Joe's Student
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Everything posted by Joe's Student
[personal rant]First off... sheesh. This is pathetic. First of all I lose 12 pages of Politics Coursework due to pathetic technology <_< , and then I come home to see that we the residents of Blisinden aren't happy unless we're shooting ourselves in the foot.[/rant] Sorry, just it's been a bad day . But so I'm genuinely sorry there PM. Agree with reaymond, I hold my hands up, very sorry guys. ------------------- But can I ask, why is there suspicion surrounding me? The only thing I can see is GC's comment. GC, who btw is definitely the Don. The reason I say this, is thanks to IDNE (or was it SD), who were going through the Mafia's roles and possible secret abilities. Don - Cool under pressure and will take steps to control the town. ~ A variation on what was said is that there's some clause that the Don can't be lynched. I mean it's fairly obvious GC is Mafia. And to be bold enough to come out and save one of his own just leads me to think he didn't have that much to be scared of. Anyway it seems that suspicion is there. There's one logical conclusion that shows that I'm innocent and that SG is our failed prosecutor. By my roster now I have 2 unconfirmed roles. The FP and the Medical examiner. It's a toss up between Slick and SG. But it's clear to me that Slick is innocent and that the pre suspected SG is the Failed Prosecutor. And I mean SomeGuy can't be the Sheriff because the Sheriff arrested him. That much should be clear to everyone. So by now you should all have been able to work out who the Sheriff. There's also the fact GC has claimed to be the Sheriff and accused me in the same post. He's obviously not the Sheriff that much is clear. SG can't be. Slick could be - but he's not. Any other roles left for SG? Of course he could be Mafia and Kat/peace could be the failed prosectutor, but there's one post that highlights (to me) SG as being the independant. Give me a sec and I'll dig it up. --------- Ok to put it plain and simple (b/c above is a bit messy): SG could only be 1 innocent role - the Medical examiner. If he's not our baddies are: GC SG Kat peace With four baddie roles out there. 3 Mafia and 1 independant. Where would I fit in if I'm a baddie? You could hardly argue with those on the list. I'm not going to give my opinion on tactics anymore cuz' I'd say I'll get it wrong, but it's clear SG is bad, even if there's less proof I'm innocent. And there's one spot going between me and him. Dare to claim the Medical Inspector SG? *Apologises for length of post, but wants to emphasise that friendly fire can't happen anymore*
Well as I said earlier the more imminent threat is from the FP. I had it down to 2 people, the other is on GC's baddie list but I wasn't confident enough or bold enough to risk sticking my neck out. To be honest people we need to get the FP today, I mean you should all know why. Kat could be dealt with later/tonight etc. I trust GC as an innocent so let's go for it. Host: Lost in Space 1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat 2 - Peace*out - voting for Kat 3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia 4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - Voting for Prince Marth 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Prince Marth 8 - JarZe - 9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat 10 - Some Guy - voting for Kat 11 - akaslikster- voting for Prince Marth 12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER 13 - Impervious - voting for Kat 14 - Kat - voting for Marth 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante
Jarze: True like I can't see me changing mine, only the pessimist in me likes to hear a defence. That way you can be 100%, I'd usually be more sure after I hear defense . Anyway... You see the problem I have is that so far is that has been a bit too easy, barring the lemonymelon accident. I mean 2 Mafia (most likely) dead AND another on the way. These are pretty certain facts, but something is bugging me in that it's been plain sailing so far. If Kat is Mafia then it would appear to be 3 dead from both sides, which is a pretty good tally for the innocents so far. So I'm wary that I'm missing something, something pretty obvious. And I'll risk saying this out loud, I'd sleep sounder in my bed tonight if we found the FP. For obvious reasons. Host Lost in Space 1 - Prince Marth - voting for Kat 2 - Peace*out 3 - IDoNotExist - Dead killed by mafia 4 - Social Darwin - Voting for Kat 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Kat 8 - JarZe - 9 - Reaymond - voting for Kat 10 - Some Guy 11 - akaslikster 12 - Lemonymelon - Death by Blood Eagle HEALER 13 - Impervious - voting for Kat 14 - Kat 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - Dead killed By Vigilante
Well he used his ability to protect him last from a Mafioso. Why would a fellow mafia do that? The only other explanation would be that reaymond is actually the failed prosecutor. I don't actually think this BUT with the other Night events and certain roles being claimed there could be a reason for the failed prosecutor to pay a visit to you Impervious. This would also depend on the FP having a secret ability such as nullifying [a thieving role themselves even, I'm really not sure], something like that maybe. The above is just a far-out thought, but I thought I should put it out there anyway. O and through preview post I see Impervious already answered you Jarze. And don't worry you pick it up as you go along . Back to voting... I think Kat needs replacing, I've PM'd LIS about it already. It says on her MSN name (from a previous game, so don't even make that connection! ) that she's away until Sunday. But who would fill the boots of someone who has the noose so tightly around there neck? It goes without saying that my vote is for Kat though, she was suspicious from the start. Edit: italics
That night didn't go to badly . Both the Thief and the Failed Prosecutor foiled. Good job doc. I think there's one cause for concern in the Night Post, only I'm not too sure if I should say it out loud just yet. Star Tiger was my vote for today so great job Vig! As for reaymond, hmmm. I'm not going to vote for him because it's too risky, but claiming the suicide bomber is a cliché for baddies. I generally feel for you reaymond if you are him. I'm gonna wait another while before I vote because there's something I'm missing with one of the roles, so I'll think about it over some dinner and be back then. Also there could be a danger of an unwanted victory tonight... . Edit: saw the other posts. reaymond you're in the clear. Ignore that above. Will place vote in an hour
Haha true. Got carried away in my excitement.
