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Everything posted by Panther

  1. Panther


    Psst... Slick, you've missed my post... and yours was already there, but now you've messed up your spoiler
  2. Panther


    FANGS If 2, then FA??? as F is the only change from PANGS
  3. Panther


    Edit - nvm I read that wrong lol Mine will be up in 2 secs
  4. Panther


    PANGS Oh, and I think you forgot to put the A in (since MikeD got it right)
  5. "Sounds fine," Loki agreed.
  6. Panther


    TRIST If 2, S is 4th T and I from TWICE got 0, R is proven and T from RIGHT got 0
  7. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Combatception?? ^^
  8. Panther


    I recieved teh PM Sending it to MikeD now
  9. Panther

    One Up Me

    You can shoot the gun... but don't get mad when it blows up in your face
  10. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Bwahahahaha! You did take ages to respond though... Karma!
  11. Panther


    Signups: 1. MiKi 2. EDM!!! 3. Flamebirde 4. Thalia 5. Slick 6. TheCube 7. 'Cat'astrophe 8. Panther
  12. Panther

    Dark Room

    How about you summon an ethereal ball of shining holy light to cleanse the dark room of it's shadows forever?
  13. Panther


    Sorry if it was confusing for you I used red to show the letters, of the words that had already been said, that made up my guess - leaving out one that I was changing (The 'L'). Is there another way you would rather I displayed my logic that would be easier for you to see?
  14. "And I am Loki," says (Have a guess) Loki, following Flame's lead. "These are our travelling companions,..." OOC: "Psst! Introduce yourselves! "
  15. Panther


    Could I join in?
  16. Loki follows Flame. OOC: (Just so you know I haven't disappeared )
  17. Host: ShadowAngel 1. Flamebirde 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Panther 18. 19. Backup: 1. 2. Of course You don't think I'd abandon this awesome-looking mafia, do you? I do hope we get enough though, I'm really looking forward to this
  18. I really wish I was smart enough to figure this out, but I'm not I don't suppose there are any hints for people like me that have no idea where to start? Edit - Those two abouve posts were not there when I wrote this Gimme some time to look at the doc
  19. PI: Y-san Roster: 1. Hirkala 2. Framm 18 3. MikeD 4. 5. Flamebirde 6. 7. Panther 8. 9. 10. Aaryan 11. 12. 13. MiKi Backups: 1. 2. This could be interesting...
  20. Panther


    TALLY If 2, then L is 3rd. TABLE - 1 CARRY - 1
  21. Panther

    One Up Me

    As fast as the time it takes you all to vote this post up, this post shall be voted up many times.
  22. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Some questions 1. Why the 'only 2 coins if oppositions is dead' rule? 2. Would the trophies do anything or would they simply be collectibles? 3. Some abilities would be kinda cool. Maybe a choice, or a random ability is given to each player at the start? Gimme some time and I'm sure I can come up with some new items if you want Also, it would be nice if the games could last a fair amount of time (I don't know how long this round will last yet obv) so as to give lots of time to strategise and gain enough money to buy high end gear in the shop. Stuff like the ring that halves shop prices is good because it introduces a bit of thought into the purchases, i.e 'Do I buy this awesome sword??' 'Or do I save a little more money and buy the cost-cutting ring??' Edit - What do you mean by live?
  23. Loki swiftly knocks one of the creatures away from him, causing it to fall back for a second. Taking advantage of the small opening, he hurriedly swims upwards, following MiKi.
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