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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I've thought a bit about it and I'm pretty confident that it's just Twoaday newbiness. Here's some general tips for twoaday: 1) do not change your vote so much (you are guilty of this) 2) if someone votes for you, do not immediately vote for them (you are guilty of this) 3) if someone votes for someone other than you, do not go with them and vote for that same person. This is called bandwagoning (you are guilty of this too) and is an extremely stupid thing to do- it's how Bb implicated you as a baddie, and later why you jumped on to vote with me so here are a few local tips which I suggest you follow: 1) retract your vote for me this instant. If you continue to bandwagon, you will be sorry. Unless you have a reason, do not blindly vote for someone. 2) Think a while and form your own opinion after watching the first day unfold to decide who to vote for If you (and puzzlegirl) retract your vote right now, I'll pretend it didn't happen. The first day is not as random as people think.... there a lot of things that can influence it, and it's stupid to go with a random vote (ie, puzzlegirl, though she might've just been pulling a Bb to see who jumped on her bandwagon- twoaday did) so for now, I'll vouch for Twoaday and we'll pass it off as his newbiness. But if he ignores my advice, i'll probably vote for him
  2. the murderer appears behind you, a looming shadow... she/he strikes!!! Dawh is dead (cuz of a wrong guess) Living players: pw0nzd, CL, tolecnal
  3. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    most updated roster, as people are messing the color codes: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb - voting for TwoaDay 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay - voting for Unreality 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane - voting for TwoaDay 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty 17) Puzzlegirl - voting for Unreality 18) Tolecnal 19) Rene83 - voting for TwoaDay 20) Sinistral Twoaday is looking highly suspicious, but I'm not sure if it's his newbiness or if he's actually a baddie. I will re-read the last two pages again and then decide
  4. how can she have a 'left bosom' and 'right bosom'? Bosom refers to the whole bodily area... ie, what I'm asking is, she only has one space to put the cards in, unless she has three, er, 'breast organs'
  5. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah, cuz that's a non-Ninja night anyways: anyone have any suspicions or fingers to point?
  6. it's the murderer that has to make three accusations, not you ;D The murderer has to make at least 3 between each murder (911 call-failures are different)
  7. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    it's before, ie, the northern lights are included in the night post
  8. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    good point. It would depend on if Frost would let it slide... but I don't think. It's a loophole, Y-san, and it would be cheating to explot it The Shaman dies when he/she uses both his abilities- it's not the kind of thing that a Doctor can fix up afterwards ;D
  9. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah the colors too, but it doesn't even matter, it's fine It was a semi-joke. Obviously I'm not going to vote for someone just cuz that ;D I'll check this thread in the morn
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I said I'd vote for whoever effed up the color codes first, but it was Frost, so now I don't know who to vote for edit: nobody else is on, so I'll go to bed now ;D
  11. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    well I can mark GC off as non-Mafioso on my spreadsheet ;D
  12. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    good idea... Aurora on the 2nd night, whoever the Shaman is
  13. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    no, the Shaman can't be "saved" by a Doc/Healer as they aren't "killed'- they die from their own abilities
  14. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    yeah I'm not a QA either
  15. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    what about the QAs? Did they all decide to not do anything?
  16. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    way to eff up the color codes ;D Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 16) Dusty 17) Puzzlegirl 18) Tolecnal 19) Rene83 20) Sinistral
  17. Saab has always been considered the "bad Swedish brand" as far as I know until GM bought them out- after that, they improved I think. I'm not much of a car person, so I don't know more than that hehe
  18. breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Pause. Breathe in...
  19. we'll put you on the backup list, don't worry ;D
  20. It's down to the wire
  21. mekal has been killed due to a wrong callin ;D only 4 left!!! Pw0nzd, Dawh, CL and Tolecnal!
  22. pyw = prove(s) you wrong Bb, CL, and pw0nzd pyw nobody pyw ;D nobody pyw ;D twoaday, nayana, tolecnal (yourself ) pyw
  23. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    hey everyone, "quiet" Seriously though... the night post hasn't even came. Please do not post: * if you're dead (nobody yet ) * if you're a non-player (such as LIS) * if you're going to post 'nonsense' if you were listed as one of those three, or know that you were doing one of those three, don't even post to apologize. That defeats the purpose- just don't post You can post all you want in the Mafia V Sign-up thread of course, post to heart's content but let's at least wait until the night post, k?
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