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Everything posted by unreality

  1. hehe yeah he did ;D Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) Unreality's Notes
  2. what happens if the Mimic picks a MAFIA robot? Does the Mimic have to kill all players except himself/herself the next day?
  3. yeah. Mafia VII will probably be Mafia and Innocents with some independent characters
  4. Sinistral: I like your game Ysan: still unsure on this one. In any future games, I was planning on removing the QAs and making the Mafia bigger (and since Yakuza lost Mafia VI and their goal was revealed anyway, removing them too), making it Mafia vs Innocents with the opportunity of other independent characters to play (GR maybe, Alpha Werewolf, Beggar). Anyway, I hope your game works out well, though (1) who said the Medics were humans and (2) seriously think about making it so that 2 ppl are being saved per night either by one saving role or two separate ones. It's your game, but I think that only one (maybe two) successful saves over 6 consecutive Mafia games should tell you something ;D btw I might fashion up some M VII rules, working on them for a very long time to make them awesome and then playing it when I return to BD ;D
  5. this is a rough expansion of my mini LOST Mafia, a lot of the roles still have no abilities, may be swapped for other roles, and it probably isn't balanced, I'll just post it anyway. I'm not gonna run it or anything, tis just for fun ;D LOST Mafia The players are split into four factions: Losties, Tailies, Independents, and Others Losties (8) * Jack - spinal surgeon and de facto leader of the Losties. Can save anyone each night, no restrictions. His methods of saving including crying, pounding on people's chests, crying some more, shouting "Come on, dammit!", crying, and occasionally doing surgical procedures * John Locke - regional manager of a box company turned wild hunter/philosopher in tune with the magnicifent Island. Learns the identity of one Other each day. Knows when it's about to rain. Also, each night, John Locke and Boone search a different part of the Island for "the hatch" * Sayid - bad@ss Iraqi ex-Republican-Guard-torturer. Tortures one person every night. While they are being tortured, they cannot perform their night action and any night actions cannot be performed on them, and Sayid learns their role * Sawyer - gives nicknames to people as well as steals things. He steals from someone each night, and is told what item he receives, as a clue to their identity * Kate - center of the Jack/Sawyer/Kate love triangle. If Kate is lynched, each of those three people have a 1/3 likelihood to die in place of Kate (or as Kate). Everyone likes Kate, and her votes count double * Charlie - a musician and heroin addict. Searches for someone each day. If he doesn't find John Locke by the third day, Charlie dies of a heroin overdose. Also, Charlie makes songs all the time so everyone learns when he dies * Boone - friend and protegee of John Locke, the two of them have BTSC * Hurley - lovable fat guy Tailies (4) - the Tailies are a separate group that have a separate lynching from the Losties until they kill Goodwin, when they then cross the Island and join the Losties * Ana Lucia - trigger happy cop and de facto leader of the Tailies. While she is with the Tailies, she can search one person each night and learn if they are Goodwin * Eko - drug lord turned priest. Beats up any Others that try to kill him, with a 1/3 chance to kill a random Other * Cindy - the flight attendant. Has no abilities * Nathan - a guilty-looking guy who appears as Goodwin if Ana Lucia searches him Independents (3) - these aren't on any group, but can be added to them. They aren't part of the Lostie roster or the Tailie roster, so everyone knows they are Independents, but not which ones, and they can't cast votes or kill or be lynched until they are added to a group * Rousseau - the crazy French woman. If Sayid tortures Sawyer, he goes on a solitary trek and stumbles across her, and Rousseau is added to the Losties' ranks. Each night before she is added to the Losties, Rousseau plants a trap. If she traps Ben, she wins. If she is found by Sayid before she traps Ben, she becomes a Lostie and wins with the Losties * Desmond - lives inside the hatch. Saves the world every day until John Locke finds the hatch, which is when Desmond joins the Losties * Black Smoke Monster - kills one person every night except the first. Wins by killing Eko Others (6) Kill someone among the Losties each night. Goodwin also kills a Tailie each night. All 6 Others have BTSC all the time * Jacob - the ghostly oracle of the Others. Can learn one person's faction each night * Ben - leader of the Others. Likes to manipulate people- and thus his vote secretly counts as 2, just like Kate's. Ben can control the Black Smoke Monster after Eko dies (ie, BSM joins the Others). If Eko and Ben are both dead, Black Smoke Monster dies too. However Ben has spinal cancer and needs Jack to save him by the fourth night or he dies * Tom - pretends to be the leader of the Others. Everyone is told if Tom dies at night (similar to Charlie). Also, Tom can steal * Ethan - can kidnap one person from the Losties' camp each night- it is revealed what ROLE was captured but not what PLAYER. The Others learn of the person's role, and if it is Sawyer and Danny Pickett is alive, Sawyer is shot, and then the person is released- after learning Ethan's role. Ethan can use his ability any night he wants * Goodwin - the Other infiltrating the Tailies side. Must be killed for the Tailies to join the Losties * Juliet? Richard?
  6. Just trying to help... taking away the Inspector may fix it, though someone coming out with their role already sucks up an entire Medic, so it's still a big thing. The Medic Team is a good idea ;D
  7. Ysan, you can't limit the Healer's abilities, in fact they need to be boosted. Doctor and Healer together have only made one successful save lol. I suggest that there are no restrictions on who they can save- same person two nights in a row is fine, and they can save themselves. And the Doc/Healer should have BTSC from the beginning of the game. I have an idea, then, for your future game: * Medic Team- the Medic Team consists of 2 paramedics who have BTSC from the beginning of the game. Each night, each of the Medics pick one person to save from death that night. There are no restrictions on who they can pick
  8. yes, some of them do
  9. we already have a Discussion Thread for all Mafia games ;D
  10. 120 km is about 74.564 miles... that would take about an hour driving on the freeway. Think of how long it must take to speedwalk!
  11. Most people that have voted haven't posted on the topic, I don't think- 4 others have voted "awesome" but haven't posted about it lol
  12. I'm pretty sure this list has no repeats, unless they were done in the first page or two: Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i obi boot moot loot bit moat boat limb tool tomb tome mile tile lime time tumble lit lie tie about bout out mate mail male bait late tail boo moo too toe beam team meat beat tea eat ate bloom boom boil toil tube met bet meal teal ab able tab table lab label lube tub lob am lamb loam balm bale tale bail bat mat malt blot bolt molt mute lute blue bluet lout bout limbo at lot atom album amble mule taboo aloe alto oil lei elm emu tao loom built belt melt but bite mole tame it abet aim alb blame bleat iamb lam lame lea mite oat to
  13. unreality