The bias of the BBC! For those of you who don't know, the BBC is the "British Broadcasting Corporation" and encompasses TV, Radio etc. Over Christmas and into January, Israel launched its offensive into the Gaza Strip in Palestine. 1,400 Palestinians were killed and over a third of those women and children! No food, no electricity, no aid, no medical supplies. 5000+ injured. Over 300 innocent children killed. Countless now parentless. So regardless of whether you agree with what happened in Gaza, I think we all would like an independent, subjective, news service, that don't base their reports on what a government has set out for them to report. With this in mind, over the past few days a few of the world's leading charities (Amnesty International etc.) had come together to make a critical international aid appeal. Here where I live the 4 main channels were asked to show this appeal, to try and help innocent civilians in bloody need! And the BBC decline to show the appeal. "We don't want to seem to be taking sides." That was there reasoning. So yes obviously by showing an Amnestly- International- aid- appeal for a region that has been uniformly destroyed, you are supporting Hamas. It doesn't matter about the men, women, children undergoing the kind suffering unimaginable to us in our comfy homes. Of course not. I can honestly say it made me sick to my stomach. I had an extremely low opinion of the BBC anyway, but even I didn't think they would degrade themselves that much.
Well Day 1 was an absolute mess, I mean we basically outed 3 (or 4) innocents, without even killing a Mafia. Sorry to LM. About tonight guys, I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia have a saving role in their midst, just something to think about. (And if I had to guess Bodyguard would be what comes to mind.) So Vigilante be careful. I'm genuinely not sure about Kat, if this is based on her tendency to be Mafia in previous games then that's worrying. We're going to have to outsmart the Mafia this game, not rely on luck. If I'm missing something about Kat, no problemo. I will say that Vig might find something to go on if he looks through Day 1 voting, there's something that stands out bigtime now that I read again. That's where my vote goes tomorrow, unless something happens tonight. But hey I'm not privvy to alot of info right now. Less talk is probably better though.
Well I'm off to bed now. This has been an eventful Day 1, I think we've learned alot today, and depending on the lynch result, we could gain a good bit more. Good luck guys.
God I agree with bowls, I mean it's impossible to fill your bowl up to more than 1/87 full, which is pathetic. Am I allowed to rant politically octopuppy?
I know it can be difficult sometimes with alot of people posting, but try and use the most recent roster, which is now: 1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out- voting for Lemonymelon 3 - IDNE - voting for Jarze 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Lemonymelon 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for Jarze 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for Lemonymelon 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze
Most recent roster. Kat who are you voting for? 1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out- voting for Lemonymelon 3 - IDNE - voting for Peace*Out 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Lemonymelon 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for peace*out 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for Lemonymelon 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze Edit: Peace a bit more maybe? Edit2: Ha anymore players going to lead the lynch?
Ignore the above post, people posted while I was... 1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out- 3 - IDNE - voting for Peace*out 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Lemonymelon 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for Joe's Student 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for IDNE 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze Again lemonymelon. Mind you if anyone's seen peace around the Den today I'll switch my vote right away. I even give permission for someone else to change it for me .
Well JarZe, sorry about that. If I don't vote for Jarze then that leaves peace*out, but her inactivity is more characteristic of inability to get on BD. So I'm reluctant about voting for her At The Minute, and I'll go for a seemingly more sneaky inactive already voted for. This is subject to change on 2 conditions: I'm about to be lynched or better evidence comes to the fore. I'd warn about voting for an inactive, that can work out bad as well. IDNE and ST, lemonymelon or peace*out would make better choices. Aka I believe you to be innocent, but you gotta see the light. 1 - Prince Marth - 2 - Peace*out 3 - IDNE - voting for Jarze 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Lemonymelon 8 - JarZe - Voting for Peace*Out 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for Joe's Student 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Peace*Out 14 - Kat - voting for IDNE 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Jarze I'm going for an inactive because I'm pretty sure both JArZe and JS are goodies now. edit: Off work now, i'll be back in about an hour or so.
