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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Once you're sure it's correct, I'll try it on my emulator, otherwise I won't (it'll freeze again). So post the definitely-correct version and then if my emulator still can't run it, it just means mine can't handle all the nested functions, so we'll have to use Taliesin's for the swarm
  2. It still tried to copy a chunk of text instead of a number, and then froze it in the next round. Maybe you'll get better results on taliesin's emulator, but I don't think mine can handle it Or more likely there's a missing parentheses or some other error that's impossible to find Which is why I'll try to re-code yours from scratch in a more presentable way. Wish me luck ;D btw since I didn't end up battling anything with the Eviscerator, I'll save it for the next fight
  3. Did you see my edit on post 155? Either way, I'll try the new code now
  4. wait I found the random m's: Swarm JUMP 3;0;0 BOMB 0;0;0 SPLIT 51;0;0 COPY com(mod(c(-2),4),0,sub(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4), 2),-2,-2);com(mod(c(-2),4),0,add(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),48),add(div (sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),25),add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),25));0 EDITC -3;com(mod(c(-3),4),0,com(sub(mod(c(-3),32),mod(c(-3),4)),16,com(exe(),5,sub(add( c(-3),1),mod(c(-3),4)),sub(add(c(-3),2),mod(c(-3),4)),sub(add(c(-3),2),mod(c(-3),4)) ),add(add(sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),32)),mod(c(-3),4)),16),add(c(-3),4)),com(mod(c(-3),4),1,c om(exe(),5,com(mod(add(sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),32)),1024),1600),160,add(mod(add(sub(c(-3) ,mod(c(-3),32)),32.7),1600),mod(c(-3),32)),add(mod(add(sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),32)),22 4),1600),mod(c(-3),32)),add(mod(add(sub(c(-3),mod (c(-3),32)),448),1600),mod(c(-3),32))),sub(add(c(-3),2),mod(c(-3),4)),sub(add(c(-3),2),mod(c(-3),4))), com(mod(c(-3),4),2,sub(add(c(-3),3),mod(c(-3),4)),com(mod(sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),32)), 1600),1376,sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),4)),sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),4)),com(mod(add(sub(c(-3), mod(c(-3),32)),1024),1600), 160,add(mod(add(sub(m,mod(m,32)),224),1600), mod(c(-3),32)),add(mod(add(sub(c(-3),mod(c(-3),32)),224),1600),mod(c(-3),32)),add(mod(add(sub(c(-3), mod(c(-3),32)),448),1600),mod(c(-3),32)))),0,0),0),0);0 JUMP com(mod(c(-4),4),2,-3,-2,-2);0;0 edit for Fool: sorry man, my emulator doesn't have any "if you rerun something x times quit" or anything, so you'll need to replace those m's with what they're supposed to be and stuff before I can do anything. I think they might be part of the problem, if not all of it, so once you get rid of those and replace with what it's supposed to be, re-post or re-PM the code so that I can run it again Also, if you PM me with an in-depth description of how it works (I won't cheat, don't worry The Eviscerator is already set in stone) I think I could come up with a few ideas - if not new commands lol - to size it down a bit. Just because you didn't see any other options to do the same thing with the same level of efficiency doesn't mean I can't - I created VNA code after all ;D If you don't PM me I'll be forced to actual decipher it myself hehe
  5. I tested my Eviscerator vs your Swarm, and I was actually on the verge of beating you But then the Swarm froze up my emulator... first of all, somehow it copied an actual function into the BOMB's c value, which is impossible, I think - mine evaluates the function to be copied into one number, which is entered. That's how the VNA works. But since it copied a chunk of text into the cvalue, I'm thinking it gave up and just plopped the rest of the function. Also I forgot to hand-edit your exe() function, cuz in mine I used a value of 1 or 2 inside to denote which player so when I enter the programs into the emulator I put a single input into exe(). After my computer is done rebooting after its freeze-up, lol, I'll enter the exe value and hopefully that will fix the weird m's that are just showing up within the functions like this: add(m,add(mod(etc...) Do you know what an 'm' is doing in there? I couldn't figure out where it came from since I didn't know where the bomb's cvalue suddenly came from lol My other comp should be rebooted by now, I'll try again
  6. No it doesn't. Also, sorry about my inbox being full, it's clear now if someone wasn't able to send me anything
  7. For reference, there's about 23 and a half hours til the end of Round Five, give or take a few. If the majority of people haven't PMed by that time I may double the time, cuz it's a double round ;D hehe
