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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    playing the game means you agree with the rules ;D btw there will be 20 players, 8 baddies and 12 Innocents on the time-limit note, each day is 24 hours no matter what, but the night has a maximum of 12 hours, like I may post the night post sooner than the full 12 hours. on second thought, the night-maximum will have to be re-adjusted each time the day ends, depending on what time that is, so that the night post limit doesn't fall during my sleeping time
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    I've got almost everything ready for Mafia IV- rules, roles, intro stuff. Joining process will begin on the 17th, then I will PM roles, and hopefully we can start by the 20th. Or is puzzlegirl not even able to check this until the 20th? Hmmm
  3. lemonymen and dusty: welcome to Brainden Ploper: wow! That's big stuff, man. Now I'm instantly curious lol, but you don't have to say any more if you don't want to
  4. unreality

    Mafia III

    hehe yeah ;D and you played a great game, dawh. And yeah I'll be hosting Mafia IV, Frost will most likely host Mafia V
  5. unreality


    Frost: yeah same here, but the whole concept is still cool ;D
  6. unreality

    Mafia III

    Inspector has enough power/etc as it is I guess it'd either be how I have it right now (Bomb, any night, not 2 nights in a row) or not at all. I'm thinking it'd be best how it is right now, since the Bomb can't be as outspoken as it was before and I guess I'll host Mafia IV though it'd be cool if someone else could host Mafia V if we get Mafia IV to be the perfect mafia formula... hehehe
  7. why not? as long as you get on enough in the day/night cycles
  8. unreality


    all I have to say on dreams is: dreams are crazy and awesome
  9. unreality

    s/he said NEGATIVE 28 years old ;D
  10. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah it may be better to nix lie-detection all together what are your thoughts on 24hr/12hr day/night?
  11. unreality

    Mafia III

    also, in the rules so far for Mafia IV, I've had the lie-detect ability be used at night (any but not 2x in a row). No using it during the day. I think that's a major improvement
  12. unreality

    Mafia III

    Brandonb: good point. How about this: 24 hours for day 12 hours for night
  13. unreality

    Mafia III

    btw 12 more posts to a thousand! lol
  14. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah not sure if this is a good idea. I think we should all just have a no-rush attitude for the next game ;D anyway, I would still be glad if Frost hosted Mafia IV... but I will if he doesn't want to
  15. unreality

    Mafia III

    GC: huh? What move? no I did mean what I said earlier, though. I recall Frost offering to be host if I wasn't. Only if nobody else wants to be I will host Mafia IV
  16. unreality

    Mafia III

    I may not host Mafia IV, as it seems people think I'm an inactive. If that is the case, anyone is welcome to take up the reins
  17. unreality

    Mafia III

    *GC holds a struggling Unreality and Itachi away from each other as they glare* haha ;D fine *stops arguing*
  18. unreality

    Mafia III

    well if we argue enough then we might get to the 1000th post
  19. unreality

    Mafia III

    sorry bout that, but that was basically what you said ('I'm not interested in playing Mafia IV cuz you don't post the posts fast enough')
  20. unreality

    Mafia III

    yes I get pissed when people are inactive. So do you, at me. You can't have it both ways either my friend ;D
  21. unreality

    Mafia III

    thanks... you were the only person to even thank me lol. I don't think most people understand how hard a job it is to host a mafia game, and all they do is grill me about 'delays'..... *sigh* still, Mafia IV sign-upping will probably start 17th or 18th and the game will begin on the 20th thanks Nayana
  22. unreality

    Mafia III

    GC: you played a good game everyone did (if you were active, I mean)
  23. unreality

    Mafia III

    it's not just Itachi lol, it was a few people... BB included... their impatience got to me. Sorry. I'm just a bit mad that's all
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