programmers to continue their artificial intelligence program. That is a "success".

Spoiler for a moral question to consider:

If a "success" is declared, it means the 'AI' really is just 'I'. It means the people of Epsilon, Cycle 5, or at least some of those people, could truly be seen as living beings, capable of everything we are. Would it be wrong to just pull the plug after a success, to terminate their world once they reach Epsilon-0? To just end Epsilon, Cycle 5, and start a new cycle with even more goals? Think of that in the background- it's a long way off from now (at least in the point of view of someone living in Epsilon)

Intrigued? Want to join?

Before I post how to join and how to get started, I just want to see a show of hands of how many people are interested, if any. So post here if you're interested :P

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Nez awoke to the rumblings and thumpings of construction. Brodi and Josh were already busy erecting a shelter. Nez stared in awe…she had never envisioned such a feat…and here they were creating a structure before her eyes. Then suddenly it came to her, “Boys!” She screamed.

Josh and Brodi whipped around in terror expecting to see Nez in distress. Instead they found her giddy and speaking faster than they could understand.

“Slow down, Nez” said one of the boys. “Start over.” Said the other.

Nez tried to catch her breath and then began again…”Josh, you said that you came from another island. Brodi and I have never seen another island from the shorelines of our home. But you are proof that one exists!”

The boys both stared at her trying to grasp what it was she was getting at.

“A few months, or perhaps a few years…regardless, I once caught a glimpse, out of the far horizon of the sea, a vessel that floated ON TOP of the waves!” She stopped to catch her breath again, then continued…”Josh, you are a skilled craftsman, with your help the three of us build such a vessel!”

Brodi’s eyes popped, “We found each other…we can find others!”

And the three of them quickly got to work disassembling the shelter and using the materials to fashion an unsinkable craft.

According to my early stories I am approximately 13 years old. I'm assuming that we are all in our early teens unless Thuhchris has created Brodi to be an adult? Oh, and Pieman, I'm not actually pissed...just trying to scare you into being more patient for me to reply. Remember: Thuhchris...then ME...then Pieman. Repeat.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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Then Nez got really pissed because Josh kept speaking out of turn! :rolleyes:

And Brodi laughed :lol:


u said u were gone for the weekend! :o:mellow:

we were supposed to wait for her :D:rolleyes:

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o :mellow:

It's all good man

so im guessing it's your turn now.

then Me

Then Puzzelgirl

Just don't write anything until it's your turn and you wont piss Nez off :lol::rolleyes:

My age is about 14-15-ish

Edited by Thuhchris
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Josh:brodi we still have plenty of meat why dint u chop trees while i make nails.

Brodi:ok just give me the axe.

Using a chissle Josh made earlier josh chisled a nail shaped hole."im gonna need a lot of heat!"josh said. Then an idea sprang in his mind. Josh found a large potruding rock and dug it out so it was partialy movable. He then slowly chisled a large hole in the center so there was about the inches of rock leaving a hole in the middle."brodi i need your help!" Josh yelled."with what?" Brodi yelled back. "moving something!" Josh replied. So they moved the holoes out boulder into the cave."part one done!" josh said.

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i dont get it???

Dude, did you read the first post by Unreality? We're role-playing. Each of us chose an Epsilon island to inhabit and created our own character...our goal is to find one another, create a society and seek out the DEITY System.

You're welcome to play along, but you need to start from the beginning and read ALL of the stories posted.

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i dont get it???

read my first post, like Puzzlegirl said, and all the spoilers. But then you don't need to read ALL the stories so far, you can just pick an isoloted island... say you were stranded on the sandbar near Epsilon-23 after a tide pulled you away from your swim, and you've been on it for 2 days. Then you finally catch a piece of driftwood and float to another island, entering you in the story. If you want to play, of course

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Epsilon 18:

