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Everything posted by unreality

  1. elbow woble awww, if only elbow was spelled elbbow ;D
  2. unreality

    hahaha Perfect for the current times ;D 5*
  3. Since activity on this thread has faded a bit, I'm going to share my Eviscerator... it's rediculously deadly against most programs: The Eviscerator COPY 16;105;0 COPY 15;add(b(-1),19);0 COPY 14;add(b(-2),-22);0 COPY 13;add(b(-3),-53);0 COPY 12;add(b(-4),46);0 COPY 11;add(b(-5),-35);0 COPY 10;add(b(-6),54);0 COPY 9;add(b(-7),-77);0 COPY 8;add(b(-8),2);0 COPY 7;add(b(-9),-19);0 COPY 6;add(b(-10),20);0 COPY 5;add(b(-11),29);0 COPY 4;add(b(-12),-52);0 COPY 3;add(b(-13),-73);0 EDITB -14;add(b(-14),6);0 JUMP com(b(-15),135,2,2,-15);0;0 BOMB 40;0;0 JUMP com(add(a(a -1)),add(b(a(-1)),c(a(-1)))),0,com(a(a(-1)),b(a(-1)),com(c(a(-1)),0,1,3,3),3,3),3,3);0;0 EDITA -2;add(a(-2),4);0 JUMP com(a(-3),175,4,4,-2);0;0 COPY -4;add(a(-4),-3);0 EDITA -5;add(a(-5),1);0 JUMP com(a(-6),175,1,1,-2);0;0 COPY 0;add(a(0),c(0));120 EDITA -1;add(a(-1),1);0 JUMP com(a(-2),3,add(c(-2),-2),add(c(-2),-2),-2);0;0 The problem with most Bombers is that they're hilariously inefficient... they bomb once every certain number of rounds (3 is pretty much the MINIMUM) and they do so in a predictable fashion, looping however many nodes til the next space to bomb. This is why I made the Eviscerator The program is 26 lines, though the last 9 lines are the multi-tiered defense system in case it approaches to killing itself or if the code is corrupted, etc, so chopping those off, this is the actual Eviscerator, with my comments in red: Call the first line "COPY 16.." node 0 COPY 16;105;0 <- drops a bomb 105 spaces away from node 0 COPY 15;add(b(-1),19);0 <- drops a bomb 125 spaces away from node 0 COPY 14;add(b(-2),-22);0 <- drops a bomb 85 spaces away from node 0 COPY 13;add(b(-3),-53);0 <- drops a bomb 55 spaces away from node 0 COPY 12;add(b(-4),46);0 <- drops a bomb 155 spaces away from node 0 COPY 11;add(b(-5),-35);0 <- drops a bomb 75 spaces away from node 0 COPY 10;add(b(-6),54);0 <- drops a bomb 165 spaces away from node 0 COPY 9;add(b(-7),-77);0 <- drops a bomb 35 spaces away from node 0 COPY 8;add(b(-8),2);0 <- drops a bomb 115 spaces away from node 0 COPY 7;add(b(-9),-19);0 <- drops a bomb 95 spaces away from node 0 COPY 6;add(b(-10),20);0 <- drops a bomb 105 spaces away from node 0 COPY 5;add(b(-11),29);0 <- drops a bomb 145 spaces away from node 0 COPY 4;add(b(-12),-52);0 <- drops a bomb 65 spaces away from node 0 COPY 3;add(b(-13),-73);0 <- drops a bomb 45 spaces away from node 0 EDITB -14;add(b(-14),6);0 <- adds 6 to the 'spaces away' of EACH bomber command JUMP com(b(-15),135,2,2,-15);0;0 <- jumps back to start OR to defense mechanism if getting too close BOMB 40;0;0 <- the actual BOMB command, waiting at the end of the program As you can see, every 16 rounds the Eviscerator unleashes 14 statistically even spaced bombs, every 10 nodes from 35 away to 165 away, though not in that predictable order, instead it loosely follows a more statistical route to cover more of the VNA faster. And with a SINGLE edit command, it changes the target of each copy command to jump 6 forward. In just 32 rounds its unleashed 28 bombs covering the VNA in front of it... it's pretty much devastating
  4. unreality

    my goal is to win by surviving
  5. taliesin: incorrect rossbeemer: you're close
  6. unreality

    ooh I want to see that. I want to see Body of Lies too, looks excellent
  7. Hey! Yeah, wow, and thanks :D I didn't even know it happened... hehe you SHOULD cast a spell on me

