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Skulduggery Pleasant Mafia 2: Playing with Fire


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Wrong Shadow.

Host has said that block/trap will stop anything unless the trap/block is stopped first.

Can you link me to that? I must have lost that in the long discussion during N2....

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That would add further proof, as it would mean that maurice definitely lied. He swears he is a role not on that list. That should be impossible, since all those roles act. And I don't buy that Bliss would act on himself on the first Night. It would make more sense for a bad guy to do that to avoid suspicion.

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But unlike you all, I know what my role is. I know I'm not an enemy of the Town. The point is, you're all completely ignoring everything I've said about maurice. It's incriminating, especially when combined with his own words.

maurice was spied by Finbar...and you are the only one going after maurice. What do you think about that?


And too lazy to go looking so asking the hosts to rehash the block/trap issue.

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That would add further proof, as it would mean that maurice definitely lied. He swears he is a role not on that list. That should be impossible, since all those roles act. And I don't buy that Bliss would act on himself on the first Night. It would make more sense for a bad guy to do that to avoid suspicion.

Since trap would also save from NK/RID and from me trying to lynch him D1 for funzies... I'd believe it.

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We don't know that Finbar isn't planning on going after maurice or if they've even been on. A lot of people haven't been active yet. And Finbar didn't act that we know of last Night, so maybe he is Klue. I'd actually suspected as much.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I get it now :D yayay although that kinda blows that you were forced to give hints ...

@ mo - why exactly did you give hints if only sakura was voting for you?

He was spied by the baddies. So they know who he is already.

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Gordon, Skull, Jack, Fin, Tanith, Bliss, and China acted. Grotesquery was killed.

That leaves:

All the baddies,





All others either acted, or were RID killed.

So he's on that list, or Bliss=3 bad, 3 good, 2 indies who can be recruited by goodies. So why do you want him dead?

Either way, odds favor him being good or possibly good.

And I compiled this looking at the N1 night post. So I know it's right.

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Out of eight roles, there are five enemy roles. Odds are in favor of him being one of those enemy roles.

How do you get 5 enemy roles?

I see 3 baddies. The indies can be recruited to the goodies, hence aren't enemies unless Gordon and Valkyrie both die.

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Until they have been recruited, unaligned roles should be considered enemy roles. Their goals are to kill the innocents. There is no reason not to vote for maurice.

See, the way I see it, unaligned should be low priority compared to baddies, especially when they can be added to our numbers. I think this is the way most of us see it, too. They definitely should not be considered as equally bad with the baddies.

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I'm not saying they are equally-bad. However, they ARE bad. That's why we should lynch maurice. Odds are in favor him being a bad guy. Does it really matter whether it's a major or minor one? It's better than targeting some random person with no real evidence against them.

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I'm not saying they are equally-bad. However, they ARE bad. That's why we should lynch maurice. Odds are in favor him being a bad guy. Does it really matter whether it's a major or minor one? It's better than targeting some random person with no real evidence against them.

Same odds against you. So why are you complaining about votes on you?

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None of those votes were put on me for that reason, but for seemingly no reason at all. And like I keep saying, I know I'm innocent. Why would I bother posting all that stuff, knowing that it incriminates maurice as much as me if I weren't? Like I said, I've got nothing to hide. People should switch their votes. I'm sick of never getting to play.

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Just an FYI, Sak-C, if I weren't my role there would be 2 goodies that could counter my claim...my role and Finbar. So, again, I beg of you, defend yourself. Throwing unfounded accusations at others is the worst type of defense you could possibly make. Oh and if you are a goodie worth saving cast your vote for someone who actually may get lynched in your stead. It is such a strategic error to be voting for me...but with all of you Saccolades, you know that already, right?

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If nothing else, Sakura, your technique makes you a good target for the baddies to cast suspicion on. The longer you continue to be present for the baddies to cast suspicion on, the longer it takes for us to find and eliminate the baddies.

If nothing else, I ask China to spy Sakura tonight, so there's someone who can say if she is indeed bad, or merely playing poorly.

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@Sakura- Maurice has clearly hinted and your vote for him will not be supported by anyone here.

@All-As tempting as it is, if Sakura is who she has outed herself as, lynching her won't do us any good. It seems to me that she has clearly outed herself as Scapegrace whether she remembers her name or not as Scapegrace is the only living role who didn't act both nights. Of course, if she's messing with us. . .

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You're just trying to speak in riddles now. If you weren't your role? Well, you ARE your role. And I don't see anyone really defending you. Even if they did, that's hardly proof. I think Finbar is unable to say anything today, if my belief is correct. None of my accusations against you are unfounded, yet you lie and say they are. It's very clear you are up to something. Surely the Town is smart enough to see you are trying to trick them?

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Go ahead and have China spy on me. I'm not afraid of her learning my role. But that can't happen if you make the mistake of lynching me. Lynch maurice, who is clearly being suspicious. The evidence makes him the best choice. The odds that we will kill a bad guy when we kill him is very high.

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Ok, I can no longer fight this. Sak-C busted me. I am Scape. Please recruit me tonight as such, Goodies, and we shall be triumphant!!

(BTW the above was complete and utter bs, but was posted to demonstrate a point)

See, Sak-C, where you fail is that if I am Scape then all you need to do is have me be recruited. Why would you waste a lynch on me?

Edited by maurice
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Go ahead and have China spy on me. I'm not afraid of her learning my role. But that can't happen if you make the mistake of lynching me. Lynch maurice, who is clearly being suspicious. The evidence makes him the best choice. The odds that we will kill a bad guy when we kill him is very high.

Do you remember your role name? Are you still sticking with your claim that you did nothing either night?

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