  8. Post 69 - Round Four Summary watch out for Round Five, the Double Round ;D
  9. ~~~ Round Four ~~~ GC (roster spot = -6) * Freeze - Frost * Shield - PG * Curse - foolonthehill * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox - dawh * Vacuum - Mekal * Ascension Frost Freeze - Frost Shield - CL Curse - Frost Coup de Grace - Frost Flummox - Frost Vacuum - Frost Quid Pro Quo II Dragonjest22 * Freeze - Foolonthehill * Shield - Frozen * Curse - Panther * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox - CL * Vacuum - Mekal * Vacuum Warp - 70% by, 30% on Foolonthehill Freeze - FiF Shield - DMS Curse - Dragonjest22 Coup de Grace - Mekal Flummox - Dawh Vacuum - Me SoC - Vacuum Warp 70% that it absobs spells on me. Dawh Freeze: Dragonjest22 Shield: GC Curse: PG Coup de Grace: foolonthehill Flummox: DMS Vacuum: Frost Spell of Choice: Aqua Vida * No Vacuums succeeded * No Magnetic Surges: Flummox chance 25%, only Fool's Flummox succeeded, switching Dawh's Flummox and Curse, which means Dawh is cursing DMS instead of PG * People Frozen next turn: Fool, FIF, Dragonjest22 after Shields and Curses: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 1 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 7 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 3 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 8) foolonthehill - 2 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 After Frost's Quid Pro Quo II: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 0 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 7 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 3 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 8) foolonthehill - 2 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 After Dawh's Aqua Vida: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 7 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 3 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 8) foolonthehill - 2 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 and then no Coup de Graces have any affect. So the final roster after Round Four, with double asterisks for paralyzed people: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 5 ** 3) CL - 7 4) PG - 7 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 3 7) Dragonjest22 - 3 ** 8) foolonthehill - 2 ** 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 Next round, Round Five, is a Double Round, where uber amounts of energy are coursing through the duel chamber - so much that all Curse spells count as x2 (thus Curse spells subtract 2 SPs but Shield spells still only give 1), and it takes exactly 2 Freezes to paralyze someone (not 0, not 1, not 3, not 4, has to be exactly 2). Also in the Double Round, all Coup de Grace spells have a 50% chance to succeed if the target still has 1 Shield Point left (Coup de Grace has a 100% chance if the target has 0 of course). As you can see, it'll be a dangerous and deadly round Don't miss out
  10. anyone want to battle my Eviscerator? I'm pretty confident that it can tear any program to shreds However I'm iffy about running the 'Swarm' on my emulator, first because the errors, second because of all the nested functions... but if that's not a problem (I'll have to test Swarm in the emulator after there are no more errors) then I'll fight it ;D Right now I've got the Vagabond, the Vagabond II, the Eviscerator, and the Eviscerator (Compact Form). I'll probably use the Eviscerator against whoever wants to challenge me Also everyone should PM people interested. I talked to vimil, a programmer, and now he's interested (though he wanted to play around on taliesin's emulator before submitting a program)
  11. Round Four coming soon - only GC, Dragonjest22, Frost and Dawh PMed me their spells, so unless I get some more after checking some other topics, they're the only spellcasters in this round
  12. unreality

    Why would I tear it apart? The only thing that's BS is "ghosts" or "spirits". Aliens definitely exist, and IF there is "psychics" (doubtful, lol), 99% are fonies anyway. But for the last two things you described, "sensing emotions" and "mother's intuition", I'm with you. I don't think "sensing other people's emotions" is some sort of paranormal skill though lol, it's just being perceptive, aware, and also worrying about people close to you and stuff. With luck too Mother's intuition is a big one, though. Also when a mother's child is in danger, she becomes Superwoman ;D But this isn't unique to humans nor is it some sort of paranormal ability, it's an evolutionary aspect to protect one's offspring
  13. Oh my Zeus I just made the awesomest program ever [a new one, the idea came to me in the shower]! I can't wait to totally destroy someone with this one!!!!!!!!!
