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Everything posted by unreality

  1. WHICH CUP IS THE POISON IN? You probably know the Princess Bride story of the guy who puts the poison in either cup (which one is it?) and it turned out to be in BOTH cups, the guy had spent years building up immunity to it. Well not this time. This time, the poison involved is very deadly, derived from the fangs of a desert asp and distilled in cyanide and hydrochloric acid. It will kill on the first sip, without doubt. You are the guardian of an ancient vault, full of priceless relics. A thief comes, with a proposition. You reach for your blade, to find it gone! Oh no! You only have two options: play the thief's game, or step aside and let the thief go. Before you ask, those are your only options. Agree to the proposition or let the thief into the vault. There are other measures of protection: the relics will be safe and thief taken care of, but you will certainly be fired. If you should choose to accept: you will close your eyes while the thief pours the poison into either of two cups (which have just water in them now). Of course, the thief could also pour the poison into both, or neither. Then you choose from the two cups, and you drink your cup, and (if you are still alive) the thief drinks after you do. If the thief put the poison in neither, he retreats after cleaning everything up, and nobody believes your story. * Afterwards, if you are dead and the thief alive, the thief uses your keys and information to pilfer the vault while getting around the other defenses, thus successfully stealing the relics. The vault owner is at least grateful that you tried to stop the thief. * If you are alive and the thief dead after the drinkings, you become a celebrated vault guardian! * If both are dead, you are valiantly declared a hero (posthumously), in stopping the thief. 1. Do you accept or decline the thief's proposition? 2. If you were the thief, what would you do? The Real Problem Same ordeal, but there are three substances involved. The original poison (kills instantly), a diluted poison (gagging for 5 minutes, then death) and an antidote (can be drinken in those 5 minutes to save against the diluted poison). The antidote is set onto the table between the two of you. If you should accept the thief's proposition, you will close your eyes and he will apply the poisons. He could put no poison at all (but he won't, he wants this theft badly- remember, the thief doesn't want you to decline either, he wants to win your keys and blueprints and stuff), or the strong poison into both, or the diluted poison into both, or one strong one diluted, or one strong one nothing, or one diluted one nothing. Then you pick a cup, you drink, then someone drinks first, then the next person drinks. Whoever drinks first and gets the diluted poison can grab for the antidote first. The questions 1&2 from Problem 1 apply to the following scenarios: 1) the thief drinks first 2) the thief drinks first, but you get to see how many dosages of the various poisons have been used and then you can still choose to decline 3) you drink first, but only 0 or 1 TOTAL doseages of the instant poison are allowed 4) both drink at same time, 50/50 chance for the antidote if both drink diluted poison 5) you decide who drinks first (or if both drink at same time) AFTER the thief has already put the poisons in what are your answers for 1-5? decline or accept? (and you can say what you would do if you were the thief as a bonus, if you want ;D) also, if you accept #2, what's your secondary choice (accept/decline) for the following scenarios: 1) 1 drop of diluted poison used 2) 1 drop of instant poison used 3) 2 drops of diluted poison used 4) 2 drops of instant poison used this is meant to be a launching board for similar puzzles ;D I want to see my idea grow via other minds who can think of other clever uses of this general scenario idea
  2. people that need replacing are Sandy (comp, though I can handle em) and maybe Mekal (they joined and then dropped off the face of Brainden ) so people can still join ;D
  3. haha I like the Grand Newbie title :D

  4. thanks :D you too, for #1000 ;D

  5. those are good minorities- time to update the joke ;D "I'm a blond, black Jewish emo blind handicapped redneck lesbian lefthanded midgetdwarf albino- and I'm a lawyer. I'm the blunt of every joke." hehehe it would suck to be that person. I wonder if there is such a person...
  6. unreality

    Mafia IV

    k, we'll wait *please nobody post in this topic until I make the night post*
  7. "So then the blond says: Fire! And they do! Hahahahahahahahahaha!" the bartender laughs, and the other patrons join in. The bartender notices one girl, at the other end of the bar, who isn't laughing. He strides over and sees that she's a blond- Uh-oh, the bartender mutters to himself. I hate living in today's politically correct society... "Did I offend you, miss?" he asks. "No," she replies, looking up at him with unseeing eyes, and he sees that she's African American and incredibly short. "I'm a blond, black Jewish emo blind handicapped redneck lesbian dwarf- and I'm a lawyer. I'm the blunt of every joke."
  8. unreality

    Mafia IV

    I actually just finished writing the night post, one person I have accounted for already in it (as inactive), another isn't even mentioned, so I could post it now- or we could wait for 3 hrs 20 minutes until the night's maximum endtime, to give them a chance
  9. unreality

    Mafia IV

    just waiting on two people, they have ~4 more hours to PM
  10. unreality

    can't the spy lie, like pieman said, and pretend not to know people? lol ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia IV

    hopefully Mekal will confirm soon, his inactivity is starting to worry me. Same with Rubic/Scott
  12. unreality

    Mafia IV

    it's already started, I have most of the night PMs in already ;D
  13. and possibly other people's losses. Every role is important.
  14. unreality

    Mafia IV

    right now it's looking like: Host: Unreality 1) Frost 2) Brandonb 3) Kingofpain 4) Pw0nzd 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh 7) Nayana 8) Dnae 9) Rubic (scott?) 10) GC 11) Puzzlegirl 12) Slick 13) Kat 14) Wreath 15) Joe's Student 16) Johnson 17) Frozen 18) Sandy (javoie? taliesin?) 19) Yoruichi 20) Mekal
  15. unreality

    Mafia IV

    I'm thinking I should re-post the rules once I know who is replacing what comp, whether Taliesin is replacing Sandy or not... hmmm....
  16. Mekal still hasn't confirmed Scott is being replaced by Rubic, a comp-char, though I'll have Taliesin replace Sandy only if Taliesin says they've read the rules at the beginning of Mafia IV and have read enough of Mafia II and III to know what they are getting into, and most of all, that they understand the time constraints ;D
  17. *dnae is high* lol ;D hopefully I'll have the night PMs by the time I wake up tomorrow. The night will end in 18 hours. It's 10:00 at night right now (I'm going to bed as early as possible tonight, which means it'll probably end up being like midnight lol ;D) and so the night ends officially at around 4:00 in the afternoon tomorrow [my time], though if I get the night PMs in before that, that will change
  18. unreality

    Mafia IV

    Alright, Sandy and Scott are computer-controlled players as of now ;D confirmation waiting is officially over, and I'm sure I'll have Mekal's by the time I wake up tomorrow. Anyone can still offer to replace Sandy or Scott so tomorrow I will start off Mafia IV. It is official actually, we might as well start right now time for the night PMs! (though note I won't wake up til tomorrow hehe ;D)
  19. yeah I know. It's Scott and Dnae I'm worried about
  20. btw Wreath will be going on vacation next monday- if he is still alive by then I will pick someone to replace him ;D
  21. I'm guesstimating about 2 weeks for the game (which is pretty good for most online mafia games )
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