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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I followed a link from the Wikipedia picture summary to a page from where a followed a link to here: http://www.yoism.org/?q=node/71
  2. unreality

    yeah I get it now I'll probably actually sit down & solve it later, though ;D good riddle! 5*
  3. I'll wait til 1 or 2 more people answer
  4. yep that was an easy one should I start the next one now or wait for more people to get the first one?
  5. unreality

    I tried replying to the OP to get the symbols that make the emoticons (ie, a colon and a left parentheses make a smiley face, and you said something about "ignoring the colons and semicolons" which make the eyes of the smilies) am I on the right track?
  6. [these Adventures will have both easy and hard riddles, logic and math and word, etc, and all go in this topic] A Braindenizen had just emerged from the underwater depths after solving a complex fish riddle. He found himself late for the Rookie1ja's Brainden Party and went to ask the nearest Logical Beings what date it was (ie, what day of the week). Unfortunately, the nearest Logical Beings were the Lyin' Lion (who lies all the time) and the Hoppy Hare (who only lies on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), and tells the truth otherwise). When he asked them the dates, the Lion said: "It's Thursday." However, the Hoppy Hare said, "The Lion would have been right two days ago." Can you determine the day of the week? If so, what day is it? (ps, I recall a series of riddles on here called Lion and the Unicorn that deal with days of the week, however I just thought of this riddle while boating, and I don't think it's the same, though I could be wrong)
  7. unreality

    does the "he" matter? ie, could it be "she" and still work?
  8. unreality

    am I anywhere close with this? (replacing smilies with more variables) Z - 2 * Y = D X - 34 - B - C = E W - C - ((Q - D) - (L - A) - C) - E - n = F V - D - C = G B + A + G + F + E = t * replace D with Z - 2Y X - 34 - B - C = E W - C - ((Q - Z + 2Y) - (L - A) - C) - E - n = F V - Z + 2Y - C = G B + A + G + F + E = t * replace E with X - 34 - B - C W - C - ((Q - Z + 2Y) - (L - A) - C) - X + 34 + B + C - n = F V - Z + 2Y - C = G B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t * set the top two equations equal to C -W + C + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + C) + X - 34 - B - F - n = C V - Z + 2Y - G = C B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t * since the top equation equals C, the rest of it must equal 0 -W + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + C) + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0 V - Z + 2Y - G = C B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - C = t * replace the C in the top equation and bottom equation with V - Z + 2Y - G -W + ((Q + Z - 2Y) + (L + A) + V - Z + 2Y - G) + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0 B + A + G + F + X - 34 - B - V + Z - 2Y + G = t * take away parentheses -W + Q + Z - 2Y + L + A + V - Z + 2Y - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0 * 2Ys cancel out -W + Q + Z + L + A + V - Z - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0 * Zs cancel out -W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - 34 - B - F - n = 0 * add 34 -W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = 34 * move onto the second equation, combining like terms and getting rid of the Bs which cancel out A + 2G + F + X - 34 - V + Z - 2Y = t * add 34, subtract t A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t = 34 * our equations are: -W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = 34 A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t = 34 * set them equal to each other -W + Q + L + A + V - G + X - B - F - n = A + 2G + F + X - V + Z - 2Y - t * get rid of like terms and combine like terms and whatnot -W + Q + L + 2V - B - n = 3G + 2F + Z - 2Y - t
  9. it still is "two dice" "one die" you don't say "one dice", though people who don't about "die" do
  10. unreality

    Mafia II

    wow this is a deeply spread vote, lol the three people left determine the winner ;D and of course if people change their votes (puzzlegirl: changing votes is allowed and your role- though I'm not revealing which of the 12 it is, obviously- is far from worthless, though I'm guessing that was just your defense ;D) anyway, with Frost taking his vote away from puzzlegirl and putting it on pw0nzd, there's now 5 suspects on the board lol, each with 1 or 2 votes
  11. unreality

    Mafia II

    so the updated roster: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for Kingofpain 2) Scott 3) akaslickster - voting for Itachi 4) pw0nzd - voting for GC 5) GC - voting for puzzlegirl 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for pw0nzd 9) itachi - voting for puzzlegirl 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana - voting for Itachi 12) puzzlegirl - voting for GC
  12. unreality

