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The DEITY System


This is an RP, or roleplay- a collective story told by many people (as many that sign up), who each control a single character. They tell the story of their character as the characters interact with each other and the world, moving the story forward- sometimes toward a finish, sometimes not.

Only participate if you like to write ;D


Welcome to Epsilon, a world consisting of a tropical sea scattered with small islands. These islands, also tropical, are known as Epsilon-1, Epsilon-2, etc, all the way up to Epsilon-27, a sandbar off of Epsilon-26.

Nobody living in Epsilon decided on that, or the name of their world. They just know that's what it's called. Some of the islands are close enough together that you can see an island from the beach of another- the people there don't have the curiosity nor innovation to build a boat and explore- not yet, anyways. And nobody living on (for example) Epsilon-21 is curious that there may be 20 other islands, and maybe more... not yet, anyways.

The inhabitants are thus restricted to their own islands, all isolated from each other, where they make their living- a pleasant living. The weather is almost always good, except for the occasional monsoon. There is plenty of fish in the sea, fruit in the trees, and meat running around the jungle. Most of the islands have set up a sort of tribal leadership and community, living peacefully in beach huts or jungle houses, pretty sanitary too, though all the islands vary. Some are worse off than others. The people are usually very pacified.

This proclaimed "unrealism" is denounced by the mysterious DEITY System- the apparent boss of the world. It represents a god to the people of Epsilon- they know it exists, just as they know that they are living a place called Epsilon, just like they know their own island number. They also know that the DEITY System resides on the island Epsilon-0.

I say "apparent boss of the world" because the DEITY System does not interact with its world- not directly, anyway. The people fend for themselves. It does not interfere, for good or bad. It does not see the future. The people don't pray to it. But it is their god, their ruler - they just know that. I said "not directly, anyway"- and by that, I mean the DEITY System's propoganda. Yes, it interacts through propoganda- strange creatures known as Heralds may appear on the horizon, a couple of them in a long boat, using long paddles to bring themselves to shore. The people of whichever island the Heralds are visiting gather around, offering them food, drink, shelter. But Heralds don't eat, nor drink, nor sleep. They have no need. They are just there to give messages of the DEITY System, to spread propoganda. Slogans such as "Adapt. React. Be Independent. Be REALISTIC!"... or pictures of tribesmen gathering together, working in groups, or thinking of new ideas- or discovering new things, creating new inventions. Once the Heralds have given their message successful, whether it be verbal, a sand drawing, or an object they had taken with them, they depart as they had come, disappearing into the horizon.

It seems to you or I that Epsilon is a very strange world- but not so to the people that live there.

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Epsilon does not really exist as you or I think of "existing"- it is inside a computer. It is the testing realm for an artificial intelligence computer system that its programmers call the DEITY System. The two programmers/scientists that made the DEITY System are currently in the fifth cycle of testing, terminating the world and starting over each time after a "failure". The cycle is a "failure" if a "success" is not reached within the 99th generation of the Epsilon inhabitants- a time span of a few hours in the real world.

The programmers are hoping that the inhabitants of Epsilon will form communities, they want leaders to emerge, they want diversity to spread, they want Epsilon-ians to develope the curiosity and skill to travel their world, they want them to adapt, to become more and more "realistic", as the DEITY System urges. And, of course, they want a "success"- not another "failure". If this fifth cycle is a "failure", their project will lose its financial support, and be over. So they want a "success" very much- it would also be a huge breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is the main goal.

So what is a "success"?

A success is when a member of the world of Epsilon develops the desire to seek out the DEITY System- tp find the island of Epsilon-0, where the Heralds come from, where the DEITY System abides. When that happens (when an Epsilon inhabitant reaches Epsilon-0) it is declared a "success", a major breakthrough in AI, and the cycle will be terminated- and the DEITY System will continue to be worked with by the programmers to continue their artificial intelligence program. That is a "success".

