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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for pieman 6) kingofpain - voting for pw0nzd 7) Scott - voting for Lucifer 8) Grey Cells - voting for Lucifer 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS - voting for pw0nzd 11) pieman - voting for pw0nzd 12) Nayana- voting for pw0nzd 13) Lucifer- voting for pw0nzd 14) dawh - voting for Ravi 15) johnson - voting for Ravi 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Lucifer 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper it's not that hard to do the color coding people!! lol here's the code that produced the above roster: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 2) pw0nzd - voting for [color=yellow]dawh[/color] 3) Frost - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] [color=grey]4) Itachi - DEAD[/color] [color=#002222][?][/color] [color=grey]Killed by Mafia[/color] 5) akaslickster - voting for [color=cyan]pieman[/color] 6) kingofpain - voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 7) Scott - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] 8) Grey Cells - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] 9) Ravi - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] 10) LIS - voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 11) pieman - voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 12) Nayana- voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 13) Lucifer- voting for [color=blue]pw0nzd[/color] 14) dawh - voting for [color=orange]Ravi[/color] 15) johnson - voting for [color=orange]Ravi[/color] 16) tman - voting for [color=yellow]dawh[/color] 17) Ben Law - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for [color=red]Lucifer[/color] 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for [color=purple]Ploper[/color] btw, dawh, your post had some of the most logical reasoning so far (I'm not saying it was right, I'm just saying it was good reasoning and stuff, and I'm not saying it was wrong either)
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    wow I didn't think it was possible to f*ck up the color codes so much don't worry, Unreality has come to save the day! (in a second)
  3. Brandonb: Nice idea! There are lots of variants of this too... I shall think
  4. I wasn't looking at graphically, just arithmetically ;D ie, the number part of it. Obviously it's a rotated square (I even pointed that out in the OP )
  5. unreality

    Mafia III

    holy spatulas! a new page Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott - voting for Lucifer 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for pw0nzd 15) johnson - voting for Ravi 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Lucifer 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  6. unreality

    Mafia III

    uh, yeah ;D everyone votes
  7. unreality

    Mafia III

    once I came back after sleep and a 4th of july party and there were 12 new pages lol (in Mafia II)
  8. unreality

    Mafia III

    (new page) Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for pw0nzd 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Lucifer 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  9. unreality

    Mafia III

    lol you're quitting? then fine... either quit or don't quit, but decide right now. I, as the Host, need to know
  10. unreality

    Mafia III

    lol no need to be so rushed. It's nighttime for many people, and lots haven't even gotten on to vote. Trust me, it could go a million different ways by the time the lynching is set in stone ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia III

    1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi - voting for Lucifer 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for pw0nzd 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper it seems Lucifer is on the chopping block... Lucifer, whenever you read this, any self-defense? with the amount of people being voted for, I'm thinking that ~8 may be a majority, not sure though
  12. unreality

    Mafia III

    if you're online and seeing this (such as esj and Ravi) you should vote, as to quickify this first lynching- the first is always the toughest since there's so little to go on
  13. hmmm, good idea! I'll have to think about that one on a different note, some plans for Mafia IV: 19 people: 7 baddies, 12 Innocents baddies: 3 Mafia (no more Bankroller), 3 of a new group of baddies- probably a rival Mafia or something, 1 GR Innocents: doc, healer, bodyguard, illusionist/sphinx, defender, vigilante, inspector, sage, spy, bomb, 2 more. Possibly an Inspector for the second Mafia or something, and Sage could learn both Doc and Healer as well as how many are alive from both mafias 18 people: 6 baddies, 12 Innocents baddies: 5 Mafia (new Mafia role: Locksmith, or something like that) and 1 GR Innocents: maybe same 12 as above... or something nothing's set in stone, these are just general ideas
  14. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd - voting for dawh 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for pw0nzd 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  15. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah bear with us while we have more people, it'll be slower dnae: odd nights are Mafia (of course), DW (except NOT lol), QAs (while there's still 2, but they picked Itachi and KOP separately, if you didn't pick that up from the post), and Vigilante (who only starts killing on the 3rd night). So it was as expected (ie, that the QAs would fail the first time at least)
  16. it turned out to be "the Merchant" The XXXXX Protector: as long as this person is still alive, the 12345678 cannot be killed. If the 12345678 is attacked at night, then the Protector must not [10-letter-verb] him/her. If the 12345678 is lynched, then if that person is killed the Mayor can 1234567 the Protector's lynching instead. The Merchant: This is the player that the Drug Addict and the Serial Killer are trying to find. He/she is aware that they are trying to be found.
  17. unreality

    Mafia III

    (new page) Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for pw0nzd 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  18. unreality

    Mafia III

    most inactive players are probably: Lucifer, Ploper but that's kinda mean, don't ya think? unless they're reaaallly inactive lol
  19. unreality

    Mafia III

    updated roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Brandonb 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law - voting for Lucifer 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  20. unreality

    Mafia III

    bringing info to this page: Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar Post #111 - The Watchful Djinn 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for Brandonb 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  21. unreality

    Mafia III

    if I may suggest something, for people that want the game to move faster, you might as well vote for inactive people cuz at this stage it's all guesswork anyway ;D
  22. I just thought of an idea for the Merchant: * Merchant- the Merchant is an Innocent trader that does deals with the Mafia. At any time, the Mafia can request (through me) to trade with the Merchant, asking the role of one player in exchange for telling the Merchant one of their own Mafioso identities (all done through me, since the Mafia don't know who the Merchant is and stuff). The Merchant can choose to decline or accept the Mafia's request, or bargain for a different player to be revealed. Also, the Merchant- at any time of the day- can initiate dealings by offering the identity of a specific role (such as Defender) in return for a Mafioso identity, to which the Mafia can accept/decline/bargain. The Merchant doesn't learn the identities and whatnot that he passes on to the Mafia, since it's done through me. interesting, but I'm not sure if it'd be good in reality another * Enchanter/Enchantress- gender revealed at beginning of the game (ie, whether they're an Enchanter or Enchantress) to everyone. The Enchanter/ress can choose to, one a certain night or something like that, enchant two people so that they look like each other, and thus if one of them was marked for death the other person dies instead, and everyone learns what happened and that they'd been switched. But if none of them are in danger, nobody's notified. The Enchanter/ress can't do this on the same people 2x in a row, blabla I'm not sure if that'd be good either, it would make it really hard for the baddies to get kills, especially if the Enchanter knows the identity of a baddie... maybe if it only worked half the time... I dunno... so nvm on that one lol. I don't think either of those roles would be a good idea to use, but I thought I'd post them anyway ;D
  23. unreality

    Mafia III

    dawh: or if he was the Inspector or Detective or just has a gut feeling however Detective would've had to specifically pick pw0nzd and then from "guilty" somehow out-rule QA and GR, so a Detective couldn't be so sure of the exact baddie faction
  24. unreality

    I have one, but it's all rusted inside or something... do you guys oil your cubes up to make em really fast spinning or something?
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