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Joe's Student

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Everything posted by Joe's Student

  1. Adding my vote... Sea God: Mekal 1)GC - voting for woon 2)CP [Dead: killed by swat agent] 3)JS - voting for silverheart 4)woon 5)FIF 6)Kat 7)dms172 8)limeliam 9)silverheart 10)PG 11)Slick-voting for GC 12)Reaymond-voting for GC 13)Panther 14)foolonthehill Btw reaymond: you don't have to put it in a spoiler
  2. I thought two people were, eh.. a bit put out maybe, that i wasn't dead after last night's proceedings. One of them I'm keeping my eye on. The other well:
  3. Thanks Nurse! You won't regret it! Can't believe my luck there! After a hard days work on the ship i get chloroformed! Pah! Ok so voting day 1... Be back after school with my vote...
  4. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Thanks Frost and Bb! good game everyone! I enjoyed the new roles alot
  5. Just my view ... i think the riddle/puzzle idea of a puzzle is a good one, but I'm just wondering is it necessary the penalty for answering wrongly being as strong as death? Just a question, or do you think it's the best possible way? Is there any other type of punishment that could be imposed instead? I'm only thinking this wondering what you can do if you're about to be lynched and the only way you can save yourself is by outing your role? I agree all the Heroes coming out with theirs in Heroes Mafia took away from the game a bit, so i definitely think there should be something to prevent that. But if your only option is to out your role then it seems a bit unlucky just, and plays right into the hands of the baddies maybe? These are just my thoughts so if you already have answers to all these questions... great , i trust your judgement Itachi lol, but was just wondering
  6. I'm in Hokage: Tsunade 1) PG 2) Mekal 3) Dawh 4) Prof. Templeton 5) Kat 6) Prince Marth 7) SK 8) CP 9) JS
  7. Was there a problem with using the theater before?
  8. I just stay private the whole time now anyway it's easier, even if i don't have any PM'ing to do i log on as invisible anyway..
  9. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    1) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick2 4) Puzzlegirl - voting for Prof. Templeton 5) Prince Marth - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Slick2 10) Prof. Templeton - voting for Puzzlegirl 11) Impervious - voting for Puzzlegirl 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells - voting for Puzzlegirl 15) Joe's Student - voting for Puzzlegirl Changed mine to try and save Prof. Edit: Save is a bit strong lol but to not waste our serum.
  10. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Seeing PT's post and deciding to believe him, I'm changing my vote... 1) Brandonb - voting for Prof. Templeton 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick2 4) Puzzlegirl - voting for Prof. Templeton 5) Prince Marth - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prof. Templeton 10) Prof. Templeton - voting for Puzzlegirl 11) Impervious - voting for Prof. Templeton 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells - voting for Puzzlegirl 15) Joe's Student - voting for Slick2 Slick2 has been down as bad/suspicious for a while now... Edit, typo
  11. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    1) Brandonb - voting for Sweetness Kat 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth - voting for Prof. Templeton 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prof. Templeton 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious - voting for Prof. Templeton 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prof. Templeton 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student - voting for Prof. Templeton Toss up between him and Slick for me. Slick2 is definitely a baddie I think, this is noticeable from when even CL was playing. PT has seemed sneaky throughout and since so many votes are logged for him alraedy it will be interesting to see who he is..
  12. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    So I see I was wrong about you itachi .. apologies mate, I actually owe you greatly . And I also see that I'm down as baddie/suspicious to alot of you at the minute... fair enough i guess after the days events. But I can assure you all I'm no baddie, and that I'm certainly an imporatant innocent, especially in tonights affairs. And I'm glad Slick got to replace, Cl and isn't ruing Eter's/Itachi's, decision, he always gets killed first . I wouldn't be surprised if Claire has heard the call by now (as GC did appeal to her ), and I'd say she would take up the direction.
  13. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Just saying that I'll be gone for around 5 hours but that i still think Bb is innocent despite his accusations towards me and that i also think it would be much more fruitful for us if we injected ITACHI. Btw, something else that's suspicious, Where is he?
  14. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Ha Bam and your analysis is wrong! I'm going asleep now, i'll check up in the morning Btw Bb i wish you hadn't have said that.. makes me a tad more reluctant to believe what I had believed
  15. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Hello. Brandonb. I've totally backed you up on this one here, where's my thank you? Guys please read my long post, i feel strongly on it so I hope you fellow voters don't continue on with your vote without at least considering the other possibility...
  16. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    Logging my vote.. Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb voting for Itachi 2) Kat - voting for brandonb 3) Sweetness Kat - voting for Bb 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral - voting for Bb 7) Slick2 8) Crazypainter- voting for Bb 9) Itachi - voting for Bb 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious voting for Bb 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student - voting for Itachi Btw, shouldn't the colours be different?
  17. Joe's Student

    Heroes: Season 1

    (Long Post Here) ! Bam Itachi I'm suspicious of you right now! You've concocted a near-perfect frame! Let's start with this simple, inconspicuous statement. Nothing in it to start, it's itachi's first post after the night post. Going after GC. Fair enough. You'll see where this comes in later in my reasoning.. Then changes to Bb, again fair enough saying that he could be up to his usual tactics and double bluffing people. This is what made me suspicious. Why would it be silly for him to act the first night? So it got me thinking: - Itachi & co. plan to frame Bb. He knows as well as all of us that Bb is a sometimes a slimey player (to be taken as a compliment ), so he has an idea if he presents such an argument he's likely to convince others without real evidence. It's a pretty clever idea actually... -Haitian selects Bb -Company(Itachi) target Y-San -Itachi then talks about GC, waits a while to see does anyone pick up on it. -Then out of the blue pulls this argument out of the bag, all set up by him and fellow company members, against Bb. -Fits in well, almost too well, i.e i think if this had have been Bb's idea he would have forseen people picking up on it like Itachi has. What I'm trying to say if this was Bb's idea then he would have realised (I think) that someone like Itachi would have seen through it. So i was thinking could it be a frame? And if so who could have done it? I believe, the initiater, Itachi. I'm just going with my gut instinct here... Edits: Lots of typos and emphasis
  18. True, but not quite what i had in mind There are other hints in the title to this part too. Btw remove the comma's
  19. Sure are and if you did physics then you would also know that 's' stands for..
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