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Everything posted by unreality

  1. btw I'm working on another zarball riddle, that deals with the game itself
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot that you had gotten that near-20%. woops lol. Yours is still the highest ;D it probably is the highest overall, though you never know
  3. bonanova was my formula correct? (in my most 3 up from this one) come to think of it, were we all right? You never confirmed it
  4. I have a new strategy which I think might work pretty good, I'm testing it out now
  5. unreality

    A darklight, for making photos in (that's what the room is called, right?) football... two opposite shapes. you can do that with basketball too, lol Though I guess foot and ball aren't opposites, so nvm. Ummm... catfish? I dunno, this is hard ;D
  6. What I did is I pitted the Jester against the King (guaranteed knockoff the hardest guy there, the King) and the Peasant against the Prince (ensuring that the Peasant moved on to play the Jester and beat him, before going up against me in the finals, giving me a 1/2 chance). Remember there are two absolutes- the Jester and the Prince (though the Prince has no exceptions, he just sucks at zarball )
  7. unreality

    lol I'm with ya there, jkyle ;D
  8. unreality

    x0 = xa / xa where a is any number, in the case of 0 it doesn't matter, you might as well use 1 for a (you just cant use 0) so: x0 = x1 / x1 x0 = x / x 00 = 0 / 0 it's simple exponents. 50 = 51 / 51 = 5 / 5 = 1 or 50 = 52 / 52 =25 / 25 = 1 etc it's simple exponents. The number that is the actual exponent isn't a real number 53 is just 5*5*5 we only base the "quick-rule" property of 0^0 based on the fact that ALL NUMBERS EXCEPT 0 are 1 when divided by themselves I'm not gonna speak for programming languages and stuff, they obviously are gonna make it whatever is best for programming with that language. Though if you're asking what it is at its core, it's 0/0
  9. The king is 3x better than you, correct? (since you can beat him 1/4 of the times). So can the Jester only beat the King 1/3 of the times? <-- that's what you're asking, right? Yeah, that can get tricky cuz you're not sure how good the Jester is in relation to everyone else. I should have clarified about the Prince and Jester: Everyone beats the Prince. And the Jester beats everybody (excpet the Peasant of course) and you're welcome for the riddle I have yet to look at your spoilers and see what you did to beat 7/54 (which I'm sure as possible, I just didnt have enough time lol) edit: I just checked, nice strategy of assigning "strength points"
  10. unreality

    0^0 = 0/0 so it's whatever you think 0/0 is. This isnt really a riddle... yes there are laws like the ones you stated in your OP as 'quick laws' to help people out such as yourself who don't understand what setting something to the zeroeth power actually means (sorry lol, but you should look it up or type it into your calculator ) there are other 'quick laws'... all with exceptions. If they didn't, 0/0 would be 1, judging by the 'quick laws'. And maybe it is. But as Aatif said, it is indeterminate
  11. unreality

    Yeah I got 18 as well (in my post I forgot to add B, C, D, E, and K to my final list but they were in my original lists)
  12. brhan look at the bolded part in my OP: your solution doesn't work ;D
  13. unreality

    bolded letters are used more than once (bolded so that they aren't counted more than once) cut down the middle: A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y cut across the center: B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, X rotational: H, I, O, X, Z, S So the total list: A, B, C, D, E, K, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, S 18 letters edit: oops i didnt add BCDEK ;D
  14. Yeah me too... I think it just means HIGHLY LIKELY... but out of 8 dice rolls, how can you get 9 sixes? etc. It's confuding... like when something has a 200% chance of happening... wtf? lol. I never said I knew the answer to my follow up questions hehe. Though I'm with you in that the 1/2, 1/2, 1/8 is better than the 1/4, 1/4, 1/4
  15. unreality

    Yes I do. 0^0 = 0/0 that's a fact. You cant dispute that. So it's whatever you think 0/0 is it could be 1: 1*0 = 0 so 0/0 = 1 or it could be 5 5*0 = 0 so 0/0 = 5 lol. Many say that 0/0 is infinity. That's probably also true. It can also be 0. But 0^0 is 0 to the first power divided by 0 to the first power... or 0/0 it could also be 0 squared divided by 0 squared... or 0/0 etc. You should read up on powers and exponents before arguing against that. I am correct when I say that 0^0 is 0/0. However, what is 0/0, that is the question
  16. Any get a better chance than 7/54?
  17. unreality

    0^0 is NOT 1 it is undefined. 0^0 = 0/0 = undefined. However 0/0 does have a variety of values (negative infinity, 0, infinity, complex plane infinity of any angle, or any number on the complex plane if you reverse multiplication-by-0 rules) anyway, all that side, raising something to the power of 0 means dividing it by itself... yes, that would be 1, for everything EXCEPT 0
  18. My own solution: As for multiple solutions:
  19. There's enough time for everybody to regain their strength between matches. The chances given remain the same throughout the entire Tournament
  20. unreality

    If he really is as effing amazing as everyone says, He would have had the idea forever, right? I think the OP is more of asking... "why? why did he wait?" not "when?" but I dont really know. I dont believe in God so I dont need to fret over some of the paradoxes like this that pop up ;D
  21. as for the rectangles, this includes squares, right?
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