Impervious, IDNE, you'll be happy about your change of vote when my role is revealed, whenever that happens. To the rest of you: This is a purely bandwagon vote, based on inactivity, which wasn't even the case in the first place ( !). Show faith in me and your vote will repayed by the fact you won't have lynched an innocent. I really would prefer not to be more specific about my role, it's always better to keep baddies guessing, but we're all prisoner's to our surroundings. Off topic-ish: Can I just say I miss Social Darwin being around , his posts were entertained me bigtime, truely inspiring! Also where are you GC, this is your favourite scenario, me being on the verge of Death-by-Lynch! You'll kick yourself for missing it. There's one role we definitely won't hear from tonight.
Changing to Jarze becuase of his refusal that I put anything in my post. Tbh my vote for ST was a filler while I worked, it didn't gain a response anyway. 1 - Prince Marth - voting for Joe's Student 2 - Peace*out 3 - IDNE - voting for Joe's Student 4 - Social Darwin - Under Arrest 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Jarze 8 - JarZe - Voting for Joe's Student 9 - Reaymond - voting for Joe's Student 10 - Some Guy - voting for Lemonymelon 11 - akaslickster - voting for Joe's Student 12 - Lemonymelon - voting for Joe's Student 13 - Impervious - voting for Star Tiger 14 - Kat - voting for IDNE 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Impervious Edit: Missed Impervious' vote.
There's a hint in there... I'm going to leave it a while. If still, after another while, no one sees it, I'll be more specific. Slick (And others): You have admitted that my suspicion was based on inactivity... I'm active! lol I've done nothing else suspicious. If I were to come out with my role right away, that would be a bit pathetic, and a loss to innocents, so for the minute I'm sticking with the hint I left. People, please read into comments.... O and I'm JS .
There's a few we haven't heard from yet, so I wasn't discounting anything. Aka could still be Mafia. And I have given you something to work with btw. Edit: italics
Can I just quote this? It's not as if I've come at the last minute...
Ha I'm here now. God guys there's still plenty of time left until Day Post, I'm doing exams I didn't think there was such a rush to get on. But I haven't had such a motion against me since I was L in DNM! (For the same reason - not being on when others are <_< ). Anyway, so Slick you're voting for me why? And everyone has followed that vote because...? It would help to know. If for inactivity, there's a few who haven't even voted yet. If it's because Slick you have used your ESP then I'll remind you the last time you used that I was an innocent . I want to hold back from the You-Must-Be-Mafia defence, and I have nothing really that makes me think that, but I'd be more wary of those that bandwagon me... If Slick, you've gained some info, I'll remind you of the Thief role. Although A) I could be wrong about the Thief's ability and B) the odds of things working out like this is very unlikely. Edit: The suit bringer who flopped isn't around it appears? In a box maybe?
JarZe's vote had been missed out. 1 - Prince Marth 2 - Peace*out 3 - IDNE - voting for Social Darwin 4 - Social Darwin 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells - voting for reaymond 7 - Joe's Student - voting for Star Tiger 8 - JarZe - voting for Social Darwin 9 - Reaymond 10 - Some Guy 11 - akaslickster - voting for Joe's Student 12 - Lemonymelon 13 - Impervious - voting for peace*out 14 - Kat 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger - voting for Impervious
Excellent it's started then! I couldn't wait up for the post last night, was too tired . Great post LIS. O and the inclusion of the Freemason's pwn! After Night 1 we're usually behind on the Mafia, but we have the chance to go ahead of them today. 1 - Prince Marth 2 - Peace*out 3 - IDNE - Voting for Social Darwin 4 - Social Darwin 5 - Rainthinker - Killed by Mafia (Freemason) 6 - Grey Cells 7 - Joe's Student - Star Tiger 8 - JarZe 9 - Reaymond 10 - Some Guy 11 - akaslickster-voting for -Joe's Student 12 - Lemonymelon 13 - Impervious 14 - Kat 15 - Riranor - Dead (Freemason) 16 - Star Tiger Just a hunch, which isn't much anyway, but we'll see. Edit: That enough for you Slick?
Well thanks Itachi! Like everyone said - that was great. I'm really glad we decided to continue the game . Achaens really well played , I think 2 things got us. dawh being Apollo and PT's clever trickery. You pwned as Odysseus . I had so much fun playing this game, I was so annoyed when my internet went caput over the weekend there <_< .
Don't fear mighty Trojans! Today's events are not a disaster. They are the opposite. What happened today will unite us as Trojans and allow us once and for all to rid our shores of those filthy Greeks! Paris and Agenor, we need you tonight! Paris please choose to protect PG! That is crucial! Agenor we need you to to keep a watchful eye on me. Stay brave in battle Trojans and we'll make it through the Night!
Host: itachi 1) A. Person - dawh 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Frost -DEAD 4) dawh 5) Cherry Lane -DEAD 6) Twin Pop 7) LIS -DEAD 8) SomeGuy 9) Joe's Student - dawh 10) GC 11) PG - voting for dawh 12) reaymond 13) impervious -DEAD 14) O'mally 15) unreality - voting for dawh 16) Brandonb [Achaean] 17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean] Well because Athena is dead, there would have been an added incentive for you to side with us PT. Shame you're already recruited Edit: You know what side I'm on, is this 'Edit' business necessary?