The more he had observed the Odekites (for this is what they called themselves), the more disillusioned Frog became. His jailor was a man named Chanon, the son of Barok, the leader of the tribe. Barok was a big, self-important man but instinctively Frog distrusted him. Chanon was tall and powerful, and treated Frog with disdain, but Frog soon came to suspect that there was fear behind this. Why was he afraid of Frog? Frog kept his silence, and let no-one know that he could understand their words. By pretending not to understand, he was able to eavesdrop on all sorts of conversations. Chanon told stories of how he found Frog, told lies of how he and Frog fought, and how Chanon overpowered him. It seems that they were keeping Frog alive because he was from another land (the very idea seemed to strike terror into the Odekites). It was assumed that Frog's people would have aggressive intentions, and that Frog may be of some use as a hostage. They did not know that Frog was the only one. The more he heard, the more he doubted their superiority. They had so much fear, these people. Frog was angry. He had thought they were like gods, but they proved to be snivelling cowards. Frog ate, exercised, and learned all he could. He waited for his chance. Frog looked out through the trees, over the sea. A storm was gathering...

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Josh:brodi we still have plenty of meat why dint u chop trees while i make nails.

Brodi:ok just give me the axe.

Using a chissle Josh made earlier josh chisled a nail shaped hole."im gonna need a lot of heat!"josh said. Then an idea sprang in his mind. Josh found a large potruding rock and dug it out so it was partialy movable. He then slowly chisled a large hole in the center so there was about the inches of rock leaving a hole in the middle."brodi i need your help!" Josh yelled."with what?" Brodi yelled back. "moving something!" Josh replied. So they moved the holoes out boulder into the cave."part one done!" josh said.

pieman: I have no idea what the boulder is for, you need write a litle bit more about what we are doing with it..

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When Zetsu noticed the bloody cloth wrapped around Neji's eyes he knew exactly what he was in for. Judging from the landscape his assumption was correct. Spirit wards, sacrifices to DIETY, and many holy artifacts were strewn about the area where the raft had been built. It looked to Zetsu as if the initial ceremony was complete, which meant that the group must just be entering the Spirit World: an out-of-body experience the Shaman led in order for the tribe to become one with the island and see at least some of DIETY that had before been hidden. Many of the island's plants, animals, stones, and water revealed their true forms to the villagers during this ritual. It would also be the perfect time for Zetsu to act.

Sasori's group began to chant as they reached the pinnacle of their visit with the Spirit World. As they reached that euphoric state of oneness with DIETY they almost leaped out of their skins when a hornet's nest was thrown in the middle of their dancing circle. Amidst the confusion one-by-one the villagers clutched their necks and fell to the ground paralyzed by Zetsu's darts. He left only Sasori standing for one reason. He couldn't let harm come to the artifact that Sasori held in his right hand.

Sasori's wild eyes burned as he stared into Zetsu's calm impassive gaze. Sasori let out a wild chant and lifted the skull he held up to Zetsu. It would seem Sasori was intent on completing the ritual. The skull belonged to the first Shaman of Epsilon 13, who was regarded by everyone as The Great Awakener for it was he who first opened the tribe's eyes to DIETY's existence which he showed them by means of some of the islands own growths no less. It was as if the island wanted them to see DIETY's splendor through a clearer lens.

"I must resurrect the spirit of Sarutobi, Zetsu." Sasori yelled menacingly. He looked to be more into the spirit realm than in reality. "I need to consult him about your recent defection from the Teachings. How dare you try to leave DIETY's graces!" Zetsu coldly returned Sasori's look. "Sasori, I have always felt that there is more to DIETY than Epsilon 13 and now I have seen it! There is a distant island that can only be seen from..." "Blasphemy!" Sasori began to speak in a different voice and moved the skull in front of his face as if he were now speaking for the deceased. The experience was quite surreal for Zetsu for the skull now contained the sacrificed eyes of Neji and the tongue from Hinata, his poor young apprentices.

"How dare you Zetsu!" The insane skull screamed at him. "You have angered DIETY beyond forgiveness in this life. As a former Shaman you should have know better. Now you must pay for your sins with your life energy itself!" Sasori began running around wildly screaming and then charged Zetsu with Sarutobi's skull still thrust in front of him. After a few steps though, Sasori tripped over the body of a paralyzed comrade and landed on a cluster of spears. He slowly slid down them and dropped the skull when he died. Zetsu picked up the skull, ripped the top part of his robe off and wrapped it with that. He then attended to Neji and brought both of the siblings out of the ravine and to a medical area in the village where he could properly heal their wounds.

