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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    (new page) Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn Post #245 - Dehydration and Organ Donation Post #284 - Tabbard and Tockley 1) Brandonb - voting for Ben Law 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost - voting for Ben Law 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS - voting for Ben Law 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Ben Law 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law - voting for Frost 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid - voting for Frost 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Frost
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    nobody said you were cruel, and nobody said they wanted to vote for you lol... and most of all, nobody said they didn't like you playing ;D
  3. unreality

    Mafia III

    me trying to help you (and the whole game) and confronting you about it does not mean that people are voting for you, lol
  4. unreality

    Mafia III

    I didn't see that when I posted it, but even regardless, please don't try to control things, it makes my job harder and please get the color codes right. lol
  5. unreality

    Mafia III

    (new page) Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn Post #245 - Dehydration and Organ Donation Post #284 - Tabbard and Tockley 1) Brandonb - voting for Ben Law 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost - voting for Ben Law 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS - voting for Ben Law 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Ben Law 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law - voting for Frost 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid - voting for Frost 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Frost
  6. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn Post #245 - Dehydration and Organ Donation Post #284 - Tabbard and Tockley
  7. unreality

    Mafia III

    why would you vote for the Mayor?
  8. unreality

    Mafia III

    sagekid: you aren't the host! Don't urge people to rush! If I think it's taking too long, I will do something about it. If not, don't be a d*ck! Sorry to be so harsh 1) Brandonb - voting for Ben Law 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost - voting for Ben Law 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS - voting for Ben Law 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Ben Law 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law - voting for Frost 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid - voting for Frost 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for johnson
  9. unreality

    Mafia III

    1) Brandonb - voting for Ben Law 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost - voting for Ben Law 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Ben Law 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law - voting for Frost 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid - voting for Frost 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Frost
  10. unreality

    Mafia III

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for Ben Law 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost - voting for Ben Law 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Ben Law 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law - voting for Brandonb 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid - voting for kingofpain 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae
  11. w00t 3 pages of comments ;D

    nice spatula pw0nzd :D

  12. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn Post #245 - Dehydration and Organ Donation Tabbard and Tockley Midnight A wooden sign in the shape of an anvil that read 'Tabbard and Tockley' swayed slightly in the breeze- a good sign of the soon-to-come wet season. But it wasn't here yet. Drifts of sand flew past the locked door of Tabbard and Tockley, reminiscing a quiet night. A stray jackal bounded past, sniffing the hot air, passing a dark figure that quickly receded into the night. A few minutes later, the figure reappeared and knocked on the door- tap. Tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. Tap tap. The figure waited patiently for exactly 17 seconds and knocked one more time. The door opened. The figure stepped in. The door closed. Somewhere Else LIS, whistling, returned to his flat, thinking to himself about the nice, peaceful night ahead of him. However, when he walked in, junk was everywhere and his things had been strewn throughout the various rooms, searched through and bashed and scattered. Dismayed, LIS rang the town constable, but the constable was busy with a small fire. Grumbling, LIS called the other person he knew well- the Bodyguard- but the Bodyguard was waiting outside a quiet house tonight, standing defiantly in front of the door. The Healer waited by a nearby house, hiding in the bushes should he/she be needed. He/she wasn't needed. Tabbard and Tockley, again Ten minutes later, the mysterious figure emerged again, their pockets lighter from lost gold, but heavier with a new weapon. The figure prowled closer and closer to Kingofpain's house, holding a strange-looking giant claw- a cactus blade. Look! You can see a medallion engraved with the emblem of the Quarky Secret Service around the figure's neck. The Quarky Agent crept closer to Kingofpain's spacious house. But something made the figure freeze. A darkly illuminated person standing at the corner of the street, humming a tune to himself/herself. The Doctor. The Quarky Agent hissed. If only the other QA were here, the two of them could've devised a diversion for the Doctor while one of them slept inside to deal the fatal blow to KOP. Alas, it was not to be so. The QA was one with the shadows again. Forty Minutes Later That other QA yawned sleepily as he/she checked the perimeter around Lucifer's ramshackle house near a canal in Oasis's center. Lucifer was a boat-lover, and had to make sure everything was perfect about his boat. Every detail was important. Thus, Lucifer was out in the middle of the canal tonight, making some repairs to the boat's hull. The Quarky Agent sighed, exasperated. How would he/she reach the boat? Now only if the other Quarky Agent were here, the two of them could steal and pilot one of the boats from the marina downshore. But with only one person!!! The QA couldn't captain one of the desert dhows on his/her own. Muttering, he/she headed back home, trying to think of a way out of the Quarky dilemma. Persistence, the QA thought. Persistence. Tabbard and Tockley, again Nayana walked past the locked, silent door of Tabbard and Tockley, down the road, toward the end of the street. She had been up all night, and sleep was starting to take its toll. She stumbled slightly on her nighttime walk down the street, and one might think she was drunk if you didn't know better. The Mafia hitman knew better. The hitman, waiting in a car at the end of the street, tapped his foot patiently while watching Nayana's position through the mirror. He began fitting on the silencer, not even a bit disturbed by what he was about to do. When the Mafiosos talked, he listened. And their instructions were clear. The hitman stepped out of the car and shot Nayana three times in the head. Then he got in the car and drove away. Her body would be found in the morning, and the constable (feeling guilty that his time had been consumed by a tiny kitchen fire) tried to cover it up for much of the day. But rumors spread, and news leaked, and soon the citizens of Oasis were gathered in the central square again. Their task: to lynch a baddie! *** 1) Brandonb 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae *** you guys know the drill (color codes! lol ), and also, it's an even-numbered day, which means the Sage can request how many Mafiosos are alive (not really necessary though right now) and the Spy can spy on one person to discern their role [if those people are alive of course]. Also, the Sage hasn't been requesting who the Doctor and Healer have been saving, you guys might want to tell him/her to
  13. unreality

