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Everything posted by unreality

  1. mekal (yourself ) and twoaday prove you wrong
  2. it means 'prove you wrong' or 'proves you wrong'
  3. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    *waits for night post* the deadline is within the next few hours, most likely sooner (45ish minutes maybe?) but I don't know if Frost will be on time, cuz he might have to extend it cuz he's on vacation. We'll see *waits* in the meantime, nobody should post in this topic except if it's game-related of course.
  4. oh yeah. He guessed "twoaday, floss, helipad" and is proved wrong by Cherry Lane, Mekal and dawh pw0nzd, nayana and tolecnal prove you wrong twoaday & mekal pyw (prove you wrong) mekal pyw aaaand the murderer has decided to kill Nayana! Brandonb, Twoaday and Nayana are dead!
  5. maybe I'll think of another magic trick today ;D
  6. twoaday proves you wrong
  7. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I was like "wow, 8 pages, the day must've started" ...how wrong I was I forget when this topic was started, but it can't be more than a few hours before the 18-hr night deadline, unless Frost extended it for his own purposes
  8. pw0nzd (yourself ) proves you wrong mekal and CL (yourself) prove you wrong mekal and pw0nzd prove you wrong CL, Brandonb, dawh (yourself) and tolecnal prove you wrong and no snitching from dead people
  9. just like your username... firebirdaz = Phoenix, AZ ;D
  10. yeah, sorry- I forgot she got to choose the card herself (mine would still work if the cleavaged card was picked randomly). So yeah, that does work
  11. their loss ;D The game has been moving quickly, they probably will later today... and if they don't, they aren't required to anyway
  12. CL is right ;D And before anyone else had a crack, too! nice I'll wait for some more people to solve it
  13. what you're right about:
  14. unreality

    I'm getting kinda busy, so yoktado can replace me (only a power of two are allowed right? and we can't get 16 so we have to get 8 exactly anyway ) 1) TwoaDay 2) frozen_in_fire 3) GC 4) The Awesome 5) Yoktado 6) akaslickster 7) Starfish 8) Nayana
  15. you're close ;D btw nice sig... I'm just that good at starting trends
  16. nobody can prove you wrong ;D
  17. correction: has to be in the US correction: largest of the options therefore, the answer is:
  18. In continuation of my other magic trick riddle, I have invented a new one... * I have 5 dice- 3 red and 2 black. They are normal, untampered 6-sided dice * roll the 5 dice without me looking and sum up the faces * flip all of the red dice over so that their bottom sides are showing face up * add the new red dice values to the total and this is your FINAL TOTAL * remove the red dice from the playing area and hide them so that only the two black dice are on the table now * choose EITHER of the black dice (I have no idea which) and flip around so that it's bottom face is showing up * tell me to turn around I have a 2/3 chance of guessing the correct FINAL TOTAL: how? and why only 2/3?
  19. enlightened: I thought about that already, but it doesn't work. There's no saying that "the suit" will be one of the ones that appears more than once. It could appear only once, or never
  20. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I guess now we just wait for the night post ;D
  21. preparing myself for school It's gonna be harsh. Also, the earlier I can wake up the smoother the lake is for watersports and tubing and stuff ;D twoaday and pw0nzd prove you wrong
  22. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    I just pwned your link wait not done oneupping yet Awesome song, but weird music video lol
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