  8. lol Right now I think Obama can ride the wave right into the White House unless he does something stupid or the Reps bounce back
  9. "We should just make base-10 computers," Bob commented to his friend Randy. "Rather than old base-2, which they only made because they used on/off vacuum tubes. We have the technology today to build faster computers... think of a base-10 computer! It would be five times faster than a base-2 computer - think about it. What could take up a bazillion digits in base 2 - or should I say bits, of 0 or 1, would take up much less in base-10. Five times less digits, five times more efficient!" "That's not necessarily true," mused Randy, scratching his chin. "We're defining Base Efficiency as this, where x is the number to be compared, y is the larger base and z is the smaller base: " Bef(x) in y|z = [digits of x in base z] / [digits of x in base y] For example, 5 in base 10 takes up 1 digit ("5") whereas, in base 2, it takes up three digits ("101"). Thus: Bef(5) in 10|2 = 3/1 = 3 "That's not 5x the storage efficiency," Randy added. "That's only three. Look at 10, that's 4/2, or 2. One is only 1/1! No, I think the average overall efficiency of base 10 compared to base 2 is...." What does Randy say next? Why? Also, what's the largest efficiency you can get in 10|2, and what number(s) give you that efficiency? Use spoilers and show your work
  10. http://www.fun-with-words.com/palin_explain.html Those are reversed to make the same word, though it references reversing it to make different words, not sure what those are called
  11. unreality

    In the main reply screen (not Quick Reply), look directly beneath and to the right of the main text box. You should see a "Manage Current Attachments (0)" dropdown, and beneath that, a 'Browse...' button. Click the browse button, select the file in question, hit OK, the directory should fill to the left of the Browse button. Then click the big green UPLOAD button. Afterwards, click on the "Manage Current Attachments (1)" dropdown and select the green-check option
  12. unreality