Days later, Zetsu thought deep one sleepless night. Neji will be blind from now on. And Hinata will be mute. If this was fate then how cruel it is. Though the three of us will now be able to voyage to the new island unscathed. The villagers were outraged at the forbidden ritual that Sasori performed. They were so grateful when I returned the desecrated skull of Sarutobi to the stone altar at the worshiping grounds. It will be properly blessed I'm sure. The new Shaman for Epsilon 13 will work out much better. Jiriaya's philosphy is much more similar to my own. Although he does not agree with our search he does not oppose it and actually would welcome the discovery that DIETY is bigger that Epsilon 13! Perhaps we are evolving intellectually. Whatever the case, I just know there is more to DIETY... and I'm going to find it

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Bang, stomp sloop. cough splutter splutter .....whoops a deep gasp of oxygen went tearing into Nez's windpipe and hurled the rabbit bone into the soft green tarmac where she had landed. Seeing darkness all around adds to her confusion. Where am I she wonders?

Guys this could be fun. Before I commit can someone please tell me how much time commitment can be expected per week......I am itching to throw in my hat.

you write for your own character only- just create a character and roleplay them ;D the time commitment is how often you can be on- if you can't come on often, then it might not be a good idea to meet up with other characters

I'll think of something, but it probally wont be untill later. I have a really awsome scene in my head for the Herald Islands. Mabye you guys can somehow find your way there. It would probally be more interesting.

there's no such thing as 'the Herald Islands'

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nice, Itachi ;D btw, it's often mispelled, but the correct spelling is 'deity', with the e first. (The DEITY System)

I gotta go back and read your earlier posts, but I'm assuming the island you can see from Epsilon-13 is Epsilon-0... maybe Zetsu and Drone can meet up :P

Thanks. It seems the good old "I before E except after C" rule isn't as foolproof as it would have us believe :D

Yeah, that's Epsilon 0. Meeting Drone sounds like a plan, but I may stall a bit to keep up with the individual story.

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Epsilon 18:

It is night. Terrifying winds blast the darkened island. Frog huddles in his cage. The palm leaves that offered him protection from the sun have long since blown off. His back is pelted by the rain and lashed by flying leaves, twigs and sand. He makes himself as small as possible. Out of nowhere, he hears a crashing sound, and looks up to see that a large branch has fallen on the cage, partially damaging it. There is not enough room to escape but Frog thinks that by using the branch as a lever he might be able to open up a larger hole.

Half an hour later he is free, crashing through the trees with the storm covering all noise of his escape. He eventually finds a small cave, and stops to rest.

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Epsilon 18:

Half an hour later he is free, crashing through the trees with the storm covering all noise of his escape. He eventually finds a small cave, and stops to rest.

Would you like to try to meet up with our little gang (Brodi, Josh & Nez?)We're looking to set sail from Epsilon 17 soon. We could work out some way to hook up if you like. If you want to continue to do your own thing for a while that's cool too. Just wanted to let you know that we're ready to write you in if you care to join us

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Pieman - give us something to work with so we can continue the story please. I don't know about Thuhchris, but I'm chomping at the bit to find a way off the island. What's up with the rock thing you made?? Give us a spoiler or something or else we'll have to ignore it and go on.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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Itachi-san: yeah, Drone right now is standing on a dune near the beach of Epsilon-0, overwhelmed after his experiences beneath The Origin and has no idea what to do. I was kinda thinking that at that moment you and your raft could float up on the beach and renew him with inspiration or something, I dunno :D

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Itachi-san: yeah, Drone right now is standing on a dune near the beach of Epsilon-0, overwhelmed after his experiences beneath The Origin and has no idea what to do. I was kinda thinking that at that moment you and your raft could float up on the beach and renew him with inspiration or something, I dunno :D

Right on. I like that. I'll write the story later today;)

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Three months had passed since Sasori's death. Zetsu and his apprentices had stayed in the village after being cordially invited to return to the tribe. Zetsu was made one of the village elders and was highly regarded once again. He had just left his hut on his way to the raft and was glowing with joy about the voyage on which he was about to embark.