    Mafia III

    night post coming ;D please nobody post until I post it thanks
  14. unreality

    wtf I'm American ;D lol
  15. unreality

    Mafia III

    a pattern that you see happening is that when someone is clearly gonna die, the other Mafiosos pretend to be strongly against that person too, ditching him/her to make themselves look innocent and 'jump the bandwagon to acquit themselves' as KOP said edit: I'm just surprised you guys got a Mafioso the first lynching
  16. unreality

    Mafia III

    what if you were trying to protect your fellow Mafioso by saying "he was next"? lol jk good luck next game pw0nzd, and yes you get invincibility for the first night ;D
  17. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn Dehydration and Organ Donation Sunset As the red sun sank below its bed of heat haze on the distant dunes, the angry citizens of Oasis were shouting for the death of their victim. Pw0nzd. "You idiots!" he kept snapping as they trussed up his legs and arms in scratchy ropes. "You'll regret this moment!" "Somehow I don't think so," muttered Frost, who had tied the last rope. "Brandonb and Kingofpain were pretty convincing." "That doesn't mean anything!" cried Pw0nzd. He looked around pleadingly at the faces of his friends... but they were all stony and hardened. Even his fellow Mafiosos, who had to remain conspicuous in the crowd. "No!" he yelped, as the townsfolk began to drag him toward the mighty sajaro cactus that reared out of Vital Square, spiky and spiny and rustling slightly in the rare desert wind. Then Pw0nzd's eye caught the Mayor's, who was standing on a balcony overlooking the square. "Mr. Mayor!" he shouted. "Mr. Johnson!!! Please! You can call it off! Please... please..." his voice tapered off and then they threw the Mafioso onto the cactus. He screamed in pain (a terrifying, bloodcurdling scream) as the giant spines went through him and out the other side, slick with blood. "At least... donate... my organs... to the Mafioso Organ Fund..." he gasped, before coughing and dying. "He was Mafia!" people were saying in amazement. As the sun sank even lower into the bronze sands, a group of nomads bolted into the square, dragging with them a cloth-clad figure with a high turban and a machine gun. "What's the meaning of this???" Mayor Johnson boomed. One of the nomads began jabbering in some forgotten language, so Tman, who was an avid learner of languages, began to translate: "We found him in the desert, dehydrated and dying, Lord Mayor. He had been wandering for days!" The dying man was flipped over, and people saw the sash of bullets across his chest. "The Desert Warrior," murmured Nayana. "So that's where he's been!" Tman pulled away the turban, and the face of Ploper was revealed, already dead from the unrelenting sun and lack of water. Later, as the two bodies were being cremated (there was no way you could bury bodies in Oasis, out here in the desert), the moon had risen again, and the Mafia were plotting their next kill. Among the spires and tangled alleyways of Oasis, the Doctor and Healer were packing their things, getting ready for that. Likewise was the Bodyguard. The Grim Reaper was sharpening his/her scythe. The Illusionist was taking deep breaths, preparing his/her powers. And the QAs were separately plotting their nighttime kill, hoping they would meet somewhere in the fountains and statues of Oasis's plazas. If any of those people are alive, that is. *** 1) Brandonb 2) pw0nzd - DEAD [Mafioso] 3) Frost 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper - DEAD [Desert Warrior] Dehydration 19) sagekid 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae
  18. unreality

    Mafia III

    that settles it, I think
  19. unreality

    Mafia III

    woops Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for pieman 6) kingofpain - voting for pw0nzd 7) Scott - voting for Lucifer 8) Grey Cells - voting for Lucifer 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS - voting for pw0nzd 11) pieman - voting for pw0nzd 12) Nayana- voting for pw0nzd 13) Lucifer- voting for pw0nzd 14) dawh - voting for Ravi 15) johnson - voting for Ravi 16) tman - voting for pw0nzd 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Lucifer 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  20. then you'll fit right in ;D there's a surprising number of atheists here (maybe it's cuz we're all smart & logical lol jk). And what's wrong with living in the Middle East? There's such a stereotype about, IMO...
  21. unreality

    Mafia III

    nope just everyone Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for pieman 6) kingofpain - voting for pw0nzd 7) Scott - voting for Lucifer 8) Grey Cells - voting for Lucifer 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS - voting for pw0nzd 11) pieman - voting for pw0nzd 12) Nayana- voting for pw0nzd 13) Lucifer- voting for pw0nzd 14) dawh - voting for Ravi 15) johnson - voting for Ravi 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Lucifer 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  22. unreality

    Mafia III

    well it's tied up, and Ploper hasn't been active, so I guess it comes down to SM ;D (and to people changing their votes if necessary)
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