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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia II

    Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening The Blue Octane "DANGER" urged a sign taped onto the blue octane tank. "CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE. NO SMOKING. HIGHLY FLAMMABLE" Dnae was worried about his octane tank as a particularly close bolt of lightning seared across the sky. What if the lightning hit the octane tank??? He rushed outside, running through the hissing rain and booming thunder. Wind whipped his hair into a cyclone and the trees waved back in forth as if their roots were caught in a blender. Finally he arrived at the tall blue octane tank, and wondered what to do with it. The Mafia had already decided. A sniper's bullet pierced the tank, and Dnae had a yoctosecond (a very small unit of time) to realize what happened before the tank exploded into a massive fireball, blasting outward with force that paralleled the mighty storm that continued to rage on, even after Dnae's yard was turned into a smoking crater, his body nowhere to be found, his house in ruins, flickering with flames that hissed as the rain pounded them relentlessly. Across town, the Doctor (waiting by a quiet house) turned in confusion. What was that noise?
  2. the Church of the Black Hole lol. Or Dark Matter Worship Center or maybe [nuclear wasteland]
  3. Italy!!! (one of my favorite places, though I've never been there lol ;D) good luck setting up your website. If you need help with games or game ideas (I love games of any and all kinds) just give me a PM ;D
  4. unreality

    Mafia II

    I already discussed it with the Vigilante, and I've decided to revoke the idea it's as it was before ;D (not that it had ever changed, it was just a possible idea ) anyway, there has been some recent confusion about day/night even/odd The time of day or date in any part of the world at any time has no affect on Mafia! When I say "day" or "night" in Mafia, I mean the day-night cycles of the game. Odd nights are 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. Even nights are 2nd, 4th, 6th. Odd days are- okay I think you get the idea real-life-time-or-date doesn't matter. Currently it is the FIRST (thus odd-numbered) night in Mafia, and I still need the Doctor's reply and Mafia's consensus
  5. good guess, but no ;D
  6. unreality

    Mafia II

    btw, I still haven't got a Mafia consensus or the Doctor's PM
  7. unreality

    Mafia II

    I'm proposing a rule change for the Defender, tell me what you think... Defender: the normal rule is that while the Defender is alive, the Vigilante cannot die no matter what, getting out of every potential fatal situation my adjustment idea: Defender: while the Defender is alive, the Vigilante gets out of every lynching (cannot die during the day) however, if the Vigilante is targeted at night, the FIRST time this happens, the Vigilante gets out of it, but the SECOND time this happens, the Vigilante messes up and would die, except the Defender dies in place of the Vigilante, taking the bullet. After that, the Vigilante is vulnerable good idea? or no?
  8. "They'll really be after us now," Drone muttered, impressed at the abilities of the Antivirus Software. "Do you think you could hold off an entire army of them?" He sounded hopeful, but he doubted it was possible. "It's either stay, and let them rush us with a massive legion, or get the hell out of here..." he concluded, looking around. Above, the sky was darkening and a wind was kicking up. Drone thought he saw a lightning bolt flash on the horizon. A monsoon was coming from the edge of the southern sea, sweeping into the peaceful world of Epsilon.
  9. yeah that was the intention
  10. (too many quotes, more than allowed, so I'm replacing the square brackets [] with curly brackets {}) {quote name='magooo' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:18 PM' post='44538'} a new car? {/quote} no ;D {quote name='OoJoBoogieoO' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:31 PM' post='44541'} is the answer cell phone towers? {/quote} nope ;D {quote name='puzzlegirl' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:33 PM' post='44543'} okay then, what about...an atom {/quote} no ;D {quote name='Alyanna' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:33 PM' post='44544'} The high and mighty writer of riddles! tongue.gif {/quote} nope sorry ;D {quote name='Jahudo' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:37 PM' post='44546'} the first part sounds like a binary code on a computer. {/quote} no, but getting warmer {quote name='Alyanna' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:41 PM' post='44548'} {/quote} very very very close ;D (too complicated actually, chop off the last bit) {quote name='wakejon' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:42 PM' post='44549'} werewolf accountant! {/quote} lol nope ;P {quote name='Alyanna' date='Jul 2 2008, 12:46 PM' post='44550'} A priest on Bingo night. rolleyes.gif {/quote} no {quote name='Swervin Kervin' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:00 PM' post='44558'} Jupiter (the planet) {/quote} nope. The space/sun/planet thing was supposed to be a throwoff ;D {quote name='riddler' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:07 PM' post='44560'} What about just a plain old computer or reallly computer screen... {/quote} no, but close {quote name='pw0nzd' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:14 PM' post='44562'} {/quote} bingo! (the answer isn't bingo lol, the answer is: ) {quote name='mac' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:31 PM' post='44568'} {spoiler="is it"}pearl inside a shell?{/spoiler} {/quote} nope neat guess though {quote name='FillyG' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:33 PM' post='44569'} {spoiler="Could Be"}People playing chess in the park...{/spoiler} {/quote} no {quote name='bohica' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:42 PM' post='44573'} 2 ideas:a comet or Bingo game {/quote} neither is correct ;D {quote name='Vizzy' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:43 PM' post='44575'} UHH IS IT THE MOON?? huh.gif {/quote} nope. The sun implication was a red herring {quote name='Lost in space' date='Jul 2 2008, 03:23 PM' post='44609'} a blue moon or a TV programme NUMB3RS {/quote} no and no {quote name='chaelpaddy' date='Jul 2 2008, 03:25 PM' post='44613'} That one in a million feeling you get looking into your newborns eyes for the first time. {/quote} nope, but that would be a good solution for a different riddle
  11. unreality