Neji and Hinata walked through the village toward the newly finished raft as well. Neji could be easily seen in the crowd due to the cloth that was always tied around his head to cover his empty eye sockets. He could also be spotted by the instrument he carried with him. He invented it himself during his breaks from Zetsu's training. He called the instrument a guitar and wore it by a leather strap across his shoulder. The guitar had become quite popular in very little time. It was even becoming incorporated into the music during important ceremonies and most children had already made their own with some initial instruction from Neji. Everyone was proud of the young boy's skill and purpose in spite of his new handicap.

Hinata could be picked out of the crowd fairly easily as well because of the scroll bag she now always carried with her. Since her injury that rendered her mute she had become a remarkably capable painter and writer in her off-time. She had invented painting on a portable, disposable surface and called the material paper. She always carried scrolls with her and expressed herself via written word.

Hinata once painted a portrait of Zetsu for him; he now always keeps it tucked into his robe near his heart. Upon reflection one recent night, Zetsu was perplexed about how that was the only object he ever thought of as his own possession, for no one else in the village, and to be kept safe for as long as possible. He was both worried by his feeling about an object of DEITY and comforted by the thoughtfulness of the gift. This would be one of many conundrums he would ponder during his daring voyage across the sea.

The three arrived at the raft after the farewell ceremony the village held for them. Zetsu was filled with satisfaction as they pushed off and began rowing toward the distant island. The trip was easier than he had expected. Days later they hit shore. The wind was tearing at their clothes which were making loud flapping noises anywhere there was the slightest bit of loose clothing. As Zetsu gracefully jumped from the raft into the low sea water and then onto the sand he felt so many different emotions all at once that he was as speechless as Hinata. "Blessed DEITY I have come closer to being with you." Suddenly Zetsu felt a sharp pang in his head. He fell to the ground convulsing and saw that Neji and Hinata did as well. Words and ideas were flashing into his head like lightning bolts. Things about artificial intelligence and Epsilon 0. Then there was blackness.

Zetsu opened his eyes to a youth in his mid twenties. He had a disheveled appearance and he said his name was Drone. He was excited to have the company, but Zetsu could tell the excitement was masking something else. Something awful most likely. Just what happened to this kid? Zetsu thought. Then he realized he had been asked a question and answered Drone in a proud and dignified tone: "My name is Zetsu. These are my apprentices Neji and Hinata. I am a village elder of Epsilon 13 and a former Shaman. We came here seeking the truth about DEITY. A truth that was initially revealed to me in a fore-telling dream. Now that dream has come true and I have met you, a foreigner from a land unknown to me and my people. So please Drone, tell me. Where are we?"

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OMG, this is so cool! I spent the whole of yesterday and a bit of 2day reading the whole of the story (from the first post)! I would join but I have a tendency to not keep deadlines and i'm a little busy at the moment so I wouldnt be very reliable.

NEways, I was wondering if the heralds were human-like or a made-up species, or robots or what? :huh:

And I think someone really should edit this and publish it (as somebody's already said) and I think it could make a really good film if it were to be adapted properly, what with the variety of characters and the different subplots being merged. Obviouslythe scenes would probably have to be made a little longer and all but if some1 had the money to invest, it could be really cool! :D

Either way this is like a series and I just can't w8 for the next episode!!

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Epsilon 18:

Frog had found the boats. He had often heard the villagers talking about three fishing boats, and had spent most of the day looking for them. There they were: two on the beach, and one broken on the rocks where the storm winds had thrown it. Looking down from his high rocky perch he could survey the whole beach. It was strewn with leaves and branches, the debris of the storm, but there was nobody in sight. This could be a chance to escape...

