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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    I'd also like to add that many wars, especially in the Middle East, are caused or at least fueled by religion. All of the world religions and other large ethnic groups and "banners" need to unite and stop fighting each other over silly holy book rules that were written thousands of years ago
  2. unreality

    We are selfish beings, it's in our evolutionary nature, but we've also evolved to love and be nice, because that tends to cause less conflict and people survive longer. So let's just hope that people that are pro-war lose their anger or whatever, and we can all be peaceful
  3. I PMed Kat and Brainz... waiting for their replies. Kat will replace Tolecnal if Kat wishes, and Brainz will replace ROF if Brainz wishes. When they reply back, and if I can get on the good comp, I will PM them their roles and then not wait for their confirmation as PMing back before would still be sort of a confirmation (though they should still confirm) anyway... so yeah, when I'm on the good comp and I have their replies, I'll PM them their roles and get em started (if either or both or neither is a baddie) etc, and start up the topic *hopes my dad will get off the good comp soon* edit: I'm on the good comp Hopefully I get replies soon
  4. replacements: Kat Brainz Sinistral Slick possible replacees: ROF CL Dawh Tolecnal yes, tolecnal is leaving on saturday! argh! I think I might just replace her now, not sure
  5. yeah, Dawh, CL and Pw0nzd will need eventual replacements i'm on the crappy comp right now so I have to manually check my PMs and see if ROF has replied, hang on
  6. haha thanks man :D congrats on 1255 ;D

  7. who are Paes-Bhupati? what event are they in?
  8. I just checked the paper today- Phelps has 11 gold medals, more than any Olympian ever
  9. I'd say Brainz, if he can be active. Anyone agree with this?
  10. this is what I have for backups: Backups 1) Sinistral for Dawh (maybe) 2) Kat for CL (maybe) 3) Brainz for anyone 4) Slick for anyone
  11. random posts like that (^) will not be allowed in the Mafia VI topic, btw. I'll have a moderator delete em and the person will be warned, but their second offense... we have backups for a reason ;D hehe. And inactives won't be killed at first, they'll be replaced if possible oh and it seems that ROF is inactive already, lol. The only person that hasn't confirmed (and the only person I was worried about inactiveness for). Well, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt until 2:15 my time, which I think is 24hrs from when I sent them or something. So, until ROF replies or until 2:15, this has been a nice little break between Mafia V and Mafia VI The game will start soon, today, either way ;D
  12. hey Mekal ;D so that's your real name? An awesome and unique one if it is
  13. no it was while going to the bonfire hehe
  14. the brackets were to enclose what you could use. I assumed you can use as many parenteses as required for the order of operations
  15. while biking to a bonfire party tonight, I got the awesomest inspiration for the first night post
  16. ;P okay, esj has confirmed. GC will when he wakes up I'm sure (still early in India) and Frozen will when he lands, the only unknown that I'm unsure about is ROF (Reignoffire). Hopefully he'll confirm tonight or early tomorrow Meanwhile I will make sure there are mechanical errors in my intro post ;D
  17. I forgot to add, Frozen is on a plane He'll probably PM when he lands
  18. autonav: I have two doors. One has a llama behind it, the other has an alpaca. You pick a random door and open it. What are the chances of it being a llama? Just because there are two options, it doesn't mean they are 50-50. In my llama-alpaca example, the chances are 50-50 though because you don't have any further information. Information changes probability. If you are told that there is twice as likely chance of picking an alpaca, the chances of the llama are 1/3. If you are told the llama went sick and had to go home, the chances of an alpaca are still 1/2, but the llama is 0 ("nothing" is the other 1/2). If there are 7 doors, with 6 alpacas and 1 llama, and three doors are opened to show alpacas, you have a 1/4 of picking a llama now as opposed to 1/7 before now if there are those same 7 doors, but you pick one, and three doors are opened (all alpacas, and the host specifically opened alpaca doors), the door you picked has a 1/7 chance of being a llama. The other three doors must sum to 6/7, and thus are worth 2/7 each, which is why, if you wanted a llama, you should switch to a different door, because you have new information. Information changes probability
  19. in that case, 7+7+7 ;D or 7*(1+1+1) or 7*(6-5+1*(7-5)) or anything else ;D See my post #3
  20. I was just watching a thing on the Canadian channel about the swimming arena (the cube? the Q? lol) and the various factors and properties of the swimming pool ;D
  21. GC, Johnson, Frozen and ROF are the last 4 that need to confirm ;D GC and Johnson are probably sleeping, i'm not sure of Frozen and ROF's time zones though
  22. I take it as if we must use each of the four numbers exactly once, though we can use any of the operators as many times or not at all. Right, bonanova?
  23. I still need 5 PMs ;D Hopefully I'll get em by tomorrow
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