    all three of them were vanilla Innocents, ie, just people that can vote, with no extra abilities. Hey, it was Mafia 1 and it was just a test run
  13. hehe I was just re-checking out Good Ol Mafia II ;D In the newer Mafia games you guys have started and played, have there been any big realizations, advancements, tips, etc, mostly about game mechanics and balance and stuff? Just curious, cuz sometime in the distant future I'm still planning on hosting Mafia VII
  14. ~~~ Round Eight ~~~ Frost Freeze - Frozen Shield - CL Curse - PG, Frozen Coup de Grace - PG Flummox - Frozen Vacuum - Dawh Quid Pro Quo II Frozen Freeze-CL Curse-Frost Curse-Frost Shield-Panther Flummox-dawh Vacuum-DMS QPQ II Cherry Lane Freeze - frozen Shield - Frost Curse - PG Curse - Frozen Coup de Grace - PG Flummox- frozen Vacuum - dawh Quid Pro Quo II Dawh Freeze: Panther Shield: Frost Curse: DMS Coup de Grace: PG Flummox: DMS Vacuum: CL Spell of Choice: RoDB (Curse 75%, Shield 25%) Spell of Choice: Hexquake DMS * Freeze - PG * Shield - Frost * Shield- frost * Curse - PG * Coup de Grace - PG * Flummox - FIF * Vacuum - FIF * Magnetic Surge - No Vacuums succeeded - One Magnetic Surge, Flummox chance 29% - Frost, Frozen, and CL all succeeded in their Flummoxes! -- Frost swapped Frozen's Shield and Curse -- Frozen swapped Dawh's Curse and Flummox -- CL swapped Frozen's Shield and Curse After Frost and CL's swaps, Frozen's spells are back to normal (Frost swapped his Shield and Curse, CL swapped them back), the only thing affected is that Dawh Curses DMS instead of his previous Curse target... which was DMS! Lol so no changes due to Flummoxes Next round, Cherry Lane is paralyzed, along with (and this is cruel ) Panther and PG, again. Sorry guys Back to this round, the Shields and Curses and their effect on the roster: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 5 2) Frozen in Fire - 3 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 0 5) Panther - 9 6) Dawh - 6 7) DMS - 7 After QPQ II's: (if you double-curse someone, you get double-cursed yourself in this case) Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 4 2) Frozen in Fire - 1 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 0 5) Panther - 9 6) Dawh - 6 7) DMS - 7 Now for Dawh's Hexquake, which was affected by the Rain of Dual Bombardment (also cast by Dawh ), to cause the Hexquake chances to be 75-25 instead of 70-30. The RoDB also has one other random effect on the Hexquake, and in this case, if someone loses 1 Shield Point, they have an x/10 chance to lose ANOTHER Shield Point, where x = Shield Points after the first loss Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 5 2) Frozen in Fire - 2 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 1 5) Panther - 7 6) Dawh - 4 7) DMS - 6 Frost, Frozen, CL and PG all gained 1 Shield Point, lol. Panther lost a Shield Point and then lost another. Dawh lost one, then lost another. DMS lost only one Almost everyone Coup de Graced PG, but she was saved by Dawh's Hexquake, probably inadvertently, seeing as he Coup de Graced PG too ;D So the final roster, with asterisks for paralyzed people: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 5 2) Frozen in Fire - 2 3) CL - 7 ** 4) PG - 1 ** 5) Panther - 7 ** 6) Dawh - 4 7) DMS - 6 Good luck in Round 9, valiant mages! I might not be around at the normal times, since it's Homecoming Weekend AND a weekend where I'm visiting my sister in college, so I'll see when I get on ;D Thanks for understanding! (That is, if in fact you are understanding ;D)
  15. nope, you never PMed a target for Coup de Grace Round Eight results coming soon!!!
  16. Yeah I was thinking the same thing a while ago, ie, "requestable infinite edit" for when I was hosting the initial Mafia games, so as to post updated roster, rules, links, etc on the OP
  17. unreality