    that's hilarious! lol @ this part: He voiced particular concern about the Chinese community, whose fertility rate is the lowest of all Singapore's ethnic groups at 1.14. "They fail," Lee said.
  14. for you it would "I haven't seen it or watched it", you said you haven't sat down to see it. The other one "I could never get into it" would be if you've watched it enough but it wasn't your type of show
  15. unreality

    So mass starvation and plagues and corpses in the street is preferable to controlling birth now while we can?
  16. Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i obi boot moot loot bit moat boat limb tool tomb tome mile tile lime time tumble lit lie tie about bout out mate mail male bait late bail tail boo moo too toe beam team meat beat tea eat ate bloom boom boil toil tube met bet meal teal ab able tab table lab label lube tub lob am lam lamb loam balm bale tale bail bat mat malt blot bolt molt mute lute blue bluet lout bout limbo at atom album amble mule taboo aloe alto oil lei elm emu tao loom built belt melt but bite mole tame it lot abet aim alb bail blame bleat iamb lam lame lea mite oat to
  17. unreality

    I'm not furious- but perhaps we both benefit from atheistic clearheadness to throw away common morals and look at the big picture. Maybe we would be 'bad guys' of James Bond movies. But you're not crazy... the world governments need to come together and figure out how to reduce world population. But I wouldn't go as far to murder mass amounts of people, that would be a desperate road to take- we have to figure out a solution before that becomes more appealing. I think birth restriction, especially in high-concentration countries like China and India, is perfectly plausible.
  18. LIS: the plot is sound, the Island heals people. Including John Locke. Though I didn't really understand what you were saying so maybe I didn't get it CL: yeah you would- best show ever ;D hehe you have no idea ;D They could probably drag it out forever, but from the beginning they've planned a 6-season story arc... trust me, it's such a rich and deep show I can't even explain it
  19. Sinistral, that's an awesome idea! I really wanna play it now
  20. thanks everyone I might even play M4F14 depending on when it starts ;D
  21. unreality

    how they reproduce from the beginning is important- do they "double" every "x amount of time"? It could be anything unless we have some of that data on their reproductive patterns
  22. On the contrary, it might've actually been possible, if not for you saying that the Suicide Bomber was a Mafioso- lol, BOOM!
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