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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    yep.... and we're posting our puzzle too. So there should be enough to get 8 active participants
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah- I don't think we even need to advertise. There's only 8 open slots (12 already filled), they'll go fast
  3. no.... they don't know each other's identities
  4. hehehe: Frost: hey, what did you mean by that seperate forum stuff for Mafia and the mafiosos? Unreality: *frightful gasp* UH, NOTHING! NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG NOW! hehe. Hehe! Unreality: *nervous breathing* Unreality: ummm Unreality: UMMM Frost: Nevah! Unreality: OMG LOOK BEHIND YOU! A WILD BUT SPOTLESS LEOPARD! Frost: that would be creepy Frost: but no Frost: the doors closed Frost: and my backs to a wall Unreality: oh, the wild-but-spotless leopard can fit into very small spaces, rest assured Frost: i dont see it...OMG! Frost: helpeksbdfbgbgbgf Frost: fg Frost: nfg Frost: nfg Frost: This is the leopard Frost: mision completed Unreality: good. Frost: i cant spell either Unreality: Return to Mission Command immediately Frost: sorry Frost: warp initiated Unreality: good Frost: oh crap Unreality: welco-amsdfasdfkasdf aaaah! please! have mercy---dafsdjfasdf Unreality: this is Leopard Unreality: my double-agent attack was succesffuly Unreality: I cant TYPEZ Frost: stop talking to yourself Frost: its messed up Frost: im leopard Unreality: no you're Frost Frost: no im not Unreality: you warped me back to kill Unreality Unreality: IM A DOUBLE AGENT! Unreality: IM THE LEOPARD HERE! Frost: right, right Unreality: lol Unreality: zlolz Frost: And I'm Hunting the Monkey Frost: <_< Unreality: are you hunting a monkey, or are you a monkey named Hunting? Frost: lol Frost: no, im hunting Frost: a monkey Frost: not named Hunting
  5. I know. It's so random... and not funny unless you know it...
  6. *AIM* Haha, you wish you were as awesome as I am Shut up! I've got a wild-but-spotless leopard at the ready! Hahahahahahaahahaha! Really, now? I swear I'll do it! I'll sic my leopard on you! Wow, are you that immakjdfl;adjfaljsdhfajsdhf;ajsdhfjahduaeuuuueuuadfjadjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjj *pause* This is Leopard. Good. Return to Mission Control. On my way. *warp*
  7. unreality

    rookie's Weighing II and III are similar, I think I did a search for grams +fake though there's probably more that that missed ~ unreality
  8. unreality

    I actually posted this in Mafia, as a Sphinx's riddle (it was a variant on the same riddle as this)... but that was in Others, this is New Puzzles but then again, someone has already posted it I'm sure. I'll do a search
  9. unreality

    why can't water be doubled? flowers can't be doubled either then so if I dipped a gold coin in, would it double? what if I took a cup of the magic pool home with me, would it still work? so each offered flower must've been dipped? and you can't waste any flowers? I think I get the riddle now
  10. unreality

    if a flower is dipped in the pond, it doubles the quantity of what? the flower? so wouldn't you pluck 1 flower, dip it, dip those 2 flowers to get 4, then offer 1 at each temple?
  11. unreality

    sorry it's just, I don't understand the riddle lol you say FYI....then give the questions. And you say there are 4 temples on each corner, but only 4 temples total and the flower/tree/pond/temple thing... it's just not making sense to me...
  12. unreality

  13. unreality

    there are 16 temples?
  14. unreality

    Jibily, the pigpens include all pigs within them- it doesn't matter if there are other pigpens inside the pigpens
  15. unreality

    haha I got all the "lateral" solutions but missed the "logical" one... darn ;D
  16. unreality

    hehe guard is only awake for 5 minutes a day. sleepy guard ;D
  17. unreality

    another solution is to use a car, motorcycle or bike ;D
  18. unreality

    wait til the guard is asleep, then bash him unconscious- should give you enough time though I assume this isn't a lateral puzzle? lol
  19. unreality

    great riddle ;D
  20. Ploper: it was good, very good ;D I liked it a lot
  21. this is a new rule section I added: Additional Roles: These are roles that are independent of your main role... * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. Also, if there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, I will PM the Tiebreaker and he/she will choose the winning side. If the Tiebreaker dies, he/she must PM me the identity of the new Tiebreaker * Masked Lovers - these tragic romantics don't know who the other Lover is, but if one of the Lovers is lynched, they recognize their Lover and the two die together. The Lovers, being tragic and all, consist of 1 baddie and 1 Innocent. Thus both Lovers are informed that they are a Lover, but not the identity of their fellow Lover
  22. oops: * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. Also, if there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, I will PM the Tiebreaker and he/she will choose the winning side. If the Tiebreaker dies, he/she must PM me the identity of the new Tiebreaker
  23. yeah * Tiebreaker - randomly determined by me. If there is a lynching tie, and the Tiebreaker is on one of the tying sides, that side wins. Also, if there is a tie but the Tiebreaker is NOT on one of the tying sides, I will PM the Tiebreaker and he/she will choose the winning side
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