  14. I've made Vagabond II, sequel to Vagabond, even though I haven't even played with Vagabond yet Though I've made a few others too, so if anyone goes up against me and plans specifically against one of my programs, they'll get a surprise ;D
  15. unreality

    I think the same about the Flying Spaghetti Monster... somewhere, out there in vast and infinite space, is a planet made of Pasta where the great Meatball Priests hold massive venganza worship rituals for Him ;D Edit: you know I'm just kidding Or am I... I agree 100% I agree just curious, how does that work? How can someone see the future if we have free will? Does their future vision definitely come true or is it a possible future, ie, and viewing the future changes the outcome (like in the movie Next ) Well in your bible it says that Moses parted an ocean, so I would assume telekinesis comes with the package At least hydrokinesis ;D (Jesus walking on water, and Ishmael too, or whatever his name was)
  16. well Fool said he's coming back tomorrow cuz it's late for him, but tomorrow's a school day for me, and I won't be back here until about 22 hours from now, so Fool can fight Taliesin on Taliesin's emulator and I'll work on making Vagabond better for some future battle of someone vs me ;D
  17. I guess you didn't see my edit...
  18. wait no he just PMed me a new version. I'll look it over and add the proper syntaxes (semicolons, etc) before reposting it. THEN we'll duel ;D edit: Sorry Fool, but most of your lines don't make sense... your COPY line only has an a value, no b or c values, at least from what I could tell. So where is it copied to? Please rewrite it and add all semicolons for each node, even if the excess values are 0 thanks!
  19. Well I've just finished my new program: Vagabond jump com(add(a(a(1)),add(b(a(1)),c(a(1)))),0,com(a(a(1)),b(a(1)),com(c(a(1)),0,2,4,4) ,4,4),4,4);0;0 bomb 32;0;0 edita -1;add(a(-1),3);0 jump com(a(-2),170,4,4,-3);0;0 copy -3;add(a(-3),-4);0 edita -4;add(a(-4),1);0 jump com(a(-5),194,1,1,-2);0;0 copy 0;add(a(0),c(0));135 edita -1;add(a(-1),1);0 jump com(a(-2),3,add(c(-2),-2),add(c(-2),-2),-2);0;0 it's like Shielded Phoenix, but more efficient, more ruthless, and better coded all-in-all, with a wicked defense mechanism that gets directed from both possible failures, instead of two different defense mechanisms. Here's foolonthehill's program: Swarm JUMP 3 BOMB 0,0,0 SPLIT 51 COPY com(mod(c(-2),4),0,sub(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),2),com(mod(c(-2),4),2,-2,sub(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),2),-2),-2);com(mod(c(-2),4),0,add(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),48),com(mod(c(-2),4),2,add(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),25),sub(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),48),add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),25)),add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),25)) EDITC -3;com(mod(c(-2),4),0,com(div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4),4,com(exe(),5,add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),1),add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),2),add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),2)),add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(mod(c(-2),32),mod(c(-2),4)),4)),16),add(c(-2),4)),com(mod(c(-2),4),1,com(exe(),5,com(mod(add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),32),N),5,add(add(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),add(mod(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),7),50)),add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),mod(add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),7),50)),add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),mod(add(div(add(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),14),50))),add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),2),add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),2)),com(mod(c(-2),4),2,add(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),3),com(mod(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),50),43,sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),4)),com(mod(add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),32),N),5,add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),mod(div(c(-2)-mod(c(-2),32),32)+7,50)),add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),mod(add(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),7),50)),add(sub(c(-2),div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32)),mod(sub(div(sub(c(-2),mod(c(-2),32)),32),7),50)))),0),0),0) JUMP com(mod(c(-2),4),4,-3,-2,-2) look at that long line full of math equations I don't want to read through Swarm's code but I think I have a pretty good idea of what it does I'll put these two warriors in my emulator and watch em battle it out ;D
  20. Mages have no mercy - especially in a Mage Duel
  21. unreality

    On calculators all across the Internet, 170! is the highest thing you can enter, 171! always says "infinity", or in Google's case, just does a normal search I'll have to figure this out mathematically I guess
  22. I'm sure it will work fine with mine too, but like I told Fool, he should PM me his code anyway, so I can see what he means... Anyway- who is going to be fighting Foolonthehill?