Spoiler for a moral question to consider:

If a "success" is declared, it means the 'AI' really is just 'I'. It means the people of Epsilon, Cycle 5, or at least some of those people, could truly be seen as living beings, capable of everything we are. Would it be wrong to just pull the plug after a success, to terminate their world once they reach Epsilon-0? To just end Epsilon, Cycle 5, and start a new cycle with even more goals? Think of that in the background- it's a long way off from now (at least in the point of view of someone living in Epsilon)

Intrigued? Want to join?

Before I post how to join and how to get started, I just want to see a show of hands of how many people are interested, if any. So post here if you're interested :P

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Yeah I like first person better as well (sometimes, they both have their use- and SECOND PERSON lol, which would be choose your own adventure books)... but for RPs, it's always third person... cuz the person isn't you, ya know, and often times people have multiple characters and and and... lol, I guess it's just how it's done. Any RP I've seen, always third person. Though we can make an exception for you if you want :D

yeah, about the airplane, seriously read my first post, everyone should. And subsequent posts. About the world they live in- read the spoilers too

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As Ilyta waited for the strange boat to come closer to shore, she sat and remembered. She remembered her grandmother before she died and the stories she told. Her grandmother was the only one who ever had different ideas about their lives and the lives of the heralds. She had once told Ilyta when she was younger that she had questioned about the other island that they could see in the distance, and was punished for her curiosity. After that she never voiced to anyone besides Ilyta about her thoughts. She also cautioned her to never bring it up her own thoughts to anyone else. Ilyta asked her grandmother, had no one in their history ever been curious before? Grandmother said that no one in the previous 97 generations of life on Epsilon 4, had ever passed down stories of being curious, so she didn’t know.

Ilyta was shaken from her memories by the sound of someone approaching her from behind. Startled she jumped up to see her friend Oyate coming towards her. ‘What are you doing sitting here by the beach?’ Oyate asked her. Unsure of what was heading her way in the water, and remembering grandmother’s cautions, she assured Oyate that she was listening to the sounds of the waves gently lapping at the beach. Oyate started to turn and leave, when she too noticed the boat. Before she could catch what she was saying, Oyate said, I wonder if this is again the heralds or if it could be something else finally. Oyate quickly clasped her hand over her mouth and look at Ilyta to see her reaction. Ilyta was shocked but excited, could she actually be curious about the other island as she was. The boat was coming closer now; close enough to see a figure on the boat, and it was not a herald. Ilyta and Oyate grasped each others hands and held their breath. Waiting…..

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Nero fell asleep on top of the mountain. It started to snow while he was asleep (Epsilon-26 is a vary large island that experiences winter conditions year-round). His girlfriend Eve came up to him wondering why he hasn't come back. She knew the mountain was his favroite spot to go to. She approached him and he woke up. Eve sat down beside Nero and they kissed.

"You're going to freeze up here hun."

"Ill be fine babe." They cuddled together and started to talk. "Hey Eve, do you think there's anything beyond this island?"

"I don't know. I never thought about it."

Ezkaty = Ravine - Epsilon-14

Giterdone = Nero - Epsilon-26

Itachi-san = Zetsu – Epsilon-13

Brandonb = Andrell - Epsilon-3

Puppy = Frog – Epsilon-19

Nayana = Athena Epsilon-7

EsJohnson = Titan

CuteSparklezGirl = Melody

Frazler = Seran

Thuhchris = Brodi - Epsilon-17

Puzzlegirl = Nez - Epsilon-17

Pieman = Josh - Epsilon-23

beckib3lw = Ilyta – Epsilon-4

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Zetsu walked almost parallel to the ground as he guided his less nimble apprentices down the steeper parts of Moon Watcher. As they descended, the air began to retain more and more moisture until they finally felt the soothing steamy heat near the mountain's base. Neji found it difficult to believe that the air could ever be so cold as it was at Moon Watcher's peak; he took this to be a precursor for the many new experiences he would soon have.

In such a short time, Neji and Hinata's personal growth was remarkable, even for such a skilled teacher as Zetsu. It seemed to the Wise One that this indeed was the will of the DIETY System, for he couldn't have found two better apprentices if he searched his whole life, and these two sought him out!

