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Everything posted by unreality

  1. ~~~ Round Sixteen ~~~ Dawh X: DMS Y_X: Panther Z: dawh Panther X - Dawh Y_Z - Panther Z - Panther DMS X: Dawh Y_Y: Panther Z: DMS Dawh +1, Dawh -3 : net -2 Panther +4, Panther -0 : net +4 DMS +1, DMS -1 : net 0 Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 6 2) Panther - 9 3) DMS - 8 -1 from all: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 5 2) Panther - 8 3) DMS - 7 Round 17 up next! Good luck, everyone
  2. I'm in the process of planning (and almost finishing) an epic mafia game that puts some new twists in... hopefully there will be a time for me to host it... is anyone interested?
  3. unreality

    How many Amish people does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Yes I made it up, that's why it sucks ;D
  4. unreality

    Our Records Pamphlet -> Pirate : 3 clicks (Giterdone, RiceCake), runner up 4 clicks (Unreality, Sinistral) Fruit Punch -> Robot : 3 clicks (Sinistral), runner up 4 clicks (Unreality) Barney -> Ninja : 4 clicks (Sinistral, Rossbeemer), runner up 8 clicks (Kioshanta) Oreos -> Necromancy : 5 clicks (Kioshanta), no other attempters yet I'm gonna try the Oreo one now
  5. 18. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement. 51. If you reread your work, you can find on rereading a great deal of repetition can be by rereading and editing. ^ haha
  6. unreality