    I'm working on it right now. Unfortunately I already saw the answer before I started to work on it, but I'm trying to forget it and just trying to see how it works
  13. unreality

    so it's a homonym like mine? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I must think ;D
  14. firebirdaz has it ;D the answer is die
  15. someone in the posts above me has the right answer ;D
  16. unreality

    so, in other words, cease desire? suffering is bad -> suffering comes from desire -> cease suffering = cease desire I thought you said Buddhists weren't logical? lol I may not entirely agree with ceasing desire. Sure, it may help you understand the universe, but then what? If you find desire in ceasing desire, then you didn't really cease desire, you just shifted the focus of the desire I say "Braindenizens" lol or perhaps not. I think logic is written in the universe, so maybe it's the other way around. Use logic to have no logic. If that makes sense, lol ;D I'll try this sometime soon I actually know someone that can clap with one hand, lol. It sounds like someone smacking their belly, if you want the answer to the koan ;D
  17. unreality

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott 3) akaslickster - voting for Itachi 4) pw0nzd - voting for GC 5) GC - voting for puzzlegirl 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for puzzlegirl 9) itachi - voting for puzzlegirl 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana - voting for Itachi 12) puzzlegirl - voting for GC do you want to defend yourselves, Itachi and/or puzzlegirl and/or GC? it might be now or never ;D with 11 people, majority is at 6, but because we are split between three people, it's more or less around 5 votes to condemn someone
  18. I have 6 faces and 21 spots for me Las Vegas has the hots yet the answer is not "dice", I can assure you, this is no heist. Another meaning is used more, when you walk out the door, into an unknown state, depending on where you place your fate. Yet another ruse is just a homonym, when the colors change their whim, I bet you already know the answer, cuz you're probably a riddle master.
  19. unreality

    I'm a bit confused as to how to start, but I'll stare at it a bit longer
  20. well I can't see any Mafia-related words from that list other than "obliterate" and "manipulate" and maybe "rejuvenate" for resurrection/healer type roles, but that doesn't fit in the role or the specific sentence hmmm, I'll keep thinking
  21. it doesn't have to end in "ate", it was just the first long-verb ending I thought of
  22. I did one of their Jamble searches for words that end in "ate" and took the 10-letter words: indelicate, infiltrate, ingratiate, innominate, innumerate, inordinate, inosculate, inseminate, inspissate, insufflate, intenerate, interstate, intimidate, intoxicate, intraplate, intrastate, invaginate, invalidate, inveterate, invigilate, invigorate, isocyanate, italianate, lanceolate, legitimate, lemniscate, licentiate, littermate, magistrate, manipulate, margravate, marquisate, masturbate, menstruate, microstate, miseducate, mithridate, multistate, nonseptate, obliterate, obnubilate, operculate, orbiculate, palatinate, paniculate, passionate, patriciate, pediculate, perfoliate, perpetrate, perpetuate, pistillate, postdebate, potentiate, profligate, promulgate, propionate, propitiate, pyrolysate, pyrolyzate, quantitate, reactivate, reallocate, recuperate, redecorate, rededicate, reescalate, reestimate, reevaluate, regenerate, reinitiate, rejuvenate, remotivate, remunerate, renominate, repatriate, repopulate, reregulate, resupinate, reticulate, revalidate, revegetate, salicylate, schoolmate, scutellate, spathulate, stablemate, stridulate, subcordate, subprimate, superstate, supplicate, terneplate, tessellate, transudate, triacetate, trifoliate, trifurcate, tripinnate, triplicate, triradiate, umbilicate, understate, unifoliate, uninitiate, univariate, unsaturate, vaticinate, vertebrate, vesiculate, vituperate, vociferate
  23. for "the Protector must not ~~~~~~~~~~ him/her", for that 10-letter verb, I found a list of all 10-letter words lol: http://www.a2zwordfinder.com/cgi-bin/scrab...chType=Scrabble it's a bit big (just a bit ) but I've been searching in it for any relevant things... see if you can find anything
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