After allowing the kids a few hours to visit with friends and family, Zetsu waisted no more time in their training. He ran hard with them for about two miles until they exited the heavy foliage of the the Tranquil Forest and into the large area of rock gardens and fire pits they had cleared away for their Shamanic rituals. Zetsu was once a Shaman of Epsilon 13, but now that seemed like a previous life. Perhaps it was, he thought to himself and barely began a smile.

Zetsu came to an abrupt halt in the center of the clearing. The sun's rays dazzled across his still form, standing straight, head raised, arms slightly spread at his sides, the long sleeves of his robe hiding his hands. Noticing Zetsu's attire, for what seemed like the first time, Hinata inquired about the pendant slightly swaying across his chest. "This..." Zetsu paused as he lifted the pendant up to his line of sight. "...this is my question to ask."

Having known Zetsu for even such a little while, the kids knew that the topic was closed and so asked perhaps a more pertinent question. Neji reviewed the landscape once more and asked: "Master Zetsu, what are we doing on these sacred grounds in the daytime?" Zetsu turned to him sharply. "Neither of your minds are focused right now!...sigh...Well, perhaps I can answer that question and remedy your impatience in one fell swoop." (Zetsu made the sweeping hand gesture and clutching hand motion to fully demonstrate just how ensnared the two had gotten into his web).

"This is a good spot to see many parts of the forest at once. I'm looking for the most suitable wood."

"For what, Master?"

"You and your brother are going to build a raft. And you're going to build it fast."

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  giterdone said:
After this is all over with, I'm going to copy and paste all of your stories on mic word and post the full length story here.

i bet that would be cool.

think im gunna do it to B))

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Nez and her new companion, the furry beast, were enjoying a meal by the fire when it raised it's nose to the air and began to sniff. "What is it friend?" Nez asked the beast "Are we in danger?" Nez felt much safer with the beast as her ally. Then it stopped suddenly, stood perfectly still and perked up it's ears. And just as the beast had done when it pounced on her early that morning, it began to shake it's hind-end and flagged it's long fluffy tail. The beast seemed excited and began to run in circles...then bolted up out of the depth of the cave toward the moonlight. "Friend! Wait!!" Nez started after it. As she rounded the bend toward the mouth of the cave she heard his bark and saw the beast leaping up and down. Her eyes popped...something was behind the beast. Nez saw the dark contour of a figure much like her own. "AAAAWE!" She froze in fear, and her heart skipped a beat. The figure startled and turned to look right at her. It began to speak words that she somehow understood but did not have a chance to process or respond to because at that very instant her vision tunneled to black and she fell forward, slamming her tiny figure against the jagged floor of the cave...unconscious.

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Brodi had never seen this girl on the island before...

He got this weird feeling when he looked at her. he didn't know what it was.

He picked her up and brought her into the cave. he pulled a mat out of his pack and layed it out for.

He lay her on the mat and noticed a cut on her forehead. he pacthed her up and grab some food out.

Brodi had never seen another person since he was a boy.. he contiued cooking the food and waited.

after about an hour she still hadn't shown any signs of waking up so Brodi took the food off the already

built fire and layed out another mat. he layed down on the mat and feel asleep.

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Nero and Eve fell asleep on top of the mountain. By the time morning came, they were covered in a deep blanket of snow. Nero's best friend Titus climbed the mountain to search for them. When he reached the top, he fell through the snow and landed right on top of the sleeping couple. After whitewashing Titus for his intrusive awakening, they hiked back to their village.

(Epsilon-26, aka. land of high snow, is an enormous island (about the size of Iceland) covered with a vast mountain range.)

They arrived at the train station near the next mountain.

"It's a good thing those monks told us to put those trains in. It saves us a lot of time getting back home." Said Titus. They boarded the train and went into their private cabin. "I was talking to one of the monks when they came, and he said we are more advanced than the others. I didn't understand whet he meant though." Nero and Eve sat together on the bed while Titus layed down on the couch. Titus couldn't wait to get home to his girlfriend Cynn. Suddenly there was this dense feeling in the air, and the three of them started screaming because the pressure was squeezing their heads. the screaming continued untill they were uncincious on the floor.