  23. about 25ish hours til Round Four is over Also, if anyone noticed, there's a combination of Spells-of-Choice that can be used to devastating affect with an alliance of 2 or more people ;D
  24. ~~~ Round Three ~~~ GC (roster spot = -6) * Freeze - GC * Shield - PG * Curse - Mekal * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox - CL * Vacuum - Dawh * Ascension Dawh (roster spot = -1) Freeze: Panther Shield: GC Curse: DMS Coup de Grace: Frost Flummox: Frost Vacuum: Mekal Spell of Choice: Ascension Frost Freeze - Dawh Shield - DMS Curse - Dragonjest22 Coup de Grace - Frozen Flummox - GC Vacuum - DMS Quid Pro Quo I Frozen Freeze-CL Shield-Dragonjest Curse-Frost Coup de Grace-Frost Flummox-PG Vacuum-Panther SoC-Quid Pro Quo II Cherry Lane * Freeze – GC * Shield - DMS * Curse - Frost * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox – Dragonjest22 * Vacuum - Mekal * Quid Pro Quo II PG [Paralyzed] Panther Freeze - Dragonjest22 Shield - DMS Curse - foolonthehill Coup de grace - foolonthehill Flummox - PG Vacuum - DMS SOC - Magelore Dragonjest22 [Paralyzed] Foolonthehill Freeze - Dragonjest22 Shield - PG Curse - Dragonjest22 Coup de Grace - FIF Flummox - Dawh Vacuum - Panther Quid Pro Quo II Mekal * Freeze - PG * Shield - Frost * Curse - DMS * Coup de Grace - Frost * Flummox - CL * Vacuum - Frost * SOC-Magelore DMS [Paralyzed] * Vacuums: Frost - sucks up all spells cast on DMS * No Magnetic Surges, so Flummox chance is 25% * Flummoxers: Dawh, Frozen, in that order (Dawh used Ascension) ** Dawh mixes up Frost's Freeze and Shield ** Frozen mixes up PG's Freeze and Shield, seemingly forgetting that PG was paralyzed and didn't cast either of those spells Those Frozen for next round are: Panther, CL, and PG (again ). Frost would've frozen Dawh, but his Freeze and Shield were mixed up due to Dawh's Flummox, so Frost tried to freeze DMS instead but due to his own Vacuum, it failed Now for Shields and Curses: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 4) PG - 6 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 5 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 3 9) Mekal - 3 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 Remember that Frost Shielded Dawh because of the Flummox, and that all spells cast on DMS failed After QPQ I and II: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Frost - 2 2) Frozen in Fire - 4 3) CL - 6 ** 4) PG - 6 ** 5) GC - 5 6) Panther - 4 ** 7) Dragonjest22 - 4 8) foolonthehill - 3 9) Mekal - 4 10) Dawh - 7 11) DMS - 6 ** Paralyzed next round That's the final roster following Round Three, Round Four begins now, with two more SoC's due to two Magelores cast by Panther and Mekal: * Spell of Choice - for this spell, you choose from your diverse arsenal of magic: [None of these spells have specific targets, they affect the group as a whole] ** Hexquake - everyone either loses 1 Shield Point (70%) or gains 1 (30%), including yourself ** Magelore - unlocks a new Spell of Choice for everyone to use ** Aqua Vida - gives 2 Shield Points to the mage with the least amount of SP, if there are multiple mages of that amount then the target is chosen randomly from those people ** Magnetic Surge - all Flummoxes move up by 4%. Ie, originally they have a 25% chance. For each Magnetic Surge cast in the round, however, the chance increases by 4%. This value is totaled before the Flummoxes are rolled ** Quid Pro Quo I - everyone that cast Shield on you during the round gains 1 Shield Point themselves ** Quid Pro Quo II - everyone that cast Curse on you during the round loses 1 Shield Point themselves ** Ascension - [takes effect before anything else] during the round that you used it in, your rank is as if it subtracted 11. For example, the 11th person becomes 11-11 = rank 0. The 8th person becomes 8-11 = -3. This gives the upper hand in Vacuums and Flummoxes ** Assassin Bolt - your Coup de Grace spell is amplified to affect not just the person you selected but the person above and below them, ignoring Vacuums on either of the three targets or on you. This takes affect no matter what, even if you are one of the adjacent victims (remember that Coup de Grace only succeeds if someone's SP is 0, and Assassin Bolt just triples the Coup de Graces you get and makes them unstoppable) ** Vacuum Warp - [takes effect after Ascension, before Vacuums] this spell will affect the Vacuum-type chance. Normally it's 1/2 and 1/2 whether the Vacuum will absorb all spells cast ON the person or all spells cast BY the person. When you cast Vacuum Warp, you change the chances to 70% & 30%, weighted in either direction, which you choose (for example, "Vacuum Warp - 70% spells cast on me, 30% spells cast by me") ** Aqua Excessum - this spell poisons the reviving water of the Aqua Vida spell, causing it to take away 2 Shield Points from the lowest instead of giving 2 SPs. Aqua Excessum obviously has no effect if Aqua Vida is not cast in the same round
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