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Everything posted by Panther

  1. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Aww c'mon, really? Crit??
  2. "Don't get to cocky, they may be playing dead only to ambush us as soon as we turn our backs," Loki advised.
  3. Panther


    Bwahahaha! I knew that was right And, it's fine
  4. Loki swiftly follows, right behind Flame.
  5. Panther


    CRYPT CR~ from CREEP (1) ~PT from SLEPT (1) If 0, E is 3rd as E > Y = -1
  6. Panther


    SLEPT If 0, E is 4th as E > P = -1 If 2, P is 4th as E > P = +1
  7. Panther


    SLEET If 0, P is 5th as P > T = -1 If 2, T is 5th as P > T = +1
  8. Panther


    CLAST If 0, S is 5th as S > T = -1 If 2, T is 5th as S > T = +1
  9. Panther


    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Next Round signups: 1. 2. Panther 3. MikeD 4. 5.
  10. OOC: Wait a minute... why did we all go for Flame to place once little thing? It only really needed one person??
  11. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Bring it on Mikey
  12. Panther

    Lord of Combat

    Things are heating up
  13. Panther


    ... that would be one creepy, smart-a** clown
  14. Panther


    RAVER If 2, then v is 3rd as R from rings recieved 0, A is proven and ER from laser recieved 0
  15. "Alright, let's go!" exclaimed Loki.
  16. Panther


    Thanks. @Panther Notice anything? ;) Sure And, yup ;) Hehe...
  17. Grinning, Loki also raised his hand.
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