He climbed down carefully from the high rock. He turned around to seek a path down through the trees, to find himself face to face with Chanon. Chanon seemed to be a little surprised himself, as though he had just stumbled on this place, but he raised his spear, ready to throw. Frog quickly weighed up his options. They were in a small clearing at the base of the rock. No place Frog could quickly dart into. Chanon was bigger, stronger, and armed. Frog had no chance but to surrender. He adopted what he considered to be a submissive posture, crouched, palms open, head slightly bowed, but kept his eyes on Chanon.

Chanon seemed unsure of what to do next. Frog could sense his fear. If he wasn't careful, this stupid man could kill him out of blind panic. Chanon made a series of guttural noises, brandishing his spear threateningly. What did he hope to accomplish by this? Chanon raised the spear to strike. Was it more posturing, or did he mean to kill Frog? Frog didn't wait to find out. He launched himself upwards, parrying the spear thrust with one hand while punching for the windpipe with the other. But Chanon was strong and threw him back. Frog staggered, falling over a log that was lying on the ground. Sprawling, he looked up to see Chanon leaping on top of the log, spear at the ready. One chance. Grabbing a branch that stuck out from the log, Frog pulled, rotating the log and unbalancing Chanon. Chanon fell on the other side but quickly gathered himself. Not quickly enough. Frog leaped over the log, a sharp stone in his hand and grim intent in his eyes. One strike and Chanon fell heavily.

Frog took the spear, and ran through the trees. His heart was racing. He could feel the blood pounding in his temples as he burst onto the beach, scanning for pursuers. He seemed to be alone, so he picked the best boat and set about smashing holes in the other with the biggest rocks he could lift. But he was barely started before he heard voices shouting in the distance. Not stopping to look up, he pushed his boat out to sea and jumped in. As he settled in a seat and grabbed the oars, he saw Odekites running along the beach, holding bows and arrows. They were close, too close. He rowed for his life, as arrows started to fly. Facing backwards to row, he could see them come in, clattering in the little boat, and even had to duck to avoid one. Soon he was out of range, and he watched the confusion on the beach as the islanders tried and failed to launch a boat in pursuit. "I'm safe", he thought. "I'll find another island. They won't come after me now, not with their fear of the unknown". Then he thought of Chanon, dead. The only son of Barok, the tribe leader. With a sinking heart, he realised that, fear or no fear, they would hunt him to the ends of the earth.


Frog rows, making steady progress for the new island. As he rows, he practises talking for the first time, repeating little sounds like a baby, until they sound right; "Na, na, na, na. No, no, no, no." Forming them into words he knows but has never spoken. Thoughts crowd in on him, uneasy thoughts about the difference between him and the Odekites. He saw mothers with their children, children learning, capable children. He could never have had such a childhood. He still remembers the morning, many weeks ago now, when he awoke and spent hours staring at his hands, moving his fingers as though he had never done so before. That was the day he learned to walk. He cannot think about the past before that, but he is increasingly aware of the fact that he can not. What does it mean? He believes that his life existed before that, but there are no clear memories to support that belief, just vague notions. It doesn't make sense.

As he ponders, he looks every now and then over his shoulder to check that he is still on course. The new island looks pleasant in the light of the setting sun. Who knows what he will find there? Maybe some answers.

Thanks for the invite! Frog could use a little help (and is in dire need of some rabbit stew, if there's any left)

Of course you're all welcome to speak for Frog, and here's a few notes to help. Frog is physically a man in his late twenties, though it seems he has not really existed for more than a few weeks. He's a simple soul. His list of priorities goes a bit like this:

1) Survival

End of list. He hasn't had much chance to expand on that. He is intelligent, resourceful, capable and an extremely quick learner, but also malnourished and very inexperienced (though for a few weeks he's done quite well). He has never spoken to another person, or had a hot meal, or a friend, or any pleasure in life.

Frog has only ever met with hostility so he will not trust other people. He will probably hide from you at first, and will not be inclined to tell you about the Odekites who are pursuing him. On the other hand he will understand the importance of having allies, and particularly the importance of having a bigger boat than the little row boat he has now.

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