    Haha Too bad I can rip that student's arguments to shreds (evolution has lots of empirical evidence, so do brains ;D Thoughts are explained very well, and so is electricity and magnetism. But any evidence for god? None ) But I won't because apparently he's me hehe
  7. Yeah I understand it now Thanks guys
  8. Ohhhh I see. Thanks! Wow I feel like an idiot now! Sorry for doubting you
  9. Whoa, did you see my edit?
  10. for the first proof: Great so far! Okay, I see this and assume you will later prove it You didn't prove it. You used backwards reasoning. Clearly if this is true: p^(n-1) = p.F(n-1) + F(n-2) Then this is true: p^(n) = p*F(n) + F(n-1) But the fact is, you can't get this: p^(n-1) = p.F(n-1) + F(n-2) From the special case of: p^(2) = p.F(2) + F(1) Directly, at least. F(2) and F(1) are both 1, so you could use those in everything for example g(x) = x2 g(2) = 1 * 22 g(2) = F(2) * 22 "suppose this is true until n" g(n) = F(n) * n2 Which is totally not true edit: I hope I'm not coming across as mean!! I'm sure you know more math than me, I'm just having a hard time understanding this concept ;D
  11. Yes but for the second: You "supposed" this is true: p^(n-1) = p^(n-2) + p^(n-3) Then obviously it's going to be true for p^n = p^(n-1) + p^(n-2), just multiply both sides by p. But you gave no reasoning for the original supposition. It's like saying: I just don't see the logic, sorry
  12. Gentlemen, let's please keep it civil mojail: If I read it correctly, your proof is based on this: ""suppose this is true until"" You just 'supposed' something was true, and then didn't go back and back it up later (again, if I read correctly, sorry if I'm mistaken)
  13. This is bugging me, though the original equation [post 5] is hard to work with because of the ceiling function. To look at it, I think we need to look at it as digits divided by digits (the very basic definition), and see if that leads to an overall pattern... hmmm... if the efficiency is represented as: Bef(x) = a/b = c When a power of y is hit by x (y>z remember, and y & z are the two bases), b goes up by 1. When a power of z is hit by x, a goes up by 1. But the overall effect on c isn't obvious yet. I'm in a hurry so I can't think straight, when I have more time I'll think it over
  14. Hmm... so what abilities does the soul have? What factors does it contribute that the brain doesn't have? What exactly is it made up of? How does it work? Where does it come from? What happens when our biological body dies? What about before we are born? What evidence or support do you have, or is it just speculation/theory? Do you believe in some sort of god? Sorry if I sound pestering, I'm just curious about your views Connections between people don't need explanations Just because the word(s) "soul mates" exist doesn't mean we have to take it literally. Connections, love, etc, come down to basic concepts evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago, if not millions But as for "energy field", I'm not quite sure what you mean. Clearly we affect the world around us with our matter, which is also energy, but I don't think that's what you mean. Do you mean there's some sort of other, not-yet-defined "energy" that surrounds living things? If so, where does it come from and why is it there and such? (is it like Dust from His Dark Materials? ) I don't believe in "psychic" hocus-pocus, so this is gonna need a lot of justification ;D
  15. aaww! How did I miss that????
  16. Yeah you can. Sorry! CL did a good job for you, so hopefully you aren't too mad Dawh: dammit! Sorry Here is the correct roster: Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 8 2) Panther - 5 3) DMS - 8 And that is 100% correct
  17. violent pedestrian: welcome And there is no such thing as a soul, a soul isn't needed for conscious thought. Dogs are conscious, elephants are conscious. Chimpanzees are conscious. Dolphins are conscious. In fact probably all mammals and the majority of birds, and a lot of other animals, have conscious thought. Chimpanzees are essentially human, by the way. If you want more of the 'why', our brain first started evolving larger and larger hundreds of thousands of years ago, when we first started eating meat. Brains require lots of energy, and you can't get that from nuts and berries. As soon as our diet began to shift to the carnivorous side, our brain began to get more vast and complex, connected in more and more places. It's not necessarily how big the brain is, but how much of it is useable, and what the various areas connect to in the body and in other parts of the brain, etc. If you're looking for consciousness, the hypothalamus itself controls almost all of our emotions. A little bit to the side are areas that release chemicals for sexual desire, and in another part of the brain (yes a different area than lust ), various neurotransmitters (which are like little chemicals released across the synapse between two neurons) gives us the feeling of love/beauty/attachment, etc, which we need to form strong ties and pass along our genetics [evolutionarily-speaking], etc. The more I learn about the brain in Psychology class, for example, the more it becomes impossible to separate the concept of "soul" from the brain itself. Emotions (happiness, anger, love, jealousy, and more - every single one), feelings of success and failure, memories, instincts, self-awareness, sensation/perception, complex thought and decision-making analysis, stimulus processing, body control, kinesthesia, pain, etc - all of these things are proven to be part of the brain and well known how they work, and can be affected by stimulating different areas. Now imagine a soul, some separate entity, and remove the soul from the brain. What do you have now? What is the soul? No emotions, no memory, no instincts, no language ability, no creativity, no self-awareness, no pain, no love - it cannot be any of those, because those are properties of the brain. What then can the soul possibly represent? I just found a good article, however I've only read the first two paragraphs so far, it seems good though so far. Sorry if it's not http://www.peterrussell.com/SCG/EoC.php
  18. I'm not actually playing, just throwing that out there
  19. (1) Prometheus Jabberwock, 1.618033989 years old, Male, Ancient Greek, Secret Agent, Pantheist, Everywhere (2) Disgustingly ugly, covered in boiling splotches and massive pus-filled welts (3) Murder (back of the head execution style), Restisting Torture, and Croquet (4) Live to the age of 2.718281828459045 (5) Good personality and glittering blue eyes like the sapphire depths of an azure mountain pool (6) I'd like to add 2+2, and get 4
  20. dawh: oh yeah, thanks -1 from all Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 9 2) CL - 5 3) DMS - 6 Panther and CL: well despite Panther's claim, I got a PM from CL for the next moves, and none from Panther So I'll use CL's moves from now (and why are you 'not thrilled', CL? You volunteered yourself when you noticed Panther was inactive, we never 'agreed' on anything. And you were dead before! Jesus. I can never please anyone in these games ;D - and you should've played as if you were actually that person [which you did do, thanks!] not as a temporary person just trying to get revenge on previous alliance betrayals which is what you implied you would've done in post 156. I'm not trying to be a bad host, but it's darned hard when people keep dropping out, getting replaced, and then coming back on. Hopefully you can understand that Panther deserves his spot back, as he's made it this far - provided he can keep it this time of course. If he's inactive for round 16, you'll get his spot, permanently, no matter what. How's that? ) anyway... ~~~ Round Fifteen ~~~ Dawh X: Panther Y_Y: DMS Z: dawh Cherry Lane X: DMS Y_Z: Cherry Lane Z: Cherry Lane DMS X: Dawh Y_Z: DMS Z: DMS Dawh +1, Dawh -1 : net 0 CL/Panther +2, CL/Panther -0 : net +2 DMS +4, DMS -1 : net +3 Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 9 2) CL - 7 3) DMS - 9 -1 from all Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 8 2) CL - 6 3) DMS - 8 Round 16 up next! And sorry for earlier misunderstandings, people Duel Master: Unreality 1) Dawh - 8 2) Panther - 6 3) DMS - 8
  21. Jeez, calm down dude... It's always around the same time, 3:00 - 3:45ish You posted at 6 minutes to 5'o'clock. But don't worry about it - if you want, you can jump back in as I said in post 151 But screaming at me doesn't help. Round 14 wasn't earlier, in fact it came later than usual
  22. unreality

    Nice! That beats my venice route to get 4 ;D on to the new problem: 4 clicks!!!
  23. unreality

    Still doing the pamphlet one, I just did it in 5 clicks oh wait a minute that's 4!!! Yes! Ha! I tied Sinistral
  24. unreality

    I assume that editing the page and adding a link to the Pirate page isn't allowed ;D Sinistral: damn you beat me by 2 clicks.... How did you do it?
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