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Everything posted by unreality

  1. yeah ;D check this out
  2. unreality

    1) TwoaDay 2) frozen_in_fire 3) GC 4) The Awesome 5) Unreality
  3. are those your eyes? It's weird, I have a friend named Brandon, who has like the same eyes ;D

  4. Spaceman Spiff: But what if he's expecting you to do that? DUN DUN DUN!
  5. this may just be one of my Mafia pet peeves (like color coding ;D), but the correct term is role, not job Just correctin' ya. A role is much more than a job... like, the or maybe awesome! I can't wait. Have fun on your trip lol Twoaday was talking about his personal posts, GC was talking about this topic ;D weird...
  6. HH: yes, though it can be done with much simpler work:
  7. HH: right once again, though your methods are different than mine edit: I'll add how I do #2:
  8. yes I made these up, so don't be too harsh on me Warmup Problem You have a bag with 20 smooth, spherical stones. Each stone has a 1/2 chance to be either white or black. You draw 19 black stones in a row out of the bag... what is the probability that the final stone in the bag is black? Problem One You have two bags... one with 9 black stones and 1 white stones, and another with 1 black stone and 9 white stones. You arrange the two bags into a random order, and then draw from the first one: you pull out a black stone. What is the probability that you will draw a white stone from the second bag? Problem Two You have three bags this time... one with 9 black and 1 white, one with 1 black and 9 white, with the third bag containing 5 black stones and 5 white stones. You arrange the bags into a random order of 1-2-3 and then draw from bag 1: you remove a shiny black stone from the bag. You then draw from the second bag... what is the probability that you will draw a white? Problem Three You have 3 bags again- the same 3 bags from problem two. Put them in a random order of 1-2-3, and draw randomly from the first bag. Place this stone into the second bag, shake the second bag, and then draw randomly from the second bag. Put the stone you just drew into the third bag, shake the third bag, and then draw from the third bag. What are your chances of drawing a white from the third bag? Problem Four You have one bag, with 3 white stones and 1 black stone. You and your friend decide to play a little game... you have two stones (white and black) in your pocket, and he has two stones (white and black) in his pocket. You put one of your stones into your hand as a prediction of what will be drawn out of the bag. Your friend puts one of his stones into his hand as a prediction of what color stone will be in YOUR hand. Then both of you reveal your stones at the same time. If your friend predicted right, he wins. If he didn't, and you guessed correctly, you win. If you NOR your friend guessed correctly, nobody wins. What color stone should you put in your hand?
  9. I got a spreadsheet ready
  10. prompt PMs and whatnot nvm final roster w/ backups: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) Dusty 17) Puzzlegirl 18) Tolecnal 19) Rene83 20) Sinistral BACKUPS 1) LIS 2) Mekal
  11. you wrote all the PMs beforehand? Or just the role-assignment ones?
  12. the Chameleon (and it is an okay idea ;D) would be a 'neutral' character, who switches to the side that targets him first. Ie, lynching/Ninja/Warlock/Inuit would make him an Innocent, and if a baddie group would normally kill him, he becomes inducted I doubt this would be used in a game, but it's an interesting concept
  13. if you read it again, it answers that pretty well ;D hehe CP: it was in response to Frozen wanting to know the password
  14. OMG I KNOW WHO THE MASKED LOVERS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  15. interesting- though it would need renaming, we only use original material ;D
  16. yeah: 12345 1 abcde 2 fghij 3 klmno 4 pqrst 5 uvwyz row, column, row, column... the password is: 3354114444
  17. unreality

    that's insanely addictive ;D
  18. it wasn't supposed to be a red herring, if you want to know. I was just writing, showing how Awesomeville was a peaceful and fun town, and how it was about to come crashing down around them
  19. thanks for coming on and telling us, though! Maybe in Mafia VI, eh? final roster: Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) Taliesin 8) Itachi 9) CrazyPainter 10) Cherry Lane 11) Dnae 12) Nayana 13) Dawh 14) pw0nzd 15) GC 16) Dusty 17) Puzzlegirl 18) Tolecnal 19) Rene83 20) Sinistral
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