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  giterdone said:
Nero and Eve fell asleep on top of the mountain. By the time morning came, they were covered in a deep blanket of snow. Nero's best friend Titus climbed the mountain to search for them. When he reached the top, he fell through the snow and landed right on top of the sleeping couple. After whitewashing Titus for his intrusive awakening, they hiked back to their village.

(Epsilon-26, aka. land of high snow, is an enormous island (about the size of Iceland) covered with a vast mountain range.)

They arrived at the train station near the next mountain.

"It's a good thing those monks told us to put those trains in. It saves us a lot of time getting back home." Said Titus. They boarded the train and went into their private cabin. "I was talking to one of the monks when they came, and he said we are more advanced than the others. I didn't understand whet he meant though." Nero and Eve sat together on the bed while Titus layed down on the couch. Titus couldn't wait to get home to his girlfriend Cynn. Suddenly there was this dense feeling in the air, and the three of them started screaming because the pressure was squeezing their heads. the screaming continued untill they were uncincious on the floor.

Isn't this a tropical sea filled with small islands? Plus, if there were no planes, wouldn't the same apply to trains and cars?... just a thought.

Otherwise, forget the raft, I'm gonna sail my billion dollar yacht around epsilon while drinking champagne and listening to illegally downloaded MP3s. :P Lucky for me the monks decided to make it for me.

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Light... Pain... Excrutiating Pain... And then his eyes were open and he was awash in relief. He had explored the infinites of the ocean surrounding him and so too the stars that littered across his night sky. He felt powerful. He had knowledge. He knew something more than he did the day he retired into his slumber.

Segnal had finished applying the last bit of bandaging to the wounds. He did not know the woman he was treating. She'd been there before. She had been wounded then too. Her skin was cleaved by lashes undoubtedly from the this spine of a palm leaf. He felt nothing. No curiosity to know who did this to her. No compassion for her painful circumstances. He did not even feel his absence of empathy. He left for the cliff the same time he left everyday - when the sun was a thumb's width above the watery horizon. As he watched the sun set, he was sated. There were no visits today. Why not? No one had arrived again and Segnal had lost count of how many sunsets had passed since their last arrival. Segnal yearned for them. They knew more than he did. They always told him something he did not know. He yearned for knowledge. As Segnal turned around, he started thinking. Maybe knowledge is not acquired. It is created. Created by solitude. Created by reflection. Created by the synthesis of emotion and intellect. He collapsed where he was. He had unlatched his burdensome bodily function. He then started picking up fragments of his experience. He was building something from these fragments and he built on and on... Until he had finished. As he stepped back to admire this knowledge he had assembled from nothing but his heart, mind and soul, he looked up and could not fathom the magnitude of his construction. Then he felt the pain of the light and woke up from his slumber.

He tried to stand, but he couldn't. He tried to speak, but he croaked. He lay there emaciated. He wondered how many sunsets it had been since he turned his back to it. He looked at his thigh. The wound he had had before his slumber was completely healed. That meant he had lay there at least fifteen sunsets. He was wet. He was thirsty. He was hungry. He was immobile. He also felt more powerful than anyone on Epsilon 16. Segnal lay there helpless; Helpless but powerful!


Late entry, but my character's name is Segnal and I occupy Epsilon 16

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  Brandonb said:
Isn't this a tropical sea filled with small islands? Plus, if there were no planes, wouldn't the same apply to trains and cars?... just a thought.

Otherwise, forget the raft, I'm gonna sail my billion dollar yacht around epsilon while drinking champagne and listening to illegally downloaded MP3s. :P Lucky for me the monks decided to make it for me.

I don't think Unreality said anything about weather. Being able to choose each islands weather conditions would make this game way more interesting than it all being tropical. And as for trains, since a long time ago we have had trains. trains can't take you off the island, without using technology too advanced for this game. I belive that if the island is freakin huge, it should have some means of transportation. When Unreality comes back on, let him decide upon this.