    I thought it was gonna be on Saturday I'll PM mine right now then
  18. Yes, everyone is 40% closer to their goal ;D (10 opponents, down to 6 ;D)
  19. ~~~ Round Seven ~~~ GC (roster spot = -4) Freeze: GC Shield: Frozen Curse: Frost Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: Dawh Vacuum: Frozen Ascension Frost Freeze - Dawh Shield - DMS Curse - GC Coup de Grace - PG Flummox - Dawh Vacuum - Frozen Quid Pro Quo II Frozen Freeze-GC Curse-Frost Did not work - did not use the coflux, Shield Coup de Grace-Frost Flummox-GC Vacuum-CL QPQ II CL Freeze - dawh Shield - Frost Curse - GC Coup de Grace - GC Flummox- GC Vacuum - dawh Aqua Excessum PG Freeze: Panther Shield: DMS Curse: CL Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: GC Vacuum: Dawh Assasin Bolt Panther Freeze - GC Shield - Frost Curse - GC Flummox - Frozen Qui Pro Quo II Dawh Freeze: FIF Shield: Frost Curse: GC Coup de Grace: PG Flummox: Panther Vacuum: DMS Spell of Choice: Assassin Bolt DMS * Freeze - PG * Shield - Frost * Curse - GC * Coup de Grace - GC * Flummox - FIF * Vacuum - FIF * Magnetic Surge Round 7! It's been one week since the beginning of this mighty duel - scroll down for the ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY EXPLOSION! * GC and DMS succeeded in their Vacuums ** GC blocked all spells cast by Frozen ** DMS blocked all spells cast on Frozen ** wow * DMS used Magnetic Surge, increasing the Flummox success chance to 29% - and everyone's Flummoxes except CL and PG succeeded! Of course Frozen's didn't work because of GC's Vacuum, and the Vacuums of Panther and DMS failed because of DMS's Vacuum on FIF. So the Flummox order is: 1. GC Flummoxes Dawh's Shield and Curse 2. Frost Flummoxes Dawh's Freeze and Shield 3. Dawh Flummoxes Panther's Curse and Flummox, however Panther already attempted his Flummox (against FIF, and failed) so he's Cursing Frozen now (which fails) and Flummoxing GC (which doesn't happen because Panther's Flummox attempt already failed) so basically Panther doesn't Curse OR Flummox anyone as a result Dawh's double-Flummoxification was a bit confusing, so re-posting his stats with Flummoxes applied: Dawh Freeze: GC Shield: FIF Curse: Frost Coup de Grace: PG Flummox: Panther Vacuum: DMS Spell of Choice: Assassin Bolt * People Paralyzed next round: Panther and Puzzlegirl And now for Shields and Curses: {remember that Panther's Curse fails, all of Frozen's stuff fails, and anything against Frozen fails} Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 3 5) GC - 0 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 7 8) DMS - 8 After the QPQ II's of Frost and Panther: (though Panther's had no effect) Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 3 5) GC - 0 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 6 8) DMS - 8 CL's Aqua Excessum has no effect because Aqua Vida was not cast. Now for Coup de Graces (we'll see if GC gets hit) - CL and DMS Coup de Graced GC. PG Coup de Graced Frost with Assassin Bolt, which also hits GC since GC used Ascension. Dawh used Assassin Bolt as well, and Coup de Graced PG, so his Coup de Grace affects GC too ;D So GC got quadruple-killed Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 3 5) GC - DEAD 6) Panther - 8 7) Dawh - 6 8) DMS - 8 Goodbye GC It was fun playing with you! The final roster after Round Seven, using double asterisks to represent those who are paralyzed next turn: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 3 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 3 ** 5) Panther - 8 ** 6) Dawh - 6 7) DMS - 8 THE ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY EXPLOSION! Next round, you can pick ANY SINGLE spell from the 7 magical spells (Freeze, Shield, Curse, Coup de Grace, Flummox, Vacuum, SoC) and do TWO of that spell! The target does not have to be the same both times, and the SoC can be different too if you want. You can only double up on ONE spell ;D (Note that 7 is a magical number, and there's 7 spells and this occurs at the 7th round ) - oh and I just realized, there are 7 players left alive too! Good luck next round everybody!
  20. I agree - when I hit voting age, I'll look around at all the options Oh, and by revolution, I meant an actual overthrow of our current system of government. It may have worked in the 17th century, but after centuries of amendments, loopholes, scandals, bills and 'reforms', the entire original idea of the Founding Fathers has been lost in the endless pages of twisted law and government practices, like a perfectly wound watch that's been tweaked out of sync and will run itself down to a jarring end eventually - better peacefully than a complete upturn. We need more than just changing the faces in the senate... we need to "retune the watch", reassess the current world, and start over
  21. Define "intelligence" as you keep saying it, Ysan. What does the term actually mean? What do you think it means? Therein lies your ambiguity in this case... what kinds of intelligence are you talking about? There are so many different kinds, and they all fit together. There's no way to measure someone's "intelligence", though they can be compared in certain ways
  22. unreality

    I, Robot Enemy of the State National Treasure (the first one) Cloverfield Rush Hour 1,2,3 The Prestige Next Airplane, Space Balls, Monty Python, Naked Gun, etc Batman Begins (only superhero movie I like - other than The Dark Knight of course) Ocean's 11,12,13 and ummm... The Matrix (I can't believe I still haven't seen that movie in full lol) all the above are great movies, and many more I'm forgetting new ones, still in theater: Eagle Eye Body of Lies (haven't seen it, but it looks awesome) City of Ember (heavn't seen it but the book is amazing!)
  23. While most of the arguments in the 'Summary of Arguments' are good, I have to argue with a few of them. The Worship one, the Physical/Nonphysical and the Transcedent/Omnipotent one don't make much sense to me edit: after reading the review, and your recommendation, it looks great Thanks for bringing this book up
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