    Mafia II

    bringing some recap to this page: Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC 6) pieman 7) dnae 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl
  12. unreality

    Mafia II

    Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro A Wild Evening The wind howled through the trees of Awesomeville and swept through the streets like an invisible flood, leaving all the civilians of Awesomeville waiting in their houses as the gales roared on. Then came the rain, at first pattering and quiet, then intense and stormy as foggy grey sheets of rain lanced from the sky, pounding the pavement and drumming on rooftops. Lightning crackled and blazed and sparked outside, emitting bright flashes that illuminated the streets, and thunder boomed and rumbled, shaking the very foundations of the town. However, the night was still active, despite the tempest raging outside... The Mafiosos were meeting to discuss their first victim, and the Doctor was preparing his/her medical kit, ready to lurk outside someone's house to save them if necessary. *** The first night of Mafia II begins now. I need PMs from the Mafia and the Doctor ;D
  13. unreality

    Mafia II

    already, everyone has confirmed ;D posting the opening post...
  14. unreality

    I can see the penguin just fine and this one:
  15. unreality

    Mafia II

    alright, we're just waiting on dnae now to confirm his role
  16. unreality

    religious debate

    Maybe. But maybe you are too... maybe Zeus is- (okay I'm not even gonna get into the other-gods thing, I think you get the point ) but what if atheism is the "doughnut"? What if being free and living in a chaotic where you don't mean anything, where you are just cells working together... where you have to make it for yourself... I dunno, I just mean that you're obviously biased, you've only seen your part of the world. What about the people that suffer? What about some of the stuff in the Bible? What about the Flood? Let's face it, your God is not a good God also, we can't be blamed for not believing in God if "he doesn't live in our hearts" like he lives in yours, know what I mean? So we're going to hell now? (another attribute of a not-nice god) also, pulling out the "millions = christians" card doesn't help. There are millions of atheists too. And millions of other religions. In fact, I don't even think that Christianity is the majority religion of the world, though I could be wrong
  17. nope nice guess, though ;D
  18. unreality

    Mafia II

    they'll probably (hopefully) PM me today sometime, then I can post the opening post (different from the Intro post ) Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro
  19. unreality

    religious debate

    and, furthermore, if God hasn't shown himself to us (he hasn't) like he has to you, it's not our fault for not believing, when we don't have proof, and the assertion itself goes against all evidence/logic
  20. Frost and puzzlegirl are both wrong
  21. unreality

    Mafia II

    these people have confirmed their roles so far: pieman Frost akaslickster puzzlegirl itachi brandonb scott grey cells kingofpain Nayana so we still need: * pw0nzd * dnae
  22. yeah it's not a role-playing game, however it is a game where we play roles lol
  23. unreality

    religious debate

    puzzlegirl, you "ignore" Zeus, don't you? HOW CAN YOU IGNORE ZEUS'S EXISTENCE! lol, see where I'm going with this? It's not possible to prove a God logically, so why don't you tell us (please) how he speaks to your heart, and how you know it's not your normal emotions, and how you know it's God, instead of Zeus or Buddha. Until then, your assertions that God exists have little credibility
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