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  giterdone said:
I don't think Unreality said anything about weather. Being able to choose each islands weather conditions would make this game way more interesting than it all being tropical. And as for trains, since a long time ago we have had trains. trains can't take you off the island, without using technology too advanced for this game. I belive that if the island is freakin huge, it should have some means of transportation. When Unreality comes back on, let him decide upon this.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to point out the "tropical" point... I was trying to point out the blatant "small islands" part of the OP. But now that you mention the "technology too advanced for this game." Wasn't the steam engine used in a boat before it was used in a train?... yeah

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  giterdone said:
I don't think Unreality said anything about weather. Being able to choose each islands weather conditions would make this game way more interesting than it all being tropical. And as for trains, since a long time ago we have had trains. trains can't take you off the island, without using technology too advanced for this game. I belive that if the island is freakin huge, it should have some means of transportation. When Unreality comes back on, let him decide upon this.

The islands are small. It is a tropical climate. We should use tribal societies. No trains. Re-read the OP

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Andrell&Hector, Origin-Ep.3

As Andrell began to take his turn rowing the boat he looked out into the distance at Epsilon 4. He could finally make out the shoreline of the approaching island! He could even almost make out individual trees from this distance, so he knew that he was nearly a mile away. In fact, he thought he just might be able to make out a couple figures on the shore! “There’s no way there could be anyone else” he thought. Just then his feet felt cool and wet. Andrell looked down and saw that the ashy shell of the hollowed tree was compromised. Though his canoe had been easier to hollow out because of the burning, he failed to predict the susceptibility of the weakened wood to water erosion. So he planted his foot over the hole and tried to continue paddling. However, the pressure from his foot fractured the hole and made it larger!

Now they were sinking fast, and Hector knew that Andrell was not a good swimmer. So it was up to him to swim both of them nearly a mile to the shore of Epsilon 4. Hector abandoned the canoe and with a death-grip he took the oar with him as a pathetic flotation device (it wasn’t nearly enough to keep him afloat, let alone Andrell.) Even though Hector rolled over to his back and kicked for what seemed to be an eternity, he had never swam such a distance before. Eventually his strength began to fail him as he could no longer keep afloat…. and they were so close….

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  itachi-san said:
The islands are small. It is a tropical climate. We should use tribal societies. No trains. Re-read the OP

Ok...Ill change my island to a smallish Island with an extremely tall mountain that get's snow. That is possible in a tropical reigion, I've seen it in Hawaii.

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  unreality said:
Hey guys, I have enough time to play now :D tell me what's happened so far, and if there was any inter-island contact

Question: how much control does each player have over other players? We need to be able to write about other characters if there is to be inter-island contact between players. It would be impossible and or silly to have a back and forth dialog using single posts, so for example, we would at least have to put words into other's mouths for debate and conversation. So how much leeway is there?

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Not much. No godmodding or powerplaying, which means you can't talk or do actions for another player without their permission. If the two of you want to have a conversation but don't want to drag it over 2 pages of single posts and waiting for the other person to get on, get together in a PM and decide mutually on what it'll be, then have one of the people post it :D Sometimes people give temporary control of their character into another trusted player, too- I've seen that happen when people have to leave for a while

giterdone: no, they're all tropical :D though if there is a dormant volcano at the center of your island, and if it was high enough in altitude, there could be snow on top ;D

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I had to change some things in my story.

Nero and Eve fell asleep on top of the mountain. By the time morning came, they were covered in a deep blanket of snow. Nero's best friend Titus climbed the mountain to search for them. When he reached the top, he fell through the snow and landed right on top of the sleeping couple. After whitewashing Titus for his intrusive awakening, they hiked back to their village. Titus couldn't wait to get home to his girlfriend Cynn. Suddenly there was this dense feeling in the air, and the three of them started screaming because the pressure was squeezing their heads. the screaming continued untill they